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Posts posted by sirfrancisbacon9

  1. Anyone know any place that I can get a new pair of Public Enemies and bindings for less than $489.00? The bindings that come in the package are Rossignol Axial 120 Pro Wide Brake DIN 4-12.



  2. i think what p.steeze is trying to say is that ski areas can set up some decent stuff with little snow and focus on other snowmaking terrain for the everyday skier. Think, you give a small length of trail (not even covered edge to edge but deep enough for least amount of mud) and set up some rails, boxes, mini-walls etc. While the park rats are sessioning, u can blow snow on other trails, as long as its a good set up, we wont complain.

  3. holy hell i hate it when people call the poconos MOUNTAINS. these are NOT mountains. they are just oversized hills. It is extremely easy for any skier and snowboarder to "hit the ceiling" in the poconos. Once they do, this leads to boredom and regret of purchasing that college/season pass. Whats left? OH a terrain park! Terrain parks mean, "BOY, YOUR NOT HITTING THE CEILING TILL ur A PRO, AND NOT ANY PRO, BUT THE BEST PRO EVER" hence the influx of juniors in the terrain parks in the recent years. you can only do so many ollies on that one mogul on the side ttill u get bored.

  4. r u kidding, esp this season they would come, right now on the east coast you either have to go north to vt, lake placid, maine, or canada. Creek is usually the place with the park around here. Hell, if you put a nasty urban set up i would hike that beast the whole day, as would any other skier/boarder that knows what they r doing

  5. So I'm looking at the conditions for tomorrow and they show Little Caesar as open. However, the Stevenson Express is not open.... are we suppose to hike up to the top to go onto Little Caesar (not that it's a good trail or anything). My point is, is this just a shameless way of CB trying to falsly advertise more open trails....?


    i decided to go today, little caesar was one of the emptiest trails there today, it was in great condition too, i was able to have most of the trail to myself a bunch of times

  6. since its the east coast, i recommend you just go for it, no trampolines or tumbling, yea u can get the feeling for the trick but thats it, wont help you do it over anything thing your scared of doing now. water ramps in lake placid over the summer are tons of fun, those are prob the most helpful since you actually get some decent height.

  7. Ok, I was on Freeskier.com picking my fanatasy freeride team and i see the first comp is the ski tour. I read th description about the ski tour and it says its going to be televised. Anybody know when and on what channel this is going to be on?!?! its supposed to be like X-games status



    The Ski Tour is set to make waves, nay, tsunamis in the ski world in its debut this year. Comprised of skier cross and halfpipe, it is a potentially huge boost for the

  8. my bad, i meant later on, i know monday will be sketchy but after that, the nights are looking good for snow making, what i meant was next week the real cold front will come, hence allowing them to prob blow snow during the day.

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