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Posts posted by pcc25

  1. yeah, the jumps were nice. They weren't very poppy but as Rodeo Steve said there wasn't much of a knuckle so most people ended up pushing it big and taking it deep. There were some nice tricks being thrown down. Congratulations to Rodeo Steve for getting first for the snowboarders.

  2. youre right, why would anyone want to improve, change things, or add stuff. silly me. 2 features is not a garden. its just a line.




    everytime i go there i NEVER hit anything in whatever that park next to it is. lower terrain run? i always hit central cause that stuff is sick. lower terrain sucks. even for a beginner park.

    most of the kids that blew up at boulder arent even there anymore. who skis there now anyway? jackie? maybe megan, nipples quit skiing haha, brogan is in breck being drunk as shit, seany is destroying everything but PA, dom is still killing it i guess. theyre crowd kind of comes in waves you know.


    you need to realize having a terrain park in place at a mountain should be run as a system. little, medium, big - and lots of variety. its essentially a training ground. blue doesnt have progression. they just have random features that range in size from small to medium with really inconsistent setups making it difficult to dial in tricks from small to big. the best thing any park can do is just offer everything and have a dedicated hand crew that is in close contact with groomers and management who listens.



    really, the way i see it; if you have a park with features in it but no one is hitting them, ask yourself why?

    that probably means no one is progressing as well. whats the point. if youre gonna do it , do it right. you know what features work and what dont. you know what people are hitting and what they arent. build your park based off the people who ride it. put events on, get your name out there, then slowly start bringing the level of difficulty up. its not that hard to do things right. you just have to want to do them. which is blues problem.


    I completely agree, well said. Blue definitely needs to set up more for progression. My only point with central park was that it is blues "rail garden" and they see it setting empty most of the time for the reasons you mentioned above. They most likely wont do more trails like that if no one is using them. I would love to see it set up the way you mentioned and properly run. That would be awesome, because if blue wants a good park to attract more of the younger generation they need to do exactly as you said. Have it set up for progression, have it well managed and maintained by people in close contact with groomers and management. I have seen some good changes with blue in the recent years, hopefully we will see these changes in the years to come!

  3. big boulder can blow me. theyre not a mountain. its an after school special hangout haha.

    blue should utilize some of the land between sidewinder and lazy mile. theres a lot of wasted space goin on there.


    and no, the little jump bag should not be moved to central park. those rails are sick. its a good venue for jams, just a dope spot. plus speed would suck and hauling the bag im sure is not one thing anyone likes to do. i think its in a good spot. although that would be another DOPE spot for a rail garden. if theyre not making money off it get rid of it and load it with rails



    they have a rail garden, Central Park. The issue is that no one is hitting it. I agree that it is a nice set up and all but they are all advanced rails (all urban), most of the people good enough to hit these rails are at other mountains, like Big Boulder, hopefully Blue allowing inverts will attract some down this way, in order to keep the parks going strong. And another note, does every rail need to be urban set up this year, a little variety would be nice!

  4. I talked to Barb last week. It's true. In the middle of our conversation, she expressed concern about why people aren't hitting the Cental Park. She came flat out and said she is thinking about terminating the entire park scene at Blue.

    This came directly from Barb's mouth, to my ear. I told her, in my opinion, that would be a major mistake and supported my position. My suggestions were for the park to be moved to another run that had some straight/steep area for a jump line and more room to spread out the features. At this point, she brought up the possibility of creating an additional trail for the park.

    I told her that if Blue could clear an area that would be perfect for an advanced park and have a great crew to design, build, and maintain the park, she would get season pass money along with many others.

    Let's hope she does the right thing.



    I hope that she isn't serous about terminating the whole park at blue since most kids now are getting into the park, that would be a huge mistake. I really like your suggestions, hopefully she will listen to them. She has made some pretty good changes in the last year or so, lets hope that she keeps it up!

  5. Really? They were doing that for awhile but I guess they stopped. Sorry about the false information. On a better note, the invert ban was lifted on the entire mountain.



    That is awesome about inverts being allowed on the entire mountain now. I thought it was just for the airbag, but I heard the other day that it was actually the entire mountain. It is so sweet being able to throw an invert without looking over your shoulders for ski patrol and having the fear of you ticket being taken away. I heard that Barb was losing money on the airbag, and also wondering why central park is usually empty. She talked to some of the people on the mountain about this and figured that it was because of the inverts, especially for the airbag. Also the riders good enough to hit central park, (since it is all urban rails) are going to other mountains because they weren't limited on not being able to do inverts. Barb called the insurance company and changed this basically because she thought she was losing money due to this. The official word on inverts are that they are not recommended and strongly discouraged but the ski patrol can't take your pass away for them. I have thrown a few since this change and ski patrol has not said a thing to me. It's so nice!


    They do sell big air bag tickets at that bottom shack, however the guy with key to the money box is not always there so it is hit or miss weather you can actually get tickets there or not.

  6. Hey, I was up at Blue today and found out that they lifted the ban on inverts on the air bag. Now the ruling is that inverts are not recommended, but you are allowed to do them. I guess they were losing too much money over this rule because most days I was there the bag sat empty. The prices were $10 for 3 jumps or $15 for all day. I spent most of the day there doing pretty much invert imaginable, it was tons of fun. It was super soft to land on no matter how you landed, I would definitely recommend it. I just figured that I would pass this information on.

  7. On skis do you think it would be easier to do a front flip or backflips onto the big airbag???


    Backflips are easier because the jump usually throws you a little backwards anyway. Front flips you have to throw harder to overcome this backwards rotation from the takeoff. Backflips tend to be more scary but easier to land since you see your landing the entire rotation, front flips are less scary to throw but harder to land since you are staring at the sky for the full rotation.


    For a backflip just lean back as you are going off the jump and pop, then bring your knees in towards your chest to complete the rotation.


    For a front flip you have to throw your upper body downward as you are popping, bring your knees in for a quicker rotation

  8. Make sure to keep the camera as still as possible, and try not to pan with the person as this makes for a very complicated edit. For a real quick and free edit you can pick the best picture in the series and use microsoft paint to carefully select the person using the freehand tool and copy/past to the same spot in the edited image. Obviously the better/more expensive software you have the easier and better looking the picture will get. Any good photoshop program will get the job done.



    Here is a link to some of images that I have put together (a few were done using MS paint, the others were done in photoshop):



  9. I have been to Colorado for my past 3-4 spring breaks to ski. I usually go to Aspen/Snowmass. I find the conditions to be variable; but however the last few years Colorado has gotten a ton of snow in March/April. I also find the weather to be a little warmer so the conditions can be a little softer. Usually if they have a lot of snow most if not all of the trail are usually open that time of the year. That is one of my favorite times of the year to ski out there, the crowds are usually less and the conditions are awesome!


    About the airbag... I know I was pissed too. It will be under 24 watch with a cam and Im pretty sure they will have ski patrol on it all the time. Im learning double corks on that thing regardless. Just gotta learn how to control the flip spin ratio haha. It is really pointless to spend 30,000 dollars on an airbag though and not allow flips onto it. Jim Daley said they looked into inverts but the insurance was just too high or whatever. Ive given up hope for Blue to allow anything inverted.


    That completely sucks about the airbag, I was so excited about the thing until now. I am fine with them charging an additional fee, I expected that but I have seen videos from other mountains of people doing crazy inverted stuff and it looks so cool. I guess I will have to do like everyone else and sack up and do any inverts over in the park out of sight of the ski patrol. They wont be able to stop people from doing inverts unless a patroller is constantly at every feature on the mountain which is not realistic. So instead of having the safety of the air bag to get good enough at taking an invert to the snow you have to just risk it on the mountain.

  11. Yea, my bad. I'm so mad about this weather right now it is unbelievable. It doesn't help when every single person I run into starts off our conversation with, "wow this is GREAT WEATHER FOR NOVEMBER! I have short sleeves on!"


    That is so true about people typically loving the warm weather, don't get me wrong I like the warm weather in the late spring to early fall, however this time of the year it needs to hurry up and get cold so ski season can start. I also hate the person who after 1 week of actual winter with cold temperatures goes around saying how much they hate the winter and can't wait for it to get warm out again, move to Florida damn it! As for now I hope like the rest of you that it hurry's up and gets cold enough for snow making temperatures.

  12. I agree, a park pass would be a great idea, I don't think it should cost too much, or be free. This would help keep the park safer because you don't have gapers sitting on the landings where you can't see them, and also the park would be easier to maintain due to having less volume and people wouldn't be just riding over lips destroying them ever run. I believe the park pass should only be required for sidewinder park, so the gapers who still want to check out the other parks can still use the smaller ones without getting a park pass.


    This happened to me last year, I was riding sidewinder park and was approaching the third jump with enough speed to clear it and a lady almost cut me off on the take off as she was just carving across it, and once I got into the air I realized that her husband and son were cutting across the landing, the worst part was that the kid was on a leash. This left me with two options, land very close to the father/son, if not on top of them and run in to them directly after landing, or land completely side wise and wipe my self out and avoid them. I did chose the second option, landed and completely ate shit, afterward I didn't get any apology, just and evil look and comment from the mother that witnessed it all. Those are the kinds of people that need to stay out of the park. I have nothing against watching/scoping out the park but do so safely because you aren't just affecting your own safety you are affecting the safety of the other riders around you.

  13. yeah it would. Blue needs to listen up here.... we know they lurk.


    I don't know how many of you have a facebook account but blue has a page called Blue Mountain Ski Area, found at the following link:




    They seem to be posting comments for users to leave feedback on ways of improving the mountain. I'm not sure who moderates it but they seem to be somebody in contact with the marketing department, see the following quote from that page:


    Blue Mountain Ski Area:

    "Thank you so much to everyone who commented and gave us input, I will be presenting many of these ideas to our marketing director."


    I'm just saying that I have seen many good ideas presented on this site, and I am sure some of the Blue Mountain Personnel does lurk on this site as well but it wouldn't hurt to voice your opinion on their facebook group as well

    • Like 1
  14. 1. Fix the potholes in the parking lots

    2. Make some better food

    3. Straighten out the lift lines at the quad and six packs

    4. Open earlier on weekends, even if its just for us pass holders

    5. Dont have the best trail in the state closed for a rinky dink race team every weekend

    6. Have a bar in the valley lodge

    7. Salt the entrance road

    8. Keep everyone's ski equipment out of the lower lodge, I'm tired tripping over skis and boards lying all over the floor.

    9. Try making some powder snow. I think they have enough base and there is no reason to be making slush every night.

    10. Tell the groomers to slow down a bit. Blue has the best machines money can buy, poor conditions equals operator error.


    I'm sure everyone can add to this list.



    I almost forgot....


    #11 Get the snowmobiles off the trails. I've never been to a ski area that has so many snowmobiles running around.


    That is a pretty solid list, I completly agree with all of them. Also here is one more:


    12. Get some of the ski patrollers to loosen up on their speed regulating and ticket writing.

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