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Posts posted by splooshie

  1. Splooshie..I think most of the Asian Invasion is actually Korean..lol and they rip it up and travel to the mountain in big mo-fo vans with NJ plates..lol


    edit: The old dude in the picture should have flossed better...fly honeys aren't going to want to make out with him..lol


    here, i fixed it for them. maybe i should give blue an email



  2. well from what i hear the new trail will be called blue mt. express and it will be a terrain park/chinese party house. lots of chinese people will be there, and blue even is going to produce a motivational poster about it!



  3. bring your dads old straight skis. then tell him to give me some of the money that hes spending on you, so i can go to camp this year. but have fun! i hope they dont put you in the beginner coaching group, god my first year twinning that was BRUTAL all the good at skiing kids made fun of me... but look who's laughing now!! HAHAHA

  4. dude ill sell you my armada t-halls 06's with rossi scrath 120 bindings, but NO WAY for 250. 350 maybe...and is your dad the one that wants to get you protective tips? because NOONE uses them anymore on twintips. no. one. and 350 is a good deal, when that setup was new it was 575 for the skis and 200 for the bindings. so buy mine yo

  5. Spoolshie..when did you ski The Big Mountain??? What was wrong with non-Hellroaring Basin terrain? When I moved to Montana..gasp..4.5 years ago..Whitefish MT was one of the places I considered moving to along with Jackson WY. But I ended up in Bozeman because it was a college town with more to do and cheap rents.


    i guess it was a non-pow day... hellroaring had all the stashes.... and had awesomefanfuntastical terrain..... and cliffs small enough for me to learn on :)

  6. surface watch lives in a 171, i belive there something like 118/82/112 or someything close to that. surface is also giving me the 08-09's next year, so that should be REALLY cool. they told me its going to be some kind of yellow/ black stripes/ and brown things all over. im probly gonna take my rossi scratch 120's off my t-halls and put em on my watch lives. im also covering my ski poles in USPS stickers i got online (there free, along with cardboard boxes) which should be mad postal steeze. same lange boots with only 3 buckles. im so pumped for jfbb i can hardly wait

  7. campgaw or mountain creek.


    i ski at the gaw ever other saturday. i could literally throw a rock from my grandmas house to the lift. cool little place though. KILLER for sledding. but i dnt really see that being possible for you, when the guards at night yell at us were just kids. your pretty much not a kid, so... yea. but if you skied there we could be ski buddies!!!! haha

  8. aight man sorry for overreacting, i posted in here shortly after i read the other thread, i just kinda got pissed about nothing. and i didnt read the above posts aboput the plexyglass i just saw you saying they used plexyglass at shawnee and i was like that cant be he must not know. i didn't mean to cause any drama i mean c'mon were not a group of high school girls, and i know we'll be riding together evantully and i don't want their to be any hate or anything, i absolutely cant stand that. so once agian sorry for bein a prick.


    hah its ok, and i was the one signing in next to you at mayday. dont think you remember, but i caught matt stunt in the corner of my eye. ill probly meet you at bb next season.....so yea

  9. haha its definetley not!!!!! plexyglass shatters buddy! and yes i do know wut im talking about!


    yea no duh, you idiot. thats what i said.....and what others said....so shut up! and i know it shatters.... obviously, since the freaking step box at shawnee has only broken 35467893264587325 times....... i even apologized in the other thread and ur still being a fag.... pathetic....


    oh and oakley, it depends what topsheet you get. hdpe, uhmw, pvc, id say 1/4" to 1/2". for lexan, formica, you can use 1/8 and 3/16, but only if you use liquid nails. obviously, the thicker the better. im pretty sure you can count on this info too, because its straight from build a jib on newschoolers. have fun!

  10. splooshie did you ever post pics of your backyard rails?


    actually no i didnt.....i have to get on that. kinda busy though, i have finals to study for and its pouring rain outside....so no pics today, sorry!

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