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Posts posted by Stripes

  1. Makes sense. I may do just that. I don't get many days on the mountain so I'm trying to get a feel for elk before I go. I really like Blue, but my friends want to do Elk. Childless friends don't get how your time is limited when you have kids! The Elk trail map looked like it has mostly black diamond runs and a few blue squares to the edge of the resort. For some reason I can't grasp, in my head, how long a run is by looking at a map. Duh.


    Go to Elk and ski Elk....then go to Blue and ski Blue...then post an article..about it...about the best advice I can give...JADIP...


    be warned..some of the stuff at Elk is mad technical..bring your A game and be ready to stomp some trains Johnny Law style....

  2. I'm thinking of taking a trip to Elk with some friends and was looking for input on how Elk compares, in size, to Blue. Are the runs at Elk as long Lazy Mile/Switchback? Those are the runs I normally board, intertwined with trips down the Sidewinder and Paradise. I take it easy, so I don't need anything technical. Just looking for longer runs. I was disappointed with Jack Frost last week. The runs were way too short.

  3. Hey guys


    I'm a Mountain Creek local/season pass holder but they're done for the year, so this weekend I'm either heading out to Shawnee or Blue mountain. I'm leaning towards Blue becuase I'm going south next year to University of Delaware and it will probably be my mountain of choice, so I want to check it out this year. BUT - Shawnee is where i learned to ski and snowboard and theres a nostaliga attached with going back for the first time in like 5 years to end off my high school snowboarding where it started years ago. Anyway, i'm thinking shawnee sunday and either cutting school tuesday and going to blue, or making it up next weekend. What are blues hours next week and what are the chacnes they'll be open next weekend? Or should i just screw it and go to blue this weekend becuase i've never been there before?


    Go to Blue this week, get a pass and they'll give you have off on your next visit, then go next weekend as well. Conditions aren't too bad.

  4. Women of Allentown beware!


    Blue will close super early and all of the PASR's will get the DT's and takeover Bear Creek. At least I have free night passes. F*%& this weather and F *$# this ski season. OK, I'm done.


    With all the snow they should easily be able to make it into April. Maybe even the 2nd or 3rd week.


    The end of boarding season means the beginning of detailing season. Bring on the rides!

  5. The rail jam setup was nice. I didn't take pics, but it was: Drop in to a 15? foot flat box, small gap to a 15? foot down box, down a little bit, there was another box, about the same length. It was setup so nice- i regret not entering. They had a soundsystem going, and would play homer simpson sounds whenever people would fall (ex-DOH! or Aw Crap!) I wish blue would setup some rails like that- on wide tables with nice, wide lips on to them :drool . It would be sooo nice.


    Yea the setup looked nice. It would be nice to see a setup like that in the park for all those rail riders.

  6. Ditto on the 3rd roller lip. I tried prejumping but still caught air. I cased the table and overshot the step up, jolting my spine. Since I have a wife and mortgage to take care of I never went back for my first heat. The wind was killer as well. At least the park was killer all morning!

  7. Even if you're not a returning season pass holder, you can get the early bird special, and for a student, this year it was $322 for an everyday pass :rock


    Are you saying there is a discount for returning season pass holders (better than the early bird special)?

  8. I don't think he was refering to people like yourself who is trying to learn new things. I think he was talking more about people who have no intentions of improving in there. People who just ride through so they can look at everything. That and people with little kids. Kids that are WAY to young to even come close to safely using any of the features within the park. So feel free to come into the park at any time. We all were in your shoes at one point.


    Exactly. I'm referring to people who have no inclination to better themselves and are just rolling on through the park as if it was just another trail on the mountain.

  9. the park was sick. the hits are big. i almost cleared the 65 footer. the lips was realllly nice. more features are going to be added tonight from what i hear.


    Nice. Hopefully I run into you this weekend. I've never seen anyone hit the 65 footer.

  10. Was at Blue from 11-3 today. They opened the park at 1:30. Rail guys will be disappointed because there are only 2 hits right now. Theres a gap to straight and a ride on battleship at the top where the battleship was last week. Then there's a gap-flat-down in the same area it was last week. Lips were looking great.


    The two wedges at the top are still there. The table immediately following the wedges is gone. Next up are two more tables. After that is the BIG wedge. They built the old big wedge up even bigger. The wall seemed to be set up nicely. After the wall are two more wedges - in the same place as before. The hip was built up a lot and is in great shape. That's it.


    There are a bunch of spots that more rails will be set up. I assume they wanted to get the park back open ASAP. The backsides of all tables and wedges are perfect. The lips are, for the most part perfect. The first table has an odd direction to it, the lip is kind of slanted. Also, I think the second table is set too close to the first, or the second should have been made a few feet longer. Just my opinion. The snow wasn't the greatest on the majority of the run - lots of big, hard snowballs all over (about fist size). Not sure what the "technical" term is for conditions like that.


    On another note, something has to be done to keep clueless people out of the park. I cringed as I watched two guys take there snow-plow skiing 5 year olds through the park. It's quite dangerous to everyone when there are inexperienced people moseying on through the park. I blew my top as I watched a batch of skiiers (including the four previously mentioned) run over the tables like they were simply big mounds of snow to be skiied over. The lips had a ton of pop to them. Not sure how long that will last with people like that running over them. It would be nice to add more wedges. I didn't see any noobs running over the wedges.


    Get to the park ASAP, before the high traffice kills it. I'll be back 7:30 tomorrow.

  11. i hope there is no table top. that just encourages kids to roll right over the lip. at least with the booters if they try something stupid like they they will fall 6 feet to a flat landing. then they never do it again. thats the whole reason why the park crue is building jumps like that... so they dont get wrecked as easily like the ones from last year


    You said it.


    The second table that they built a few weeks ago wasn't too bad because they had that small piece cut out of the top. It was too close to the first set of wedges though. I hit it a few times and clear the thing because I didn't have room to slow down. Maybe they should have made it 10 feet longer?



  12. Hey, on thursday were you leaving around 4:30? When I was going by the blue mtn diner I saw a modded pontiac, and figured it was you...I was in the dark blue bimmer


    Atomic - did you go up on Wednesday night? I remember passing a dark blue bimmer on the way home.

  13. For the most part the mountain is skiable. I do suggest, however, that we move the pasr day to next sunday, as ASRA will be there, which means Skimom, myself, Ski999 (hopefully), Atomic Jeff, and Doug will all be racing. Furthermore, Temps will be dropping rapidly after sunday. They will be able to make LOTS of snow all week over night. Next weekend will be a much better weekend for it.


    I agree. Next weekend should be much better and everyone will be much happier riding in good conditions

  14. you dont even want to know what the rain on saturday is going to do to every resort in PA.... thank god for cold temps next week. Blue better blow for 240 hours straight. yeah i said it. 240.


    Anyone know how much snow can be blown in any given amount of time? For example, can they cover razors with a couple of inches in one evening. How many slopes can get snow at onces?

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