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Everything posted by nonya

  1. Well, I don't golf or bowl and if I did I wouldn't golf with anyone who smoked or bowl where smoking was allowed. It is a big stretch to consider golfing or bowling even remotely similar to skiing or snowboarding. That people smoke while they do these activities, by definition, makes them neither healthy or family activities. Teenage experimenting? Big whoop? That's the kind of thinking the tobacco companies are banking on. Experiment somewhere else. I have no problem with a bar at Bear Creek. If that resulted in beer cans and bottles strewn all over the mountain, then I would, but all I see along the trail at Bear are cigarette butts and soda bottles and cans. I can choose to go into a bar or choose not to go into a bar. I can choose to frequent an establishment that allows smoking or one that does not. However, when I ski or board and I am standing in a line, particularly on a crowded weekend day, with my 8 yr old, I have no control over the idiot standing behind or in front of us blowing smoking in our direction - it is no longer my choice. I have asked them to please not smoke and hoped they would have some consideration for others. Occasionally, this is the case and they will put it out. More often than not, though, I get a smart alec look or remark from a teenager. A teenager who is likely one of the "entitled" season pass holders I hear whining and complaining about all kinds of ridiculous stuff that Bear Creek is not doing for "them" or to their "satisfaction". Smoking in a public venue, indoor or outdoor, infringes on our right to breathe (relatively) clean air. As a customer, I agree, I have no right to dictate Bear Creek's or any establishments smoking policy. However, I don't think the idea of banning smoking in lift lines and on ski lifts is "harsh". It's just not the place for smoking. If any of those "experimenting" teenagers or already addicted adults really need to smoke to fulfill their ski and/or snowboard experience they can do so out in the parking lot or better yet in the privacy of their own car with the windows closed. I told you it makes me crazy.
  2. I am new to this forum and was going to start a new topic but this Bear Creek Wishlist thread seemed appropriate. All in all, we have been very pleased and happy with our Bear Creek experience over the years. So much so, that for these past two years we have purchased season passes for myself and our two children. Many of the suggestions put forth in this forum are interesting and would certainly be nice. As a season pass holder, I really don't feel there is a need for any special perks or privileges. However, I and my family, do have one item on our wish list. 1) Prohibit/ban smoking on the mountain - in particular in the lift lines and on the lifts. I find smoking, at any time, to be annoying but while skiing and snowboarding I find it EXTREMELY offensive and inappropriate. Even more disturbing is to see the number of kids smoking (cigarettes and even cigars!) out on the deck to the lodge as well as on the lifts and in the lift lines. Where and who are these kids parents? It drives me nuts to have to deal with second hand smoke EVER but it makes me crazy during what should be a healthy, family activity.
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