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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/25 in all areas

  1. Won't see you guys this weekend, taking the son for a quick trip up to VT.
    6 points
  2. Nope me and snobunski chasing snowbows up nawth
    4 points
  3. Day 18. I could see all day.
    2 points
  4. Anxious arrival around 9 , battery light came on while coming up Blue Mountain drive. Ski first deal with it later. Lots of grooming activity on Razors, probably 3-4’ base . First run on Nightmare… so so , Barneys next…🤮Lower main had some cookies.Over to coming soon. Skiers right side country new manmade was a bit scratchy lowered my ditch expectations. Once I got there it was pure velvet and went most of the way down. Repeated a bunch and left at 10:30 . Nursed my vehicle to a garage.
    2 points
  5. At least tubing at Camelback has a little bit of snow.
    2 points
  6. Yes. Maybe tacos on Saturday. Sunday TBD
    2 points
  7. Day 17. Whitefish is living up to its reputation this season. /
    2 points
  8. Hey all, Its almost another weekend, is anybody going to be skiing blue mountain the true mountain? Looks like pretty nice weather with sun and clouds and not that cold. I’ll be out both days.
    1 point
  9. Sunday - first time in a while we have good pond ice / moto ice at the Clinton elks
    1 point
  10. Change in plans, both days fo sho and tacos moved to Sunday
    1 point
  11. I haven’t skied in tracks in years! It was really fun.
    1 point
  12. I bet you really cruise in those tracks...
    1 point
  13. I think a lot of people are gonna be coming out of the woodwork this weekend prob Matt Edge will prob be doing whirybirds on Tuts lane like a helicopter and grinding the spine like a snake in a cemetery. Falco and Spyder prob be hanging at slopeside with Charles and Enjorales cuzzin having a hot toddy scoping out some smokeshows one piece ski suits..snow bunnies. MBike is up at Whiteface having a blast with the BunSki..and I’m sure tomorrow Nastar Glenn will be asking me where Mike is lol and I have five beers left Glenn so I got you if Mute doesn’t have one for you. Schifdawg prob still hungover from Penn state game but he doesn’t miss many sausage Sundays and I have a double alarm set so I don’t miss the taco version. I don’t even have to remember to bring mustard lol unless they’re glizzy tacos.
    1 point
  14. Went to Frisco Nordic center today. Some really nice views there. It’s all wide open. 2 degrees but the sunshine felt nice.
    1 point
  15. If Blue Mountain is closed tomorrow do you want to go to Camelback? I might be able to hook you up with a 1% discount off parking and maybe we can split a stale cookie.
    1 point
  16. Well at this point they are making better progress than Camelback. But thats still pretty pathetic.
    1 point
  17. Not sure...may hit Montage or Greek peak this weekend
    1 point
  18. I once took a picture of the sign at the top of Cliffhamper that says "EXPERS ONLY" I sent it to my wife. She says you do not go down there it is dangerous but I am a really good snowboarder and I went down anyway.
    1 point
  19. Nice day at Frost with the California grandkids. After they retired for hot chocolate and Mac and cheese, took a run on Thunderbolt and Rivershot. Snow conditions perfect even late afternoon. Crowds very light.
    1 point
  20. Not much time left for this Southwest sale that ends today but worth looking at if anyone is ready to book something. I checked our Feb flight to Steamboat and gor $50 each in flight credit for the five of us. @RidgeRacer tagging you in case you're booked on SW for your AZ trip, worth checking to see if price went down. https://mobile.southwest.com/html/offers/nationwide_sale_NonstopConnect_250107.html?clk=CB617734&cbid=CB617734&pageId=home-mobile-index&datachannel=mobile
    1 point
  21. Can't wait for it to be a zoo by 930.
    1 point
  22. Correct. Plus @theprogram4 confirmed it on Camelback's website. I valiantly salute him for all his hard work and investigative journalism.
    1 point
  23. Arrived at Blue about 3:30. Was pretty firm all around but still pretty decent. Moderate crowds but barely any lift lines except when they shut the OG 6 pack down for about 15 min. Best snow was surprisingly on Challenge to Falls and Upper and Lower Main. Falls was exceptionally good, deep sugar that wasn't bumped up. Switchback is getting thin with a barespot near the bottom. Wrapped it up after 10 runs all in all JADIP.
    1 point
  24. Day 16. Well we paid for yesterday today.
    1 point
  25. Oh man the eye candy model
    0 points
  26. I heard they're going to pump water over it from the indoor water parking lot. It's their new Ice Slide water park attraction parking lot. You have to pay to park though. Then pay to get in, then pay to use the slide then pay to let them let you leave the water park. Then you have to pay to let them let you out of the parking lot.
    0 points
  27. Seems like Fail is operating snowmaking at a snails pace at most resorts. granted some of these resorts dont have snowmaking on 100%, but this seems like some pretty low numbers to me. And Hunter is 47/71
    0 points
  28. 0 points
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