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Posts posted by forumpl155

  1. didn't know you had multiples of them. just 1 of each. but as I'm thinking.... I'm doubting i really want a labatt blue LIGHT sign in my house. the bass ale is nice though. Labbat blue light is too freshmany.... haha. so i'll take just hte bass and co tin sign

  2. Do not switch stances? I hope your talking about changing the board from regular to goofy or vice versa. I would hope he would adjust his foot angles as he finds a comfortable regular and switch foot angle.


    As far as learning, I'm not the greatest switch rider, and I have no intentions to be, but... I practice 180's all the time, on the flat, off small little natural features, bigger jumps etc. So, if you just work on 180's you will be switch alot. I don't know if you have aspirations to ride the blacks switch, but for the basic landing spins, switch off of rails etc, my technique seems to be working. I worked at the beginning of the year with the method forumpl155 but it was too tedious, I'd much rather just ride. On the other hand, like I said... I'm not the greatest switch rider.


    Either way, its all about practice, and getting comfortable with everything being backwords.


    I said don't switch stances as in don't use the fact that you can ride regular as a way to cheat out of falling. also i never changed my binding angles. mine are set to like a duck foot stance anyways so there's only like a 5 degree diff between the front and back foot. not really noticeable...

  3. just practice... lol sounds lame but i sucked at it really bad at first. Then one weekend I tried again after like a year of not really messing with it. and it clicked...


    however my suggestion to learn/practice is take an easy trail but long nile mile, paradise, etc... just drop in switch, go slow, DO NOT DO NOT switch stances. you'll look like a newb at first which i hated the most really for learning but it's gotta happen... do it a few times and eventually you'll be able to translate your mechanics from being able to ride regular to switch. shouldn't take as long as getting good to begin with

  4. I don't know about that. I know lots of people with same knee multiple injuries even after surgery. Maybe technology/techniques have improved since they got their work done, but its more than a "freak" case, like I said I know LOTS of people. Also, if people are just as good after the surgery, then why the brace?


    I think the key is understanding you had an injury, and it could happen again and being careful with it.



    all the people I know with acl surgery basically all are football players. they end up wearing braces if they play on the line because typically people fall on them from the side which is dangerous for messing up knees. noone i know who has had surgery, including people who blew out their knee completely i.e. tore acl and mcl have all been fine. also look at the pros who have blown out knees. none I can think of ever wear a brace and none have ever torn it later on... though I'm thinking of just snowboarders

  5. definetely get the surgery. most of the times. after surgery the ligament is stronger then before and the risk of tearing it again is slim to none. It's a very very rare occurence to have a previous torn ACL that you've had surgery on get torn again. this is mainly because of the advances in the technology and surgery.

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