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Posts posted by Freeheeler

  1. I know this doesn't apply to you Skimom, but for us 'pinners, lighter skis are a heck of a lot nicer when you are skinning uphill! :D


    That aside, in my alpine days, i skied a pair of Volkl Vertigo G31's when they first came out. Now that seemed like a pretty heavy ski to me...but i tell ya, if you could hold on, it did some pretty amazing things! Back in the days, i used to ski a really light pair of bump skis, but they were crap at high speed/crud (but they were'nt built for that kind of skiing anyway..). I guess i'd gravitate to a heavier ski. BTW, i'm not a big guy....maybe weigh a buck 30 or thereabouts, but i ski pretty aggresively and liked a pretty stable/heavy platform on alpine gear.


    well, have a good rest of the summer (but it's like Enough Summer Already.....).



  2. I skied Sugarbush on Saturday...they actually got like 2-3" of snow up on top. But it was foggy up there. that sucked. Some of the bump runs were pretty good, just had to take care getting into some of them....mud, rocks, and crap.


    We were going to ski "K-mart" on Sunday but it was raining and foggy again so we scouted some creeks instead.

  3. The ski area has it's own staff. Part-time lifties and snow makers, etc. The ski school is actually one of the few ammenities that makes money. We have two Areco guns and a few tripod guns; actually more than needed, but they spend to the budget. The building at the top right is the new lodge, which is pretty nice, but we only skied at our hill a couple of times when it was open this year. Much more fun to poach.



    where is this place? Man, now that looks like one happy kid! :D

  4. Just got back from some nice turns this morning. They actually left some stuff ungroomed last night and there were freshies to be had!!! :P Cliffy and Pharoh were open and ungroomed. They were pretty tracked up by the time i left at 10:30 though. Rhodo, Hump, and Rocket all had freshies for the poachers too........ Beautiful freakin' morning!


    There are also rumors of keeping the place open for another week too.....



  5. i hardly ever take anything too seriously.....especially from all of you guys. I just wish i knew about this MB earlier.....i coulda wasted some MAJOR time at work if i did! :banghead


    i gotta go up to the mtn (mountain..whose idea was it to call that lump a 'mountain' anyway?) in a bit (job 1 to job #2). Anyone heading up tonight? I think we're ending nights this weekend....who knows about days


    Maybe i'll ride tomorrow night.



  6. Ski ha ha he actually told me one night a drill was stolen...wanted to know if i knew anything about it.  AKA did i steal it (I think).

    Skidude- i hope the hell you didn't steal my taillight........


    And, about the drill i definately was not accusing you of taking it.....i was just wondering if you guys found out whoever stole it.


    thats all

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