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n00b (1/10)

  1. wow, thanks for the quick replies. maybe its best I reschedule my vacation day
  2. with the high winds on the 12th of February would the resorts possibly close or shut down the lifts for a while? some of the gusts are predicted to be over 45 mph. I was thinking of heading to Camelback or Blue mt. but i would hate to get there and have it closed. Anyone have any experience with this kind of weather and what the ski resorts will do? thanks
  3. Thanks, I'll check that out on a map. I usually come from 80 and get off at the tannersville exit, exit 299 i think, then go right and make laft at the light which takes you right past the outlets.
  4. If anyone has alternate directions please post them, I imagine traffic will be bad by the outlet. Thanks
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