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    Bear Creek

Berserker's Achievements


n00b (1/10)

  1. I'll take you on a hike when the mtn. closes, unless the widening of timberline ruined the area, but it shouldn't have considering it was located higher up on timberline. and also the "holes" but why is that hard to believe it's geology, the ground does move, and holes do form.
  2. i worked at bear for about 6 years, winter and summer seasons. worked on downhill trails years ago, one went right over one of the "graves" (just a big pile of rocks, just about the dimensions of a body) of the "indian burial ground".. It was creepy around there. There were dream catchers hangin from the trees and other weird shit where the piles of rocks were. they were located next to timberline, i seriously wouldn't doubt they have ceremonies at night there. About the mines, yea those are there too... wouldn't really call them mines, more like holes, i don't think anything was ever mined out of them. Wouldn't trust walking down in them. i suppose they go down pretty deep, you know when you are gettin close to them becaue the air becomes colder (this is summer again). They are located like someone stated on the left hand side when looking up the mtn. like into the woods off cascade, at about where the tube park starts.
  3. There used to be a big problem about 3-4 years ago when everyone was just hiking the pipe (weird cause it was never really good). They weren't using the lift but were still using the facility. A lift ticket was still needed, so when someone was sent up to scan/ check for tickets the kids who didn't buy one would just ride down to avoid him.... So i say i am glad they checked your lift ticket.
  4. i believe its about $25 or $50 the lifty gets for each invalid pass found
  5. Berserker


    I do apologize, I was angry when I wrote the post. Anybody that I offended "I am sorry." Really I just wanted to see more positive stuff than constantly complaining. I do apologize for my poor spelling as well, I wasn't trying to sound smart or mature, just thinking faster than I was typing. Again sorry pasar.
  6. Berserker


    Insted of constantly bitching about your pathetic gripes of privledge, try and make Bear a better place. How about not being a local dick in the lift lines, or not yelling shit at people when they can't ride as well as you. I am so tired of hearing rich kids bitch about how they would run Bear Creek cause they know how to run a mountain. I have seen the Bear creek employees go above and beyond any mountain I have been to in the poconos or east coast for that matter.
  7. You should check with Bear creek lost and found. I found some junior skis Saturday morning out on the racks outside the lodge and turned them into Guest Services.
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