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Posts posted by ec156

  1. so hows shawnee now? i might be heading up there this saturday because im tired of hitting the same old 20 foot stepover jump at mountain creek over and over again. what kind of jumps and how big the jumps there at shawnee? is it gonna be good this weekend?

  2. i went there on saturday and it was EPIC! i ski at mtn creek and its closed right now because of the shitty weather, they plan on reopening midweek but since this weekend is mlk weekend im gonna stay at a friends house near bb, i just thought id let you guys know because im so stoked for this weekend

  3. sectionmfm.jpg


    i have a lot of diferent goggles




    and these are the sage cattabriga alosa painted prodigies i got at camp, they look goofy on me and i dont think i ever want to break these, the lenses werent in wen i took the picture though, but i have the lenses




    papa, i think i might need some more pasr stickers next time i see you if i ever do, i put all of the ones i got on my old helmet




    what pants should i get with the jacket?

  4. no way, not 100 dollars are you crazy? what if people come to visit and want to go in the park, how are they supposed to know to bring 100 dollars for a park pass? 100 dollars is way too much, just make it 5-10 dollars lie mtn creek, paying 100 dollars would keep all of the little kids out of the park, but still, for visitors it would suck to go on a family trip or something and pay 100 dollars for a park pass to use just for one day

  5. im new here and ive been skiing for 2 years, i just wanna know if i saw any of you this season or maybe i might holla at you next season

    post a pic of your setup or describe it

    im 13, really short/asian and i usually wore a green/black obermeyer jacket, baggy red pants, rasta poles(red, yellow, green) and armada ar3's or k2 public enemies with a black giro 9 helmet

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