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Posts posted by Matt

  1. Hey Everyone --


    Anyone know of any good soft-shell ski jackets with detachable sleeves (so it can double as a vest)? I've been looking around and can't find anything. Thanks!

  2. My TR for today.


    Strolled out of my house around 10am. Felt like sleeping in today. Got there around 11:30. Bought the $20 ticket and took the chair up. Did the first run down the "middle run" ( I forget the name of it ). Then proceeded to take rest of the runs down Boulder Park / Snowdrift. The snow was perfect for carving today. I took full advantage of it. I did probably 15 laps of Snowdrift / BB Park. The conditions were perfect, there were a few other racers there too carving it up. I left around 3:00pm, it was a good day. The weather was perfect as well; not too warm, not too cold. I just wore my black hoodie all day.


    I noticed a few PASR stickers on the lift chairs. I also noticed a person with a black PASR (D.A.R.E. style lettering) hoodie going down BB Park.


    The only thing I'll knock on today is my iPod mix. I still had my cycling mix on it. It's a terrible mix for skiing. The traffic at the Wawa at the turnpike interchange was insane.


    Looks I'm off of skiing 'til Friday or Saturday. :banghead

  3. First report of the Season.


    I left my house at 5:30am for Windham this morning. Took 4 hours to get there. (Downingtown - RT100 - I78 - I287 - I87 - Windham). I arrived around 9:15'ish. No traffic at all. I brought my two sets of skis, not knowing what to expect condition wise. I have 2005 Volkl Unlimited AC1's, and a brand new pair of Volkl Unlimted AC30. I brought the AC1's if I need a set of rock skis, which I didn't thankfully. One thing that I wasn't use to while I was up there was paying for Ski Checkin, I'm use to Blue & Bear Creek's free ski valet. It was only $4.00 for the whole day, and I wasn't about ready to leave my skis out there yet. So I paid the $4 and went on my way.


    Windham only had 2 trails open (Really it's 4, but 3 of them connect into one big trail). It was their blue. Which was perfect for riding new boots and new skis for the first time. I did about 10 laps of the trail. They had all their guns pointed on that one trail. Which was awesome because it had a "powder-like feeling" the whole time. It wasn't as packed as I was expecting, but still enough to stop you from going full out. The new skis and boots were perfect. The blue trail kind of had "sections". There were places that you could do the long carving arcs and racing style turns, but there were also sections that got kind of bump'ish that stopped you from doing those arcs. The cover they had down was almost perfect. They had one minor spot showing thru, minor ice showing thru around lunch time. However, it wasn't that bad at all and didn't hamper the day at all.


    I left Windham around 1:00pm, totally aching all over. Since I was doing this trip all in one day, I also wanted to get 75% of the drive back before it got dark, 'cause once it got dark I was going to fall asleep. Doing a trip to Windham from the WC/D-town area is totally possible for a day-trip, but you need a second person to help with the driving. The drive back was riddled with a lot of stupid drivers who either drove waaay to fast or waaaay to slow.


    It was a good way to start of the season, maybe I'll make it Big Boulder tomorrow, but we'll see.


    A pic from today.



  4. [directed to who knows the info]


    any word on the season pass pricing for next year? going up or down from $170, or even better ... staying the same?


    also, have you decided what you are going to do about the "Bear Creek is developing a compensation package for Season Pass holders based on the number of days the mountain is open for skiing and boarding." ?



  5. 4/1/07 - 10:30-ish to 2pm.


    Strolled in and saw Doug heading out to his car for beer run number ## (fill number here). Got in and paid my usual $36, but faked out the ticket window lady with my 1/2 off pass and paid $16 instead. Started off the day with a relaxing run down Lazy Mile and the continued it with Razor's Edge, Paradise, Challenge, Switchback, and Main Street. Around 11:30-ish, the under armour & mountain hardware softshell combination was getting to warm, so i decided to retire the jacket for the season and just skiied around in the underarmour. I had one wreck that aggrivated my injuries from november and had my head ringing for a few seconds.


    I went on over to watch the pond skimming around 12:00. Found Doug about half way up, and met sexkitten, Zonked, Boblikecats, and Shadows for the first time. Pond Skimming was relatively boring, the pond was just way too short. Needs to be 2x the length and some sharks swimming around in it to make it more interesting.


    Afterwards, I skied down Burma with the PASR gang. Topped the season off with skiing Razor's Edge as my last run. I cashed in early for the season 'cause i was in top form & it was beginning to rain.

  6. I've had mostly good experiences with the Ski Check dudes/dudettes, the lifts can vary. There are a few awesome lifties who hold the lift for you to get on, but there are also a few who don't do s**t. I said a few words to the person who running the main quad on last friday arounnd 5:30. He barely held it.


    But overall, if you tell them to "smile" or talk to them they are all good people but they also get bored very quickly and they show it.

    My experiences are 95% excellent, 5% not-so-good.

  7. Skifreak, I actually suggested that during our first phase of development. They are cost prohibitive, running between $13,000 and $14,000 a space!


    We have been tossing around the idea of a season pass parking lot off skier's right of Cascade that would be gate controlled. The main reason we haven't implemented it is security. As bad as it sounds, between 80% and 90% of our behavior issues occur with season pass holders. We are afraid a remote lot for pass holders could lead to some serious safety concerns even with increased security patrols/presence.


    Mark ... is there plans for paving the back part of your lot? I drove in around 5:30 and noticed there were was alot of wasted space due to people's parking. Either having a huge gap between cars, or even between rows.

  8. i'll chime in...


    shorter version of the 'tip and wag of the hat and finger


    blue mountain - 2/17 (10:30 - 6:00pm)


    lines started off long, then got really short, then really long, then WHAM! empty.

    started off the day with 3 layers, started to sweat buckets and then just skiied under armour on.

    i became a pretty famous person that day with just wearing that. I had a few people remember who i was.


    challenge had major ice issues at the top, then at the bottom i got going into GS turns. same deal with razors.

    lazy mile and switchback were in pretty good conditions.

    some person on blades had a pretty wild wipeout. so i helped her out. blocked the lower part of main street (just like the NSP from JFBB said...) with the skis and another person went down and got ski patrol)


    i found my iPod a few days ago, that was a life-send for yestarday. mostly jamming to everything...singing, dancing while i was skiing. citizen cope's brother lee was mostly played on challenge and razors while going down. since that song has the tempo for it.


    today : 7.5 steezys out of 10


    maybe i'll be there tomorrow morning...

  9. too early to be talkin bout next season, makes it feel like this one is almost over.




    it's never too early to begin talking about next season. i hope this current season lasts as long as Mammoth's season last year. they were open 'til July 4th.


    but i'm always lookin' out for ways to make BC better...

    and if I don't type/write it down now, i'm bound to forget it.

  10. Just a thread for a wishlist and/or possible enhancements for BC for the 07/08 Season.


    - A better way to exit Sasquatch and return to the F Quad lift. The idea of pulling the hard left hand turn up the hill or returning back to the main chair and then going down to the F chair again.


    Maybe tear down some trees around the left hand side for a possible left hand turn.


    - Another idea I had for the park ... I remember that Camelback (I know I said the C word) had a sound system for the park. Possible idea for BC's park?


    I'll add more as I think of them...

  11. 1/22/2007


    Left class early today to go skiing.


    Left WCU at 5:15 ... Got there at 6:30pm, rode the chair up at 6:35pm.


    Rode over to the new Timberline trail, was too snow rocky and too slick for my liking. So I went back to my usual trails...


    - Sasquatch ... another perfect day, 2 for 2 ... you can't beat that.

    - Grizzly ... another perfect day ... can this get any better?

    - oh wait , Extreme ... the top part got some powder and I got the trifecta! 3 perfect trails.


    3 perfect trails, very little ice all around.


    Plenty of ski patrol around tonight. I'm not complaining, I like seeing them around.


    Left around 9:00pm, so I can watch 24 I taped so I can ski 'til 9.


    It's amazing how much traffic and traffic lights can delay you. It takes me 1hr 25 minutes to get there during the evening. 45mins at 9pm to get home.


    Next day at BC ... wednesday or maybe next monday.


    Today ... 8.0-8.5 Steezys

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