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Posts posted by JibHonk

  1. Berserker, is this post directed at me becuz i made a suggestion? to make us have more privledges? wow kid grow up "rich kids bitch"? i think ur the one doing the bitching rite now...

  2. 3.00 for a container of Cotton Candy. Cotton candy is pretty much frikkin compressed air and sugar. and seriously Bear Creek would make more money becuz more ppl who frequent the moutain without a pass mite be motivated to buy a pass just for the benefits. and also i'd love to use my season pass for tubing!! it looks soo fun

  3. if all this stuff with discounts and all happens wont bear just have to charge more to make up 4 the lost money?

    but this might encourage more people to buy passes

    also i didnt know pass holders had a discount in the shop do we?


    Yep like a full tune and a premium tune its basically like $5 off but its better than nuttin ya know?

  4. I was thinkin and like some us pay out of the ass to buy a season pass and then all we get to do is ski or board w. it. I was thinkin like next season u cood let passholders have access to the whole moutain, like pass holders go tubing for free cuz like wen its icy out it suxs to ride in and its awesum for tubing in so yea and since the food is so pricey like pass holders get 10% off of food and crap like that i know there is a discount in the shop but i wood like to see it implemented everywhere else at Bear Creek.

  5. Hey, i heard that blue gets icy alot and i havent been there myself this season but blue is a decent sized pennsylvania mountain so i'm pretty sure they cood afford to close off a couple trails at a time for a mid day grooming. and i'm bringin this topic from 2004 becuz i thought it wood be cool.

  6. I myself may be headin up presidents day weekend maybe i'll see u there...i'll be riding a forum youngblood w. burton mission bindings and tanish burton pants w. a black and white ecko coat w. fur around the hood

  7. Wow! this topic is hott. well it appears every1 else has posted an opinion, so here goes mine. Bob you sound like a typical person who has just had an extremely bad experience and thats becuz u are. I dont see what bob's finacial status has to do w. his crappy nite at bear and every1 who ragged on him for being rich or poor is retarded so thats that. Mark handled this situation perfectly soo props to him. I have never been tubing so i cant tell wether or not its fun or not fun. but all in all bob's outrage was totally understandable maybe a little extreme but his actions are justible. I'd like to see bob come back becuz he is not an asshole but a person who just got a big fat loogie spit in his face.


    P.S. they have awesum food! :P

  8. Are u kidding me they took your ticket??? WTF:huh: since they were kicking u off tha moutain did u unstrap and kick him square in the balls? thats wat i wooda done cuz hell if hes kickin me off the moutain for goin to fast i'd make him remember it the next time he wants to yell at somebody for fast skiing/riding.

  9. I dont want to be a dick but no ride on boxes in cascade!! if ur just learning theres this trail called the family park which is for beginers, thats where you should be, not in the expet park. thats why its so crowed. when you can do those boxes then move up to the intermediate park, and then the expert park. dont kid yourself everyone has to start somewhere and it should be in the expert park, another reason why cascade should somehow be closed off to the regular public or atleast have signs that say expert only.



    You dont sound like a dick my friend You are a dick. :angry::upyers You complain about bear creek bein crowded by noobs? :crymore: Look at blue moutain that is a problem the park is not bad at all. There shood be atleast one long ride on rail like the flow box Have u seen the family park? the "box" is about an inch off the ground that will not teach u anything. :thud One nice ride on box will. If your soo pro why dont u just call drop and go in front off the "noobs" every1 was a noob at one time i'm sure u didnt take ur first lift ride up and do everything in the parks. so consider people other than yourself. Bear creek has soo many other "expert" features to keep u entertained u shoodnt get ur panties all in a bunch over ONE ride on.

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