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Posts posted by snownskateguy

  1. Jump line turned out nice. Last jump was a lot different than when i commented on earlier... bigger kicker and a little shorter gap. landings were actually pretty good. Snow was getting soft and wet when i left.

    love the down rails. urban setups were great. last down rail lip could be wider, just to give the gapers more room to jump. a lot of ruts near to the rail made that a little rough to hit.

    that flat to kicker box will be causing some injuries for sure, especially when sidewinder starts to harden up. at least one kid got a sled ride from ski patrol this morning.

    VIP line continues to be the best idea blue has ever had. only once was it back to the end of the ropes, every other time there were less then 6 people in it. fun morning for sure

  2. OK, so they were monitoring the VIP line today. Seems a bit hokey with the new RFID tags.

    They had a worker stationed at the end of the line asking to see passes, so now you gotta whip out your pass and show them to get into the VIP line.

    Before you could have it dangling off the retractor and they could just see it.


    :confused Wondering if I saved my old armbands of days gone by to hold my new pass.:lol:



    They only ever checked me once, They just remembered and waved me on by every time after that....

  3. Well the reason that the kicker is off center is because there are 2 kickers at different distances. So they could possibly vary the amount of vert/floatiness between the two.the longer kicker is also right next to the trees on the left side of sidewinder, which could be dangerous for anyone spinning left.

    Just to clarify, maybe i misunderstand the terminology but I would think of a mellow vs poppy lip as being the last few feet of a kicker, depending on the size... not necessarily the pitch of takeoff? In which case i am always a fan of mellow lips. long smooth transitions ftw.

  4. Rode from 930 to 2 today. Mostly rode come around to chute to main st down to the lower park. snow was a little sugary with some fresh man made here and there. Chute was all cookies, difficult to turn hard without bouncing all over the place and losing my edge, but i kept riding it because of the fun little lip at the top.

    Park crew kept the park lips nice all day.

    Liftline people were enforcing in the VIP line, that helped a lot.. I never waited more than 3 minutes. As for crowds actually on the trails, it wasn't bad at all until my final run, when there were gapers all up and down main street and probably 60 people standing around at the top of the lower park.


    As for the in-progress sidewinder grooming, not sure how excited i am about the jump line. actually it is difficult to tell much except for the last jump, but definitely not a fan of that so far. they have a relatively small, non vert kicker, off center, with a pretty long gap for the size of the kicker. I just prefer jumps that throw you up more than out, this looks like a boardercross jump or something.

  5. ... blatantly obvious that somebody's stealing it since they'd have to have wire cutters and everything?



    I agree that a lock is a good investment, for a small price you can give your gear a decent level of protection. my guess is, however, that it is only a deterrent, causing a thief to just find another board or skis to steal unless yours is very expensive. ever see the nyc bike thief video on youtube? other than mountain security who wont always be watching the non-check racks, i dont think many people would worry about or take the time to intervene in an obvious theft unless it is their or a friends gear.


    i personally dont spend any time in the lodge, keep my board, phone and money with me all the time, and i lock everything else, covered up or hidden, in my car.

  6. glad so many people took advantage of it. just in case people didnt get enough of a fix, or didnt feel like buying four pairs... they have now lowered the price of every pair to $10 so you dont have to buy 4, and it is still free shipping.

    the glasses deal is also true, i am eyeing up a few pairs. (no pun intended, really). we'll see what happens.

  7. Just wanted to give a heads up for anyone looking for a place to spend that Christmas money, or needing kicks... Sierrasnowboard.com is having a sale on gravis shoes, pick any 4 or more pairs and get them for $10 each. plus free shipping. amazing deal to split with a friend or even just get for yourself if you love good shoes like i do. Not all size are left but im in the 11-12 range and pretty much everything i looked at/liked/wanted was available in my size. check it out.



  8. Snowgrind are also going to set up the tranny box and coaster box for a photo shoot to showcase their product and those 2 will be in it too but as a separate line.


    they bringing their own crew to hit that line? cause otherwise im thinkin they are going to be pretty lonely "showcasing" those

  9. as title says, Smith Super Method, Chocolate Brown Frame, Brown Photocromic Lenses (Lens gets darker when in the sun).

    I wore them once so they are in perfect shape, I don't really like the Photochromic lens thing. Retail is around $140.

    They will come with leather semi-hard case, and a lifetime warranty.

    $65 pickup or you pay shipping, which by my guess would only be a few dollars.


    Attached is a stock picture of them. If you want pictures specifically from me, I can have them up sometime next week.


  10. hahaha, sounds like its time for a staged accident aftermath... i can see it now. wear some old ripped up gear, maybe an old broken board.. climb a few feet off the trail, into the trees... spray ketchup all over your face & on the ground.. then when they get the camera there, jump up and yell, youve been punk'd...that would at least be fun to do to ski patrol, even if they never put it on the show.

    but im sure you could get in trouble for doing that, too..

  11. yea, it is rediculous


    The irony is that I pick all of my stuff to be anti-flashy. I have solid colored jacket, helmet, board, bindings, and my goggles and pants are basically solid color. So I am really conservative looking, the idea being that I want people to see my riding if they are looking, and if let the riding do the talking. Yet now in the park I am really easy to spot because I'm one of the only ones without camo/plaid/XXXL tshirt/basketball jersey/giant hat/big headphones/airblasters/many bandanas/neon colors


    Yet somehow without all that flash, I still am able to ride. Its almost as if the camo DOESN'T make you ride better, which is weird because based on how much effort people put into getting all this flashy shit, I would have thought that it did help you ride better. Maybe if they put that much effort into actually riding ....



    snowboarding is a fashion show for wayyy too many people. i dont care what i get, i prefer no plaid, but i considered camo pants this year, heck, because they were pretty nice holden pants and on clearance. my stuff isnt matched, who cares, i have good gear and i spent less than 300 on new boots pants and jacket this year worth over 800 together so screw the trade show, if i get any of that, it will be 3 years down the road when its the last one in the shop for $50.

    its also nice, noone else ever has the same thing as me they already got rid of theirs from last year haha

  12. after last night and these warm temps, the jumps are tiny.


    How is the park holding up? i havent been up for a week now, contemplating heading up tomorrow and/or friday, and probably saturday.. just wonder if it will be decent for a few hours, so i wont get up there and want to leave right away??

  13. kevinthomas has alot of good ideas.



    ps. does anyone know what type of program blue or snowgrind or whoever uses to design there jibs? i'm taking a class now that is using solid works and it seems like it would be the perfect program to design boxes/rails/whatever with



    snowboard park tycoon new and improved circus edition

  14. As for the landings. Justo and i were talking about this yesterday while standing at the bottom of the last hit in the jump line. They definitely need to be steeper, and longer. For the landing on the forth hit, you get maybe 5-10 feet of space to land, before it starts to mellow out real fast.


    :D so true, i forgot to mention that.

  15. I agree with the problems but not the solution. Well actually I like your ramp idea and thanks for the illustration, but the fence on the table is not a good idea. You are treating a symptom and not the problem. The problem is that there are a bunch of people who don't belong in the park in the park, not that people shouldn't be crossing next to the ramp. My warm up run or two in the morning, I take all the jumps and ollie the knuckles, it warms up my knees, I can see the jump, now what? What if you are going into a jump and have to bail - no you are going to slam on the brakes last minute and hope to stop before you go off the ramp or hit a fence, lame. Or what if I hit the first jump, fall so you can't hit the second table, and want to pump the second table to get enough speed for the 3rd? With a fence you can't. And it doesn't prevent people from sitting at the bottom of the landing. What if you want to film?


    A better solution would be to have people clipping the tickets of those in the landings, that would truly make things safer.


    Fence off the landing to the last jump in the jump line (the one before the wall). The first 2 or 3 you can scope out pretty good from the hip, so it's

    pretty easy to tell when it's safe to drop. The last one however, is always a guessing game.



    fence would be a great idea there. i have seen it in videos, and i have talked about it with other riders before, more mt's should be using it. also for the stepdown after thewall.


    overall, for the jumps i would like them a little longer and a little more vert, but still long smooth transitions.

    agreed that the stepdown after the wall should be moved downhilll.

  16. false. the pipe sucked today because of the rain last night and the deep freeze that followed. up until today it was amazing. maybe they will cut it again or something. if not, at leat it will be in the 40s to soften up.



    in the afternoon the right wall softened up a little in the sun, but the left stayed a solid sheet of ice. unfortunately the right is my heelside wall, which im not so good at hitting, so after a few runs i gave up.

  17. That sounds like a decent idea. The thing about the swingset is the fact that if you need to bail you're pretty much dead.


    true, last year the swingset was on a spine so there was a transition to break your fall, but now its just on a flat.


    no matter what, the bus is def a complete waste of space. i say the put it at the top of sidewinder and use it as a hot drink stand.

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