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Posts posted by CoreyCaPWN

  1. actually i just looked back a couple pages and so those pictures and the jumps do look much bigger and nicer than past years at sno, so i do believe you. i thought it was gunna be like a couple years ago when sno was like "we have 75' jumps!" and it was really like 10 foot tables built up way too high. unfortunately i wont see shit today because i got a 102 fever last and it hasnt gone away : /


    haha, i did the same thing, but i just delted mine...

  3. Corey, sorry to inform you but there is no St. Paddy's Jam. We are going to be doing an event in the terrain park the following Saturday. I will have more info about the event for you Thursday, at the very latest Friday.


    ahhhh, ok.

    thanx man!

  4. Corey, read up a little and you'll find out where nearly 100% of all ski innovations have come from. Why your bases are made out of what they are; what your edges are made from; your dampening devices, torsion rigidity, construction, and everything else.


    Read a little and answer with facts instead of your stupid hate.


    I'll give you a hint, though: World Cup Ski Racing.


    "Testers" run skis at 90mph and land 300ft. air at 75mph. It's not a flame or hate, Corey, but park skiers don't push skis to such a limit that they completely melt bases in a single run, do they? This isn't a secret. Park skis get the trickle down effect from race technology. Recreational and park get "quieted down" to various degrees.


    Eh, now you don't even have to read. I wonder if Rob knows about this?


    well i worked at the ski corner for a while, so i do know the basics. and i do know that they are built differently because they are not used for the same thing. It's not "quited down" it's different dimensions, weights, etc. to carry out different acts.

  5. Ski useds the halfpipe for race drills..you're welcome to post in the racing forum..and Ski makes fun of Papasteeze because he's a fag..enough said..lol


    what does using the pipe for race drills have to do with this?

    papasteeze is not a fag, in any way, shape, or form.

    ski just starts shit for no reason.

    seriously, get a fucking life.

  6. He can post where he wants..and ski is not gay..he does not suck cock..seriously..he likes women..this thread has to duo with Sno mountain and he's entitled to post in it..


    i mean, i understand he can post where he wants, but why would he want to?

    honestly, i don't get the urge to post in a racing forum, and piss people off for no reason.

    and 98% of his posts are quoting papasteeze and making some sort of stupid joke.

  7. Who the F#ck are you??? Ski can post in whatever forum he wants to..he was posting on PASR when you were still in diapers..


    dude, ski is a freaking cocksucker.

    he does nothing but flame people, and annoy everyone.

    we don't go posting in the racing forum, why does he feel the need to post in here?

  8. Detailed description of the course setup ???

    you're standing at the top, looking down...


    down rail flat down box



    table top hit




    down box whale tail flat rail








    looked like so much fun.


    ^ ok, that didn't come out how i wanted, but you can still tell the features.

  9. I've never been to Sno and I'm a Big Boulder pass holder.

    I'm thinking of coming up this weekend to ride and watch the competition.


    But, I'm hearing a lot of negatives about Sno's park (jumps) and I'm having some doubts. :(


    i was at sno last night, and im going today.

    one reason: two single barrel handrails.

    there are no jumps. there's like, a roller.

    if you don't want to hit nothing but handrails,

    go to big boulder. if you just want to ride everything,

    not just park, i'd say go to sno. but trust me when i tell you,

    if you're looking for an all around park DO NOT COME TO SNO.

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