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Posts posted by $tEEzyRiDeR

  1. hopefully the temps will stay like there going to be the weekend or get lower...but if it only takes them 3-4 days to get a couple trails open then they could be open the day after thanksgiving...DO THINK THEY WILL BLOW SNOW THIS WEEKEND??

  2. Any ideas how the pipe is gonna be? Hopefully alright, cuz back when they used to have one it never got groomed. It was fun on powder days though...

    y did they get rid of the pipe in the first place...but i thnk its gunna be better because of the new managment and terrian park designers...it would be sick to see some nice rails this year and fun boxes

  3. I got the 06 k2 world wide weapon board,,and was just wondering if any1 has ever ridden one before..i heard they were like the dominant and i have tried them ..but tell me what there like if youve ridden one

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