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BB 1/10/10


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Got to BB yesterday for a nice afternoon/evening session with some friends. Here's the low down:


Boulder Park is back in business. Three sets of his/her jumps. They are all in the 20ish ft range. I hit the 1rst and 3rd her variety several times. No problems clearing the knuckle, both were a lot of fun. Saw a couple of the team riders there killing it. Saw a couple nice 7's, and a real nice corked 5 from a couple of two-plankers.


They put the super mellow training jibs back into Tannenbaum. I rarely ride that lift and trail, but its so worth it when the little boxes are in. Some superb carnage watching to be had from the lift. Most of the kids on that trail are still figuring things out, but still try to hit the features, which as expected is priceless. There was one excellent series where a group of 3 youngsters were going down, led by clearly the one with the least experience. The kid still took a run at all 5-6 features. He would hit one, fall down hard, get up and go after the next one. By the time he was approaching the third box, we could hear his friends saying "don't do it, your not good enough yet". But he kept on trucking. Good work kid.


Freedom is still in the same configuration. Still fun, but could use a make over.


Snow is still in awesome shape. Only a couple icey spots towards the beginning of the night.

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haha i spent my ENTIRE day in the tannenbaum park. i was trying to get my sister to hit boxes, but she just spent the whole day going straight over. wish i could get that whole turning sideways thing to "click" for her.


i had so much fun in there, learning 1 footed stuff, andy parry stuff, and overall just messing around. even took this sweet ass myspace style shot on one of the boxes.



wed always take the bigger lift up tho, so i could hit that urban kink and the down flat before the bunny park.

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