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Posts posted by twist0pher

  1. y?? thats when there isnt crowds...weekends ther is crowds, weekdays there is not...so i dont get y that didnt help haha


    im not trying to be a dick or anything but i understand there are no lines on the weekdays. i wouldn't ask this question if i was going on a weekday but im going today so i thought id ask.

  2. my personal opinion is that it could be used more effectively with jibs there considering BC cant hold a good pipe. not there fault only weather and the sun positioning melting one wall all day. i say take that huge pointless wall down so the park can flow better if the pipe is filled in.

  3. freezingrain/some snow. I got fuckedup today. Anyone know what happ to the 2 people that left in ambulances?


    do you have a tan jacket and yellowish rome board?


    anyways not bad for what they have to work with. everything was kept in good condition and park crew was out all day fixing stuff (thank you). i saw 2 people going down in sleds, one was a girl which i think was just a wrist because it was taped up and other didnt look good with someone that had an oxygen tank and did not look conscious.

  4. i dont like melting snow.


    they should be able to blow by tuesday or wednesday... oh how bad they need it. pretty sure im still going tomorrow.


    dont you think they will be able to get some blowing in tonight with around 30* and 0%precipitation?


    ....guess not with the lights being off.

  5. Not only after it but the pack on the side. sucks when you fall off the side and some kid tries to tell you off for scratching there board when there at fault for stopping to tell there friend how sick there last trick was. people just need to ride down the slope and not stop after every feature, if you dont notice you have a 3 minute lift ride to talk.

  6. damn i wanted to see that fight haha.


    anyway pulled in around 4-4:30 and stayed till close. snow was nice and soft and a few bare spots. flat down and flat had horrrrible landings and not so good run ups. down rail, up box, flat drop, cement ledge and stairset box were all very nice. the jump was very nice with a nice lip on it.. you just had to his the side cause the middle got rutted out quite badly from all the little kids casing it.

  7. thanks for making this and i hope bear staff can read this and reference this in the park build. to the suggestions i would like to see some nice urban style lines and one thing is leave that flat bar aways at the bottom there its the best spot and never had a bad day with it there.

  8. There will be new entrances and a bundle of the wall jibs.

    -from andy's update on the web site


    does anyone know what the "new entrances" are ?


    most likely refering to how you get in the park... to decrease unwanted 'traffic'

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