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Posts posted by Lando

  1. Awesome Lando..I noticed a typo...It's 10 hours to the Chic Chocs from Burlington VT, not 19...Do you have an Alpine touring set-up?

    Yeah I'm pretty stoked about the whole trip, I have an AT setup from the time I spend in UT each year. Its Naxo 21s with Armada ANTs, it works well though I am not looking forward to all the touring in alpine boots. I would love to have AT boots but I don't have the money considering I am changing careers. By the way did you see the new Marker Dukes ? I am totally in love with them now, only good product marker has ever made.

  2. The Chic Chocs are 19 hours from Burlington Vermont...


    From PASR-ville 10 hours might get you to Quebec City and than at least 5-6 more hours to the Chic Chocs..I want to go so badly


    Your desire to go has forced my hand to some degree, last night my cousin and I decided we are going two weeks from now right after I quit my stupid job. I have no idea what we are going to find but I'll post a TR. As is the usual with our planning we still have only the basics figured out.

  3. We can be a little bit more respectful of the kid, who is now a quadriplegic, and not call him a tool bag. I am sure that his parents, who would have had to shoulder the financial burden, made all decisions on wether or not to persue the litigation.


    If the ruling is based on the fact that him over-shooting the landing is do to poor design, this can set a pretty bad president. If you hit almost any feature hard and fast enough, you can over-shoot the landing.


    This shouldn't have happned, in Colorado, between the Skier Safety Act of 1979, and the Senate Bill 80 of 1989, it is extremely difficult to bring this type of case to court. It has been tried, and most have been summarily dismissed. Even appeals to the State Supreme Court have not been successful. These laws are NOT applicable when machinery has been involved (snowmobiles, lifts, snowcats, etc). In my opinon similar laws should be passed nationwide.


    The ruling is based on about a billion things some of which have nothing to do with the design of the hit, thank god the judge stepped in and cut the award in half.

  4. Ya.


    There is a thread on this topic already... I tried to dig it up and merge the two but I can't seem to find it real quick. Anyone remember what it was called? Had some good reactions on this topic.


    Whats your career Lando???


    When I have a little more time tonight I wanna dig around for a thread to link up from www.mtbr.com and find a similar case in downhill mountain biking where . That thread went on for soooo many pages. Guy ended up with a similar injury and sued because he had to pay his bills. He was an avid biker and hated to sue but there was really going to be no other way that he was going to be able to pay for the necessary medical bills and the needed upgrades to his house. When that case first became news there was a very similar reaction, "what a tool!! this guy is going to ruin it for everyone!!" etc...


    I could be more respectful but I won't be. His decision is not what this thread was about.


    Sorry, I didn't see there was a thread already on this. I'm a corporate attorney, generally I'm litigation but our firm has a long relationship with the insurance industry. Also my cousin is snow sports director of a midsize ski area. I didn't want to start a discussion over the moral question, rather what effect this will have on small areas. There is a crap load of talk in the industry about this right now and it would frankly suck to see a McPark approach to snow sports.

  5. In case somehow you managed to miss all this here is the original story




    I don't want to get into the rights and wrongs of the decision the dude made to pursue litigation, rather what effect it will have on the smaller resorts. I don't have any hard stats on this but it does seem like the influx of riders because of the parks has kept a lot of the smaller mountains going. Doe failed but Bear seems to be doing pretty well from what I heard though that has alot more to do with the hotel and stuff. Because of the career I happen to be in I have heard a ass load of talk about this, some mountains killed the bigger hits, others have talked about no park next year and still others have done nothing. The only thing that is certain is that insurance premiums have and will continue to rise. Youths tend to drive sports and if you take them out of the snow sports equation things are going to get amazingly boring. Any thoughts ?


    P.S. About a billion people hit this jump before the tool bag above did, all had no problems.

  6. Yaaaaa. I'd say the hairiest skiing I ever had was Chamonix, France. Icy, pelting snow, zero visibility, and following the guy I was staying with down some pretty badass chutes.


    I was at Stowe when I was a kid and was there with my little brother so didn't really get to see any of the stuff I've heard about from my buddies in Vermont. I have the opportunity to go to Tuck's at the end of this month, which is a yearly thing that some friends of mine do, but with exams and all my other stuff I can never make it. I've also never been able to make it up to Jay, but my one friend from school who is from Burlington is always buggin' me to come up and ski a real EC mountain.


    Ya I've seen Meathead's stuff. Definitely good fun flicks. However, I'm just kinda waitin' to get back out west where I don't have to drive 12 hours to ski decent stuff. Biggest turnoff of the East Coast is the amount of driving you have to do to get to anything decent. With gas on its way to $4 a gallon thats a bit of a hindrance.


    Show me where the good stuff is Lando, and we'll see if you can keep up! :P


    Oh, and sweet pics!!!


    Yeah the driving is a pain in the ass, sometimes it seems like my whole life is spent in the car. The west is definitely the place to be but if you got to be here there is still stuff to do.


    I can show you were the good stuff is but I'm calling for a ski off! hahah Highway Starr reference maybe some of you will know who that is.


    I think what we really all should do is just get it over with and move to Alaska.

  7. Its arguable that I haven't gone to the right places (Tuckermans, Jay, parts of Mt. Mansfield, etc...), but I've found that I really haven't been too challenged by just about anything I've skied on the East coast. That being said, Okemo is one of my favorite eastern mountains because many of their trails have fun fall lines that make skiing fast a big thrill. That place is good fun.


    I here nominate the haven't been to the right places. Tuckerman is mad mad steep and icy, the hairest skiing I can remember was at Tucks. Stowe has stuff everywhere that would give you a run for your money, it isn't Chugach but stump, the steps and the real kodak moment Waterfall would put your nuts in your stomach. 20 to 25 foot cliff with a landing that at best runs uphill all right under the gondi. Mansfield is covered with challening terrain and so is Big Jay and Little Jay. If you want to get real crazy and get into the BC stuff, Gotham in NY is straight insanity look in up online its in ADK's near Camp Peggy O'Brien. Tugs hill too. The point is there is so much stuff on the EC but alot of it isn't on the trail map and even more isn't at the resort. The east can challenge you just as much as the west but not alot of people are doing it. Check out Meatheads films. They cat ski in Newfoundland.


    Oh and your sig is slightly distracting

  8. i want to go down there for some late season turns. how long of a trip is it. two days possible?


    You can definitely do, but you have to ask yourself some questions first.


    Do I have winter camping gear?


    Do I know how to winter camp?


    Do I have avy gear and training?


    Can I ski 50 degree shit that isn't groomed?


    There are some more questions of course but if you answer any of those with possibly the exception of three in the negative stay home. Gapers f themselves up there all the time because they don't use there head. It may be 60 at noon and -20 six hours later.


    I highly recomend that if you go that you go with a partner or a group. If you can't find someone pm me and you would be welcome to join ours. Also Mt. Washington is on the EC but generally is far nastier than alot of the 14ers out west. In 2000, we stood on the summit in 50 degree sunny weather by the time we hit Hermit Lake the weather went completely ape shit. 70mph winds and incredably cold. The BD tent more than paid for it self that night. If you want to ski Tuckerman but don't want the above do it as a day trip. If you are there by 8 you can ski for a 5 or 6 hours and leave the same day. (even more if coverage on Sherbourne is good) Go prepared and have a blast the place is really cool.

  9. I have skied for almost my entire life, mostly on the east coast but I have taken trips to almost everywhere and lived at a bunch for a couple of months. In all my travels I have never seen a orginization that is so dedicated to its customers. At Alta you can't ask the general manager questions, at Stowe AIG doesn't drop 50+ million into overhauling the mountain, at Kicking Horse they don't have customer apreciation days. You get all this at a 500ft vertical mountain in SE PA that has some of the most progressive park features on the east coast and all things considered does a pretty good job of being open as much as is possible. Stop bitching they don't owe you anything, and as far as mother nature is concerned there are no promises. Its a bussiness they have to make money, so realize as much as theortically they may want to stay open or give you free food they still have to make money end of story.

  10. Wow Lando..it's cool that you got up to Jay Peak during the storm. I used to ski there a few days a year when I was in college. Did you get to ski any of the face chutes? I have some great pictures from Jay Peak with Rocky mountain snow conditions.


    I just shoveled the driveway here at work...despite the sun..most of the snow was frozen solid...it looks like rain for my afterwork session at Booter mountain...2 more weeks and I'll be up in Vermont..probably Stowe... :wiggle


    Yeah I got Tuckerman's chute but the top section of the mountain of the tram was getting blasted. Only at Jay can you get 40" and the top 1/4 of the mountain will be nothing but ice. Dipper was insane but I missed the XC trail back and had to walk 242. Everglades, Cayon and Staircase were just sick. I'm at Stowew next week and Smuggs the week after that but I could come over to Stowe. I got a small crew of guys from UV in Burlington that know the goods at Stowe BC who would be more than happy to show you around. Its not cockwaving so if you go to Stowe all the time I apologize in advance. Let me know if you want to meet up .

  11. Thursday brought me to Brighton. A small front passed through last night, giving the Salt Lake Valley rain, but it dropped 6-8" of new snow up in Big Cottonwood Canyon. No chains needed, thankfully. I opted to begin the day on the Milli side, riding up the lift with about a dozen other powder hounds. It was good, but the powder was thicker than usual. This storm was a bit damp and I'd call the powder "good" by PA standards, but not as light and fluffy as I've ridden before in Utah. It took work to ride it well.


    After a couple of mixed runs on the Milli side, I jumped over to the Crest express and came down Thunder Road, which was loaded with 5-6" of new snow. Hopped on Snake Creek Express where I made quite a few runs down various combinations of runs. Only the green runs had attention by the groomers, so it was best to stay on the blues/blacks, unless you wanted an easy ride. I took a few of those too. Like I said, the new snow took work.


    Took a break for lunch, rode up the Majestic Quad, back over to Snake Creek Express for a couple more runs, then down for one ride up the Great Western lift, coming down Elk Park and Golden Needle. Clouds began to break in the afternoon and with the already thick snow beginning to turn into thick paste, I opted to make one last run down off the Snake Creek Express.


    This photo is a panorama taken from the top of Great Western Express. Brighton is really a beautiful place.




    Other photos are in my Utah Gallery. Just scroll through and enjoy.



    Beautiful pics, the Mt Clayton Gate of Great Western is some of the best meadow skipping in UT and I never see anyone out there. Just remember to come back left when you hit the creek bed or its a walk back to Brighton.

  12. i was just there and had alot of fun but what happened with their parks. They were flat out terrible, nothing big at all. Whatever still a good time and the trees off devils fiddle are sick nasty.


    Last year they were pretty good though this year I would wager the money and the sale had alot to do with their park plans.

  13. so did the park crew just give up or do they not like to work on sudays? the park this past sunday was a total disaster..everything was rutted out and the landings were horrible..i know the snow was crap, but i didn't see them out once the whole 6 hours i was there.


    rutted haha, the gapers must have been out in full force. All of the short hits had hot tub size holes in the landings. Tubing park was much better.

  14. I make it a general policy not to ski on weekends. Just like back east, the lift lines out here are waaaaay too long on weekends. Besides, I'm out here visiting family, too. On Sat and Sun my sister, bro-in-law, niece, etc. don't work, so its a time to spend with them.


    Snowbasin, Monday. Roads are all open and no storms are in sight. Tuesday is another family day.


    Chains are mad hard to find in SLC sometimes, the best thing to do is hitch hike. Longest wait ever was no more the 2 mins. One time the food delivery guy for Solitude picked us up, we helped him put his chains on and he let us eat strawberries all the way up.

  15. My co-workers and I were talking about my K-Mart trip and I realized there were some weird things I noticed about Killington that I had not expected. Take them for what they are....

    1. There were no snowboarders. OK, I saw 3 in the parking lot one day but that was it. We even skied Bear for a while and there were none there. Hmmmm?


    2. There were hardly any women. Everywhere we went (including the slopes) was a total test fest. I seriously only saw a handful of chicks the entire time and most of them were in the lodge. Come on women... represent.


    3. The Brits totally out number the Americans. I'm OK with this one though cause they are way nicer than us.


    4. There were no fireplaces in any of the lodges. We were in most of them and unless I just didn't go where they were there wasn't a fireplace to be found.


    5. The food off the mountain was not that expensive. I was really surprised that they didn't gouge us at the handful of restaurants we went to.


    6. The food on the mountain was horrible and overpriced. OK, I expected this one but paying $4.50 for a chip witch hurts me a lot so I put it on my list.


    7. The "heated" gondolas heat vents never work.


    8. The Snowshed crossover blows my Dad. Sorry, I had to put that one in. Why the hell would you make the trail that is supposed to get you to Snowshed quickly completely flat and in some places slightly uphill. Ugh. I hate polling.

    Well, that's it for now. Agree, disagree, ignore me, whatever.



    1. Ummm you must not go alot


    2. See answer 1


    3. See answer 1


    4. True, and very important


    5. The food is good, the smoke house place near skye ship is the shit


    6. True


    7. They do work but are only on if it is really really cold, in the thirty plus times I was at killy they were on once when it was -30 with the windchill


    8. True but why would you want to go to Snowshed

  16. Well up until last week you were right but your going at the right time.


















    With more to come on Saturday... FKNA


    But stay out of the BC, the conditions couldn't possibly get any better for creating huge killer slides - bone dry, fairly cold January formed tons of rotten sugar + now we're getting lots of snow and lots of wind forming lots of stubborn hard slabs + add a little daytime heating and a trigger (suicidal skier/sledder) = instant death. It was super windy yeterday - today we're supposed to get up to 18" - saturday night another big storm is supposed to move in. Have fun

  17. Nice photo report. Thanks for the laughs! Looks like you had a good time shreddin' between some of the larch. I love the Turnpike photos. That's a great tunnel shot!


    BTW, welcome to PASR. There are a few of us who get over to Blue Knob.


    Thanks, good to see you get out of the state a little. The gate and side country off Mt. Clayton peak at Brighton is one of my favorite fun areas and the Baisn can be fun. Do you live in Utah? I got a house in Sandy.

  18. Cross posted from TGR - Sorry about the lack of action


    So after hearing on here that some people wanted a PA TR calls were made and a plan formed to go to Blue Knob. My regular wingman, my cousin called me last night to tell me that he couldn't go as he had to wash the sand out of his vagina. Needless to say, not so many action shots as I have yet to figure out how to take pics of myself while skiing.


    Originally, I thought the best part of the ride up would be the sweet fart I ripped near Harrisburg, then suddenly near Chambersburg it started to snow. Sandy vagina was called and told of sweet snow fall.




    Suddenly, it became much more important to get to the Knob by nine, it was time for ludicrous speed.





    In ludicrous speed it is easy to miss turns, luckily the signage was good.




    In Bradford county they don't belive in guardrails which made the road up ball tightining, at the end it eased up and led to this scene.




    I saw this line on the traverse to Stembogen and showing total disregard for my bases sent it. It was roughly 30 degrees and had boot top pow which is good for PA.








    Random McKnown in the Ditch Glades




    On the East Wall traverse I stumbled into a little line through the woods the snow hit knee high in here. The smile on my face as I hit the chair must have been contagious as I soon had followers.




    Billy Mcnobody enjoying all my hard work.







    The rest of the day was spent ripping sweet sections like this.




    The world famous Stembogen bowl.




    Seriously, this day rocked next time I promise more action. If you ever get lost on the way to somewere cool check the place out short sections rival the bush and mrg, no shit and I skiied everywhere from Pennsylvania to Transylvania.



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