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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/25 in all areas

  1. Hey All, I’m back from another fun morning at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 720am and it was 23 degrees under cloudy sky’s with an inch of new snow. Second civilian OG six pack to challenge which was run of the year..nice grooming with a fresh inch on top..ask PARidge it was good. I don’t like going to razors first cause not as consistent. Next was sidewinder which still had a little fresh on the sides was very nice than nightmare to Dreamweaver which was nice with a few scrappy spots emerging. Main Street was good on the top but some small crunchies in the middle. X-ing had beautiful fresh perder and luckily Salty left a little for the masses as he had first descent of X-ing earlier. Coming soon was ok..Back to sidewinder was getting a little slicker but not bad…back on challenge and a mix of frozen and loose granueler..Midway wasn’t great but little gap to lower Burma was nice and not that busy and I ended the session with come around to X-ing to Main Street to switchback to connector to barbs way and pretty good for 940am but so many people by this point. All in all a fun session and despite it being the busiest day so far this season at Blue the true, almost every run was good and I didn’t personally wait more than a few minutes in line. Ski most of yall tomorrow. JADIP
    11 points
  2. Came up north for a quick ski weekend with the son. It was snowing when we woke up and I think they reported 2 new inches and I had heard it snowed an inch or two almost every day this week. Coverage was really good and lots of terrain was open with great conditions mostly. We skied lots of natural bumps. I finally skied paradise which has never been open when I’m here, and we found some fun woods that we had never skied before. Our favorite spot in the woods needed a little more coverage unfortunately. Castle rock was open to hikers so we made the hike on the Long Trail from the top of Paradise and skied Castlerock Run to Cotillion to Lower Lift Line. It was a blast! We did a few laps of the north lynx terrain which was all nice natural bumps. We will be skiing Killington tomorrow and it’s been snowing a little all day so hoping for some good conditions! pics from paradise pics from castlerock
    10 points
  3. It's amazing what an inch of snow can do for stoke...not just for tightening up conditions but also mentally ...to feel like you're in the mountains. The first few runs of the day (challenge and side for me) were so money it was hard not to smile. From there it stayed good virtually everywhere. Even skied sleepy hollow glade a few times along with the ditch. Main was probably the worst condition wise. Crowds became large around 9 and despite wanting to ski more...lines beyond the turnstiles at 940 and crowded slopes were enough to wrap up a mighty fine session. Maybe the best of the season so far.
    9 points
  4. Maybe it's becuase I keep going to Florida but I thought today was the best turns of the year. The first couple were damn near perfect and for a turn you could be skiing anywhere. Even the stuff below the inch had good grip. I love the high walls on the ditch, it ruins your speed but you can get so high and slutty. Ridge was in front of me I think and his tails looked quite majestic in the glimmering snow. It got super crowded fast and I'm always 50/50 on another run but I'm only asking to make 945 before it's butts to nuts at all three lifts.
    6 points
  5. VIP line when the line guy was out making 6's worked out real well. nice job by Blue getting that going early. Ditch was fun, even skied a little sleepy hollow glades. @Boo Bear's brownies are money.
    5 points
  6. Super fun time this morning...First run down NMDW was buttery smooth..You could really lay it down...Hit it again before doin Switch and Side...Still good stuff to be found here and there..I just love how natural makes it so quiet...Called it after a near miss on Switch and the crowds got like whoa...
    5 points
  7. Biden definitely isn’t in charge.
    3 points
  8. I messaged Camelback for a free season pass for next year, and half my money back for this year since the mountain is only half open. I am waiting patiently for these since Camelback has let us all down. I'm sure Camelback senior management is now working tirelessly to fulfill these requests.
    3 points
  9. Well he’s referred to as president trump whether in office or not. I’m excited for four years of fuckery
    3 points
  10. Nope me and snobunski chasing snowbows up nawth
    3 points
  11. I didn't see anything, if your far right at the merge at main it cuts way in and is not visible until your on top of it but that was the only thing I saw.
    2 points
  12. He’s not the president yet. And camelback was never great.
    2 points
  13. Sunday - first time in a while we have good pond ice / moto ice at the Clinton elks
    2 points
  14. Day 18. I could see all day.
    2 points
  15. Anxious arrival around 9 , battery light came on while coming up Blue Mountain drive. Ski first deal with it later. Lots of grooming activity on Razors, probably 3-4’ base . First run on Nightmare… so so , Barneys next…🤮Lower main had some cookies.Over to coming soon. Skiers right side country new manmade was a bit scratchy lowered my ditch expectations. Once I got there it was pure velvet and went most of the way down. Repeated a bunch and left at 10:30 . Nursed my vehicle to a garage.
    2 points
  16. Went to Frisco Nordic center today. Some really nice views there. It’s all wide open. 2 degrees but the sunshine felt nice.
    2 points
  17. Correct. Trump is everyone's favorite President.
    1 point
  18. Does Switch still have a big skid mark in the middle. Didn’t even ski it Thursday, looked a little too… skiddish. It’s my favorite trail, too.
    1 point
  19. Just read lift tickets sold out until 4 pm at Blue.
    1 point
  20. Since you ask it is gonna be Roundtop for me on Sunday - also 100% open including the elusive “steepest in PA” headwall of Upper Gunbarrel Did my Blue - probably for the year - on a crowd free weekday with a $40 ticket
    1 point
  21. I considered Sunday, but think I’ll pass. This little bit of snow will have folks coming out of the woodwork. Gonna wait until Monday.
    1 point
  22. Should be a nice little coating on things. Got about an inch here, id say it overperformed since i expected nothing.
    1 point
  23. Hopefully no weird, cemetery whirlybirds either...
    1 point
  24. I think a lot of people are gonna be coming out of the woodwork this weekend prob Matt Edge will prob be doing whirybirds on Tuts lane like a helicopter and grinding the spine like a snake in a cemetery. Falco and Spyder prob be hanging at slopeside with Charles and Enjorales cuzzin having a hot toddy scoping out some smokeshows one piece ski suits..snow bunnies. MBike is up at Whiteface having a blast with the BunSki..and I’m sure tomorrow Nastar Glenn will be asking me where Mike is lol and I have five beers left Glenn so I got you if Mute doesn’t have one for you. Schifdawg prob still hungover from Penn state game but he doesn’t miss many sausage Sundays and I have a double alarm set so I don’t miss the taco version. I don’t even have to remember to bring mustard lol unless they’re glizzy tacos.
    1 point
  25. Nice day at Frost with the California grandkids. After they retired for hot chocolate and Mac and cheese, took a run on Thunderbolt and Rivershot. Snow conditions perfect even late afternoon. Crowds very light.
    1 point
  26. Day 17. Whitefish is living up to its reputation this season. /
    1 point
  27. Just drop the act and turn the whole mountain into water slides already. We know you want to, CBK. Ain't foolin nobody.
    1 point
  28. Arrived at Blue about 3:30. Was pretty firm all around but still pretty decent. Moderate crowds but barely any lift lines except when they shut the OG 6 pack down for about 15 min. Best snow was surprisingly on Challenge to Falls and Upper and Lower Main. Falls was exceptionally good, deep sugar that wasn't bumped up. Switchback is getting thin with a barespot near the bottom. Wrapped it up after 10 runs all in all JADIP.
    1 point
  29. I was there too 8:30-12:30 . Pretty chilly 12° with 30 mph gusts and snow squalls. 10/10 conditions the Moguls were awesome ! Sorry I missed you.
    1 point
  30. After 3+ days being down with the dreaded stomach flu I finally felt well enough to take my new XC skis for a neighborhood spin today. The neighborhood part of the ski, before I got to the air strip was extremely icy! Temp was about 12 when I left my house. Not being used to these new skis I walked down one of the hills. Have to get used to stopping on these, or at least slowing down. started following these tracks down to the river, but the snow was pretty thin so I turned around.
    1 point
  31. Hey wow would be a good time to use one of those fixed grip lifts they're letting rot. You know some people collect those things and some old mountains still keep them running and would love to have them. Or not. Whatever.
    1 point
  32. You can keep this going as long as you like with this, but if you really think this, is going to be more stable in the wind than this, You wont be able to change my mind.
    1 point
  33. Came out today around 2:45. Was extremely crowded for a non holiday Monday but the quad line stayed pretty short. Decided to just cruise today and break in some new boots and a board/binding combo. I dont know if it was the fat directional board with factory sharp edges or whatever natural snow fell late morning while I was sleeping but the conditions were superb!! Despite 6 pack lines nearly to the gates the surface was grippy and smooth everywhere. Challenge kept a fresh dusting blow over from the Razors guns that kept it good. Upper and lower main were point and sendy good, everything was shockingly good considering the crowds. Managed 12 laps in about 2.5hrs.
    1 point
  34. I’ll be at Stratton this weekend, hoping this holds true. Looks like there’s a lot of potential for this region as well.
    1 point
  35. You can ski the Mount Lemmon granite moguls year round. I’m rooting for natural snow so I can do some BC local. It’s been 11 years since my niece and I did Bear mountain by Jim Thorpe. February 2014 was fantastic. Lately March has been the only chance and the sun makes quick work of what we do get.
    1 point
  36. 🍊🤡 is not, either. And won’t be after inauguration.
    0 points
  37. 0 points
  38. Late this morning as it Took me an hour just to get to KOP this morning as I was stuck behind the plow line. Didn’t see anyone today at blue
    0 points
  39. Was at Mt Snow end of last week both sets of grandkids. Spent most of the time on the magic carpet and the bunny slope. Surprisingly little amount of the trails open, but the worst part was very few lifts were running at opening, with long lift lines on the one or two open. Only one lift other than the bunny slope lift until late morning most days. It was windy, but the winds hadn’t died down when they finally opened a second lift to the top.
    0 points
  40. Seems like Fail is operating snowmaking at a snails pace at most resorts. granted some of these resorts dont have snowmaking on 100%, but this seems like some pretty low numbers to me. And Hunter is 47/71
    0 points
  41. Can't wait for it to be a zoo by 930.
    0 points
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