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Everything posted by burtonkid

  1. I like the direction this thread has turned. All well thought out and no "flamed" posts. It would be nice if it were always like this. I'm sure that a lot more has been achieved by these suggestions and comments then by "(fill in unpleasant thing) sucks!" I have a feeling that once winter starts if we can make a thread of constructive feedback, Bear will listen and everyone will be happier. In a nutshell say: "The new rail looks good but maybe you could try to set it up with a more urban takeoff" or "That table has been the same for a while, I think a step up or hip would be a fun change." Saying "Why would you ever put that rail there it sucks so much! I hate Bear Creek! The employees suck!" will successfully piss off a lot of people and not get the change you really want to happen.
  2. It looks like they are regrading the old tubing area where the new park will be. It also appears that they have put in new tower fan guns on the side of this new park. Both sides now have mounted fan guns so a lot of snow making will be available for the new park. Does anyone know if there is a new name for this park? Also check out my thread on opening the parks. I think I laid out a good plan for Bear with regards to what park trails to open on opening day.
  3. When Bear Creek opens, we all obviously expect a park. I have ridden at Bear for a few years now off and on and i have always been surprised at the fact that they open their expert park without enough snow to build expert features. I think that the park crew should wait a few extra weeks to build the park in cascade and just pound the trail with snow making. I would much rather ride the features in the other parks on the mountain and wait for cascade to have enough snow to build good sized jumps and rail features. There is ample room on other park trails to put in jibs and rails while cascade is being pounded with snow. This waiting period would allow a true expert park to open earlier in the season. Almost all major resorts with great parks use this tactic and the results are awesome. I'm sure it would also be easier to build the park over a few days without worrying to fully rebuild a park in one night. It would give the groomers extra time to make the features perfect without having to make sure the trail is open the next day. I asked a park crew member about this last year and he fully agreed that this would make the expert park much better, much earlier. The only reason he gave why the mountain did not do this is that they were worried that people would complain. The thing is all of the features that were spread over cascade and black bear during the pre-season could easily all fit in black bear. It is unnecessary to rush the opening of the expert park. Unless I am missing something, the park riders that go to bear should send the park crew emails about waiting to open cascade. There is no need to complain that the trail is not open, because all of the features will still be out on Black Bear. Please respond with your thoughts on this. I think if we get enough people to convince the management and park crew that this will work, they will do it and this will make the expert park at Bear Creek better earlier in the season.
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