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Posts posted by dorsey!

  1. i think WWW's are played out. This year I rode a Forum Jiblet which is similar. It is really flexible, and the stances go up to 26 inches, which is pretty damn wide. For next year it is going to be re-named "the manual" according to eddie wall. Also, i have never seen anyone else at bear with it.

  2. yeah boyer i think i have the footy but i was filming from up top so ur not gonna see impact. It will still be funny though cause u will still be going up when ur over the knuckle. get better kid and the edit so far is lookin awesome.

  3. I was up at bear on friday and sat til close, and I was really impressed with the parks. Cascade was set up really nice. This is the set up in order

    • Tree Bonk/Cliff
    • Flat Bar/C-Box
    • Urban Single Bar/ 30 ft box
    • Small staircase
    • "up" picnic table
    • smaller flat box with medium sized gap on

    Then there was the bottom

    • Small Jump
    • Flat-drop-down box/ single bar flat
    • flat red rail

    The park was pretty nice this weekend and it shoudl eb even sicker next weekend when the tube park is up for USASA

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  5. opening day yesterday...


    impressive for the amount of snow they had and the temps.


    i think they had something like 13 features including one of the new stairsets and the cliff.


    the raisl were getting rutted out liek crazyyy but theirs nothing you can do about that i guess.


    thats it



  6. In response to the DC question:


    It is the exact same design and it is built probabibly a bit better than the stair set at DC. The rail configurations on the stairs are identical with an up-flat-down box on one side and an up-flat-down rail on the other. In the middle there is and up and a down rail with a gap through the top flat. The lip setups for this stairset are basically unlimited so expect to some some original streetstyle setups on it. Don't forget about our other stairset either. It will include a down box with a bar comming off the side and a down rail. Basically it will replicate a true urban enviroment almost exactly, except the cops aren't gonna bust you. Two stairsets for the price of one, only at Bear.


    In response to the J box suggestion:


    Thanks for the suggestion, I will pass it on to the Iron Works. As of now, we only have a huge binder full of ideas for how to set up features for this year and no final layout has been created for opening day. Any other ideas on how to set up rails differently or how you liked setups is greatly appreciated. We make the park for you guys, so we want you to like it. What better way to do than that than to listen to the suggestions of our "core park riders?" Keep the suggestions comming!


    i doubt its better than DC's but it is still sick. some stairs goign up would have been nice but i guess its irrelevent cuz there is usually snow going up anyways. and u gusy should make the middle of the stairs like under the top where all the rakes and shovels are kept like at DC. its a sick idea. and howbout a light up BC sign??



    little kids cant ride over stepdowns

    yeah they can. they always would roll over the top jump in the big park. most of the time they ate shit which was entertainign from the lift, but they were still in the way.


    there are 2 new urban features in this thread along with the stair case, BC is supposevly also having a line of urban jibs





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