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PA Terrain Parks


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Hey everyone,

My name is Keith and I'm the park Manager over at Shawnee this year. I just wanted to start a post saying that I am so pleased to see that a lot of PA mountains are stepping it up in the parks this season, even with dealing with one of the worst january's in recent years. All I hear is good news from places like BB, Bear Creek, Roundtop, Blue, (cough) Shawnee (cough) ;) , and I'm so happy that managements across the poconos have realized that parks are not a fad, but a necessity. Props to everyone for making this a great season so far, even without substantial snow. And as for all the park crews out there... keep pushing the envelope, so we can push eachother to create better parks for these skiers and riders. Peace

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I'm stoked too. I'm kind of stoked on this shitty as winter. Maybe becuase I'm an optomist, but look how crappy its been. 1) Its never crappy 2years in a row so this year, a lot of mountains got more serious and will have even more stuff for next year and add in some good snow. 2) Mountains might budget more for snowmaking next year in response early in the year. The mountains that made snow early (camelback/shawnee) did better than those that didn't (mountain creek).


We were holding on by a thread at mountain creek until saturday, saturday's storm killed us. They actually went from a 18 jibs and 5 jumps down to just 2 jumps and 8 rails. And creek was pushing the envelope this year, lots of rails, now we're up to 8 park trails, but no god damn snow. So far only 5 park trails are open and only 4 have shit on them and none of the ones that have shit on them are full. (plus the superpipe) i mean if we had snow we could definately have 11 jumps, a superpipe, and who knows how many jibs, just based on past years. Probably around 11 jumps ranging from 8-40 feet and 30 rails ranging from 8 foot flat bar/20 foot flat boxes, up to the 40 foot handrail and the 46 foot battleship box, the log features, the new kink boxes. Pretty much aworld class park. And the pipe is sick as hell. And you can see all the rails sitting on the side of the trails, and just NO FUCKING SNOW. Its sad, but if we get a cold snap I can't wait to see it setup. I can't wait for the PA mountains to catch up and imagine having 4 or 5 parks like this in the region? Imagine if blue/bear creek/shawnee/camelback and mountain creek all had quality parks? I can't wait to see that.

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Hey everyone,

My name is Keith and I'm the park Manager over at Shawnee this year. I just wanted to start a post saying that I am so pleased to see that a lot of PA mountains are stepping it up in the parks this season, even with dealing with one of the worst january's in recent years. All I hear is good news from places like BB, Bear Creek, Roundtop, Blue, (cough) Shawnee (cough) ;) , and I'm so happy that managements across the poconos have realized that parks are not a fad, but a necessity. Props to everyone for making this a great season so far, even without substantial snow. And as for all the park crews out there... keep pushing the envelope, so we can push eachother to create better parks for these skiers and riders. Peace

yo i was talking to someone who works up at shawnee and he was telling me about u he said u know ur shit lol this guy is well im not sure what u know him as but i know him as J.R. Sames. just thought id let u know whats good.

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yo i was talking to someone who works up at shawnee and he was telling me about u he said u know ur shit lol this guy is well im not sure what u know him as but i know him as J.R. Sames. just thought id let u know whats good.


haha thanks for the complement. I make it a part of my job to meet as many people as possible, that way I can get a feel of who likes/dislikes the park and why. The name sounds reallly familiar... skier?

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