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  • Birthday 06/29/2007

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  1. I don't trust them to be on schedule enough to make a preseason purchase, but it's interesting that they've bundled skiing and waterpark passes together: Sn
  2. We had a blast...btw, the league trophy has been recovered... No worries, Santa. Fuck off. Sno had the best snow all season. Better than Elk. The NF had edge to edge coverage during the 10 days of 50 degree weather when all the other hills were showing grass. Stay at your bunny hill filming preteen boys.
  3. Let's see...RightEmpire's history: Hate on TT C6: I dont know what the fuck your deal is, but apparently no one cares about this but you. You posted the same fucking question 50 times and your not going to get an answer because he doesnt want to give his name to some random person on the internet. Please, JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH, ITS GETTING OLD. Why the fuck do you care? Just be grateful that hes giving you information about the mountain thats not publicly disclosed yet. No one cares who he is or what he does at the mountain but you. Leave the guy alone, he obviously doesnt want to tell you his name. Hate on Mo'jito: Not meant as a personal attack, but when 5+ threads come up within a week that are about lunch and dieting, somethings wrong. again: You are slowing turning into the new Doug. Seriously, get a blog if your going to post everything you eat everyday on here. Hate on the kid in goofy clothes: Its obvious the kids got talent but come More hate on Doug: NOT FUCKIN FUNNY...NO ONE LIKES YOU. THEN maybe you'll understand what he's trying to say. YOUR NOT FUNNY, NO ONE WANTS TO READ ABOUT YOUR POINTLESS "LIFE" (IF YOU CAN EVEN CALL IT THAT) ON PASR. I would seriously consider some type of therapy. The fact that your telling yourself that your the "coolest and most popular poster" on PASR is a warning sign. Go get a life before its too late. No self control at all. You couldn't even spend two hours away from PASR. Thats probably why you'll never lose weight. I think taking a little break from PASR would be good for you, seriously. Sitting on the computer all day and eating isn't going to help. I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this one because this place is basically your entire life. And its not hate, were just telling you the truth like dan said. I'm overweight, mid 30's, I spend my Friday nights either at my parents house or posting on PASR. Some hobbies of mine are keeping track of my verticle, grass skiing, and again, posting on PASR. you should probably check yourself into a mental institution about now. you definately have way too much free time. Wow, do you have a life outside of pasr? Just wondering. Hate on BB: The set up on bunnys this weekend sucked compared to last weekend. They easily could have put in a few more features in. All they put up was a couple flat and down boxes and took out the fun jibs. Pretty weak boulder, step it up for next weekend. Hate on me: Mods, is there anyway to block Ski from posting in park related topics? Every single one of his pointless posts has started shit. There is really nothing I or anyone can say about this post. I don't that book that Papasteeze recommended will help you at all, you need therapy or some shit. Wow, thats all I can say. A little nastiness to Barb: I don't understand why you have to take your kids onto Boulder park if you have no intention of hitting the jumps. A little hate on Burton71: Someone please tell me this kid isn't serious. Hahahaa, I cant wait to see DH's reaction. Do you know what a layed out backflip is? Your so wrong in every part of your post its not even funny. Hate on Icon: wow your an idiot, I know how to keep my boards in good condition and this is one of my 3 boards. I'm selling it cause I dont need 3. But the funniest of all is RightEmpire's first ever post, which is pretty ironic considering how much he hates the current food thread: Does anyone know if there will be a BBQ on the deck tomarrow? It says on their site they are closing the main lodge and having a BBQ on the deck for the weekends, but does that apply to this one? RightEmpire, of your 258 posts, almost 200 are hating on other people, including demands that people get banned. Most of the rest of your posts are you trying to sell stuff. You are pretty much the NUMBER ONE worst contributor to PASR.
  4. You sure about that? I have over eight thousand fucking posts. You are obviously just another Big Boulder park bitch on Rob's mini dick. I used to be tolerant of him until HIS family started having a bunch of little pricks CALL my home phone and make threats. Leave him be? He should crawl under a fucking rock. I have a challenge for you...try and be honest. Ready? If someone posted your home phone number and told a bunch of kids to call it and make threats against your mom, would you just roll over and take it? How about if he threatened to do it again? And you stick up for him? Great way to show your character. BTW, I'm a coach and care about the health and welfare of kids...including the ones getting sexually molested on film. So fuck off. It is my business.
  5. Keep in mind, too, that Rob DOESN'T have skillz and doesn't ski at Sno and has said he listens to opinions of others who also never ski/ride Sno---as in the "Sno Sucks" thread on NS by BB riders who had never even been to Sno. Just for perspective.
  6. I guess you missed all the damage Rob tried to inflict during the time when SMLLC needed support during the purchase. Not that he was able to make a difference, there was enough lack of support that allowed Washo to squeeze the new owners out of an extra million dollars. What did the county do with the million dollars? Gave middle and upper management county employees a small raise and created a fund for courthouse "enhancements", whatever that means. So when I hear Rob make any input on what Sno should or shouldn't do, I tend to view it as the same old bullshit from a blowhard who tried to hurt the mountain from the start. And my post made no sense? I thought it was pretty clear that I think it's a bummer that a talented little racer was turned off of the sport by someone with "Little League Parent Syndrome". I saw it coming for two years and even---sadly---predicted it would happen. And I think it's a bummer that the same parent enters little boys in comps with fractured bones and the opinion of a doctor who tried to put the "fear of God" in the kid if he actually competed. Santa, try removing the layer of bullshit that comes out of his mouth and just look at the facts and you might see my point of view. I'm not saying you have to or anything, but from someone who has coached two sports for two decades, I can honestly say Rob is the worst kind of person for giving advice. Was I the only person who noticed Rob trying to stir up trouble right before the Rev Tour when he made a post about dangerous power lines being too close to the Superpipe? The fucker will enter his son in a comp with a broken bone---against doctors very strong orders---but then tries to cause problems because of a power line.... Yeah, I have a really bad reaction to just about anything he posts. My tipping point was when he promoted a video of his son being sexually molested by an adult woman during a hazing. Does it offend you that I didn't sugar coat that? If so, then, yes, I'm guilty of starting fights and ruining threads for looking forward to the time he disappears.
  7. I can't wait until the rest of your family quits so you can just live on your fishing MB year round.
  8. From howstuffworks.com: * It can absorb up to 100X its weight in water (1). * It can stick to baby's genitals, causing allergic reactions (2). * Reported to cause severe skin irritations, oozing blood from perineum and scrotal tissues, fever, vomiting and staph infections in babies (2). * When injected into rats it has caused hemorrhage, cardiovascular failure and death (4). * Banned from tampons in 1985 because of its link to Toxic Shock Syndrome (1). * Has killed children after ingesting as little as 5 grams of it (5). * Causes female organ problems, slows healing wounds, fatigue and weight loss to the employees in factories that manufacture it (6). It's not all bad, since it seems to help in weight loss of people who package it...but oozing blood from your balls would be a slight drawback.
  9. Yep, and I just met with my architect who is developing plans for conversion to female dormitories in two of them.
  10. Yeah I saw the pipe from 81 today, too. And Lower Fast Track is sketchy but it looks like WL has a ton of snow left along with the rest of the NF. I'd say June 1 for the last snow.
  11. Ski

    Street skis?

    I know what you're saying, but wearing ski boots is the whole point...with grass skiing, you get a very similar experience to skiing because you are working/flexing your ski boots. That's all. Chippy might end up a bloody mess on the pavement, but he's young and will heal just fine.
  12. I can just see the gift shop...
  13. Ha, Sno is the perfect mountain for me and my family. I only tell people to come if they are interested in (relative to the Poconos) steep headwalls, great snow, no crowds, and what has become one of the best junior race training programs in the region. Doug would not be happy here. Nor would Jeffy. And, conversely, I feel like I'm going for a jog on the Garden State Parkway when I'm skiing at Blue. Penguins are a pain in the ass.
  14. They are smooth on a grassy hill, but ground hog holes are a mo fo, Philly...I hate f*cking ground hogs.
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