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Posts posted by Capitaaa!

  1. I know this is a little late, and a longshot, but my free passes ended up falling through. Do any PASR's have any extra free tickets I could possibly take off your hands? I really don't want to sound like a mooch, but the prices are way too high considering the crowds. If anyone has any extra please pm me or reply and I could possibly meet you at the mountain. Thank you very much!

  2. They don't care about that..I drink while I'm skiing on Gaper/Retro days..and I've never heard a word from the patrollers..as long as you ski slow or at least fast and gaperish with a powerwedge turkey tuck on Burma road or Paradise..you'll be fine. If you carve nice turns or do a GSS NT No Turn run..watch out for those whistles...At the bottom of Main Street by the slow signs..there are sometimes patrollers on foot but you need to keep your speed up to hit the shuttle..before leap frog jibbing into the lower park...and then a ride up the Poconos coldest 6-pack..Touch the Sky Blue Mountain..



    Haha they just got kicked for drinking... and having a bow I guess, still funny.

  3. I visited elk again this past weekend for the fresh snow they got. It snowed off and on all day which was pretty cool and made for good conditions. Left my backpack at home <_< which meant no camera, but made up for it by bringing a cooler of beer. We had about seven friends and got a sweet spot in the parking lots just above the quad, we actually skied down to the car through the woods for lunch and end of day. Met some REAL rowdy older fellas drinking faaarrrrr more than we were, and got to see em bite it hard in the moguls later in the day which was pretty funny.


    I actually made it all the way until 4pm before me and two others had our passes pulled for being in the trees waayyy over to skiers left. Huge thanks to the very nice female patroller who caught me and didn't pull my pass around 10am, she also informed me of how strict the other patrollers were(I later found out) and that they even had a collection of clipped tickets for fun in the shack. I was respectable to the guy who pulled my ticket, hell I even clipped it for him with MY leatherman, but as soon as they saw us I heard the one patroller yell "take their passes!". I guess that's what I get for wearing a bright yellow jacket in there, I might have to invest in snow camo outerwear. Anywho we waited for the nice patroller to yell at some other folks in some other trees and then he continued on his way. We got back into the woods for our last run of the day and took it all the way down passed the pond and right to the front of the car.



    I also gotta say even though the park is kinda shotty, the kids there know what they're doing as far as calling a drop and not standing in landings and whathaveya. Also the rope tow was running which was cool.


    Nice TR thanks for posting. I'm glad you got your woods time in before they got ya haha. That weekend was really nice, possibly the last one we'll see until next year.


    It's nice to hear you say what you did about the park. It is very small, but they have some of the nicest guys running it, and it seems to be the safest I've ever been in. For the most part, everyone really understands some descent park etiquette.


    The rope tow really makes it worthwhile, you can get about 15 runs in an hour, and because theres less features, the park crew can keep them all in nice shape throughout the whole day. Big ups to Dan and the rest of the park crew.

  4. Chaos at Sno? Cool!!!


    Ski, I really don't want to seem like I am against Sno in any way, shape or form. I have always and still love that mountain. I have ridden there and Elk faithfully for 5 years. It's just with my recent employment at Elk, I've been there a lot more for obvious reasons.


    Maybe I was a little too extreme using the word "chaos", I think a better term would be "settling in". I was only at Sno twice this season, however it was early this season. With some of the lifts not running, and the lazy river exposed, I was a little turned off about the atmosphere that I usually enjoy. I've been meaning to get up again and check things out, but working as an instructor three days a week at Elk doesn't make it very easy to get to other mountains.


    By the end of the season, I WILL make it up there and reaffirm all the things that I do love about that resort.


    Chances are you'll be there. Maybe I'll see you on the North Face, I'm always looking for new people to ride with.

  5. Haha, I don't know why all you Elk guys are defending the mountain so much. We know the terrain is fun, the snow is usually excellent, and financially, doing just fine. So why don't we just tell all the non-believers that the conditions are horrifying, and we can keep our small crowds of friendly people and short lift lines? :):lol:


    Don't get me wrong, I usually do enjoy Sno's park and their NF... Theres been just a little too much chaos this year for my liking, but hey, whats wrong with a good rebuilding year?

  6. Elk is a rare type of ski area anymore. The evergreens really do help with the wind and they are also beautiful. Elk is not about a huge park for all of the kids etc. I think, you have to have one these days,and I understand that the kids do like to nail the hits and jumps etc. I was a kid once too!! But skiing and true riding is about the mountain and the snow. This is what Elk is about. I hope the private ownership can continue to offer this type of experience and continue to make improvements in snowmaking and grooming etc.


    I understand ELK's position as a SKI resort first and foremost, but I'm really starting to question the intensity of there dedication to the old school ski mentality. Thee is so little attention given to snowboarders. Today, i had my name taken by ski patrol because I was hitting a jump we found to the side of one trail. I understand i was in my jacket, which is a uniform, but its as if they completely deny any chance toward freestyle riding other than the 200 yard park separated from the rest of the trails. Most of the fun in riding, is finding natural, or man made, features to use.

    I know I am in no position to question any of management's methods, but sometimes ELK feels like 1980's California...

    Here's hoping I still have my job next week...

  7. Definatley got a few inches of fresh snow up here. These cold temperatures coming up should provide for some nice snowmaking too. This weekend should be pretty good, and judging by how many people have been up there the past few weekends i'm not sure if it's gunna be THAT crowded.

  8. This is a WIDE open thread about Elk. There aren't enough posts about this place on here. Say whatever you think; how much you love it, how much you hate it, how you feel about the hits in the park, or the brews in the lodge. Let's get posting.

  9. How were you disappointed. That park was good for only being open for 10 days. Plus you go to ELK, and ELK sucks dick.


    Your right, the park isn't bad for being open for 10 days, I just said I was glad to hear its going to be sorted out. I didn't like the way some of the hits were set up... especially the C box, but I'm defiantly happy that they have a park to board in.


    By the way I work as an instructor at ELK for the free boarding because its a lot closer to me than SNO.

  10. I was up from like 230 till 630. It was damn cold sometimes and all the boxes were sticky. It was alot better than its been though. Tmrw we have a big park crew meeting so all the park stuff should be sorted out shortly.


    Yeah I just got back and all the hits were mad sticky... especially the X-box. Good to hear the park is getting sorted out, I was a little disapointed.

  11. ...Seneca would have been open and awesome if they wernt in the middle of putting the pads on the lift towers, I would have poached it if not for the fact im in a intructors jacket at the moment and that would have been a bad idea.


    Just got back from snowboard ITC. Seneca was open with amazing powder and plenty of bumps. Made for some excellent runs.

  12. You guys are harsh. Elks park isn't terrible. Like Snos is way way way better so I barely go to elk, but you can have a lot of fun in elks park. I'm pretty sure their park isn't open now, but when its going they usually have 2 small but very nice jumps, and some rails or boxes you can session. The part thats really cool is no hiking, because of the tow rope.


    Haha, word Steve. Me and you spent plenty of killer days in that little park... Hundred runs a day.

  13. oh sweet, I'm an instructor too. The ITC for snowboard instructors is actually kinda fun, you'll pretty much just be riding with some occasional drills. Everyone is pretty laid back, and it's a pretty good time.


    Oh awesome. thats really good to hear. I'm pretty excited for it.

  14. I'll be there Saturday and Sunday, but its for instructor training. Anyone here work at Elk? I hear its a pretty good deal with the free pass and everything...

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