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Posts posted by iluv2ride

  1. if you cant afford a balance board fill a 2 liter bottle completely full of water and use and old skateboard deck its pretty fun u can practice spinning 270s off it, and all kinds of other stuff


    if you have some money to blow check out www.freebord.com

    these boards give you the feel of snowboarding on the street

  2. yo whats the name of that song

    i see u guys at blue all the time, wheres you buddy that wears the jeans all the time, that kid rips!

  3. IF blue would do a park pass they should do it like mountain creek does it, 5 bucks one time, and have someone at the top of the terrain run to check them. 5 bucks is enough to keep the average joe out of the park.


    it would be cool if they built a box like the one in my avatar, a double c

  4. next year at blue i would like to see

    1. park passes

    2. more street style rails

    3. a looooong box, that isnt hooky.

    4. some sort of tree jib would be nice

    5. no more "ride on" jibs, gotta have a gap

    6. hits after the start of some of the rails, (street style).

    7. a real hip, or 2, fs and bs

    8. nice wallrail transitions, they are always hit or miss, i guess it depends on when you are there.

    9. a c box that curves some more, or an s box

    10. more hot chicks

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