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Posts posted by phillycore

  1. After missing last Friday due to the rain and my son puking his guts out, :crymore: I'm seriously jones'n for some slope time...

    With the colder temps these past couple days, I was wondering what the weekend outlook has.... mainly Saturday as I'm on Daddy Duty Sunday....

    Anyone heading out Saturday, if so where bouts and what's the weather looking like.... hopefully no R_ _N. !!!!



  2. I'm not sure..... there's a NASTY stomache virus going around though.. First my oldest got it over xmas break when we visited my brothers house down in DC. His whole family pretty much got it as well.... then my eldest passed it on to my middle child who passed it on to my youngest last Thursday night/ Friday who then passed it onto my wife and I on Saturday/Sunday and we passed it back to my eldest for a second go around yesterday and he had off from school today as well. FWIW it's not fun and I know that was one big long run on sentence....lol


    As far as the Greek peak 24 hour challenge thing, my friends and I are probably going to pass on it as this season has pretty much sucked wind so far and we're going to plan a trip out west instead. We found a good deal airfare wise out to Colorado if we leave from BWI into Denver for $150 round trip. A cheap motel room for a few nights and some lift tix and we're good to go. I'm definitely in for the PASR days though as long as they don't coincide with our trip plans... So far so good though... = )~~

  3. Welcome.... I'm new here too (well a month now anyway)


    I have a few pairs of skiboards as well... Mike Nick Pro's, Weapon's, but I started off skiing and eventually went back.... well kinda Now I'm using AT Boards pretty much all the time.

    Skiboards quickly become useless once you take them into deep snow,or big mountains, but since we all reside around here.... they work pretty well...

  4. I know you weren't.... I was just giving you a little insight into my thinking / reasoning

    I rarely use my phone on the mountain and when I do it's usually while riding the lift or at lunch (when I actually take a break that is)

    I'm with you on the fact that the last thing that we need is a bunch of people who already don't pay enough attention talking on cell phones on the mtn.


    fwiw.... my razr came with a wired headset, but since I have a blue tooth I never use it....hence the reason why I'd take the chance and hack it up....lol

  5. Yeah I guess I can see that point of how things have a tendency to get abused in this day and age.

    My purpose for buying the helmet was a combination of things...

    The speakers in the earpads eliminates the tangling of wires, and makes it more comfortable to wear my glasses as well.

    It allows me to more easilly hear my phone ringing if it does in fact ring. It also allows me to connect it to an frs radio if I wanted to keep in contact with friends elsewhere on the mountain (I probably will never use this feature though it was a bonus) The giro 9 is one of the most popular and safe helmets on the market and has a lot more vents in it than my current burton/red skycap in which I cook in unless it's like 20 degrees out.

    It also has removeable earpads which my current helmet does not. and not to mention it's black rather than the orange that my current helmet is as well.

    oh and I received a $100 gift cert that I wanted to use coupled with the $10 store credit I had there which expires the end of the month made it a whopping $27 after taxes and I couldn't find anything else in the store I'd want or would even need more.


    Make a little more sense now?? lol

  6. Well when you're a father of 3 little kids it's a nice thing to have as a just in case thing. I love to get away and go skiing, but I want to make sure I'm still accessible for my family if they need me.

    My family ranks just a little higher one the priority list than skiing does if you know what I mean.

  7. I just purchased a new helmet from the ski bum it's a Giro 9 with skullcandy tuneups 2 and noticed that it doesn't have an adaptor for the motorolla razr phone in it.

    I'm wondering if it was supposed to or not? It has an adaptor for the seimans, nokia, and a universal one but nothing for the motorolla razr phones which is what I have.

    It kinda defeats 1/2 of the purpose of me buying it if I can't connect it to my phone. Being as the razr is like the number 1 selling phone I can't see them not making an adaptor for it.

    If it doesn't come with the helmet can the adaptor be purchased elsewhere... or if not has anyone tried cutting the end off of a car headset adaptor and wire splice it into one of the skullcandy adaptors that isn't being used?? This bites... especially for a $130 helmet

  8. I'm seeing this a little late, but I'm going to try and make it.


    If I'm there you can't miss me... I'll be the fattest guy on the mountain and I've got an orange helmet. and look like my avatar.


    I ski icelantic scouts and can all but guaruntee there isn't anyone on the east coast that has them pretty much.


    If you see me say wazzup as I'm new here and don't know anyone..

  9. I missed this post but I was at JF yesterday (SAT) from open till like 1:15pm place was dead empty and didn't wait in line behind a single person all day for a lift. I spent 90% of the day on the East Mtn and Challenge doing laps. It wasn't as torn up as I'd expected actually quite nice. Got in like 25 laps or so with a snowboarding buddy of mine....great early season day for sure..

  10. As far as dims go they are only 143 cm's in length which makes them great in the trees and for quick turns etc.. however they are 140 - 105 - 130 with a 105 sidecut

    They come in between a LONG skiboard and a SHORT powder ski. I've skied everything from 185 blizzards to 90cm skiboards but these things are a blast to ride and they handle any conditions.

    I hear WTF are those things a lot though.....as well as check out those graphics. I don't ski any park though as I suck at it so they work well for what I need them for.. not to mention I love tree and glade runs.

  11. welcome..those skis are sweet.. :woot It's like we're getting a new member every hour..wow..



    Thanks just got my second set of them mounted yesterday.... now I have one set for the poconos and one for POW!!!

    I'm heading to either Blue or Shawnee Saturday to kick off 06 for me anyway....

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