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Posts posted by swdorsey

  1. Like I stated above by blowing the extra time it will not only make our opening day park better but it will allow us to build our park up to 100% much faster, which I assume that you all want. Personally I think that it is better to wait 3 days and have a top notch park faster, not to mention conditions on other trails will be better. Although some mountains are opening a few days earlier than Bear this year, most are setting up less than a handful of jibs. With the extra blowing time, we can set up alot of features on opening day and even more by the first weekend of operations. The BC Iron Works will be showing in full force on opening day.



  2. The park will not be 100 percent on opening day obviously but we will do our best with the snow that we have. You can expect a good amount of jibs and rails as well. Bear is dedicated to providing the best opening day park in PA. In the days and weeks following opening day the park will also get much better rapidly as we add large snow features. As of now the guns are still running and have been since 11:30 last night. The snow is continuing to build up. Pictures will come as they are available. Pray for more cold weather!


    - Dorsey

  3. Ok guys im sure that you have all heard the official word that snowmaking begins in a few hours. I hope you are as pumped as the rest of us for the start of the season. I also know that a few of you are a bit disappointed that Bear isnt opening this weekend. Although this does mean a few less opening days on the hill I can assure you it is for the better. With the extra blowing time on our parks, we will have more snow to work with when constructing features. This means more and better quality features for you on opening day. The BC Iron Works will have alot more options now because of that extra snow and it will allow us to put together a top notch park even faster. Obviously conditions on regular trails will also be better with the added snowmaking days as well. We will keep you updated as to the features in the park in the comming days so hang in there.


    - Dorsey

  4. I dont know the date and honestly noone does at this point but let me explain what is going to happen. It will get cold and bear will start to blow alot of snow. There are alot of those new fancy snow guns that are automatic on cascade for those that like the park. They will all blow alot of snow onto that trail. Im not really sure what makes them so special but all most of us really care about is that the snow that comes out is good and that they have a crazy output capacity. We will then go in and install the best opening park ever. Everyone will come and have alot of fun. Just a few weeks later, big jumps (see biggest and best ever for BC) will open up and we will have uber snow to work with. Uber snow+New jibs+Updated old jibs+Lots of Park Crew work=Epic park for all to have fun in. Just wait till mother nature cooperates because we are ready to blow alot of snow for your enjoyment. For those of you that remember the opening park last year is was pretty good. Well this year it will be way better. Moral of teh story is go into an open room in ur house and put on ur board/skis and butter around because the season is right around teh corner and everyone is in for a suprise. And everyone that is on here is going to have some input as well. As the season progresses im gonna make some threads on what you like and dont like. We can keep what you like and flip out some of the less popular features and make them better. Its gonna be fun so opening day say hi to all of us park crew guys and remember that the BC Iron Works will bring you some amazing parks very soon.


    Also heres your first chance of input. You all know what jibs we have so what do you want to see on opening day? Remember we cant build stuff that takes alot of snow just yet but if you have some suggestions as to stuff that you really want to ride on opening day put it here. I will try to grant some of your requests when we have our preseason meeting on whats going into the parks opening day. Happy 06-07 Season.



  5. Although Bear has no official word on the exact number or placement of features, because we dont know the snow situation as of yet, you can expect multiple boxes and rails as well as other jibs and jumps if snow permits. You can be assured of multiple features on opening day, though, so you will not be boerd.

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