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Posts posted by JordanA

  1. You dumbass...the comparison is between Pocono ski areas. WL isn't difficult compared to Corbet's, but it's 10x more challenging than BB's bunny hill.


    Yeah, you're an expert on moguls. Every hear of the Bear Mountain Mogul Challenge on Outer Limits? I'd give you a lesson some time if you weren't such a loser.


    Go to BB. Bye!


    You don't have the balls to ski a Chinese downhill and you sure don't have the balls to say that to my face. Guaranteed.


    lawls, a Chinese downhill is all you talk about. I'm pretty sure i could get my 7 year old brother and he could do a Chinese downhill, not that hard to go straight down a hill. If i saw you at sno i would probably just point and laugh because your a

    "Tw@t Waffle" as your best friend Chippy would say. Now go have buttsex with each other going down the gnarly steeps at sno.

  2. KyleA: Another fair statement would be that anyone claiming a jump at Boulder is over 450 vertical feet is full of shit. But that's what claimers do. So what?



    first off: whoever thinks sno mtn's terrain is difficult isnt that great at what they're doing.

    second: whoever said something about moguls earlier, sno doesnt have moguls, they have big humps of ice.

    third: if i was forced to do some "turns" i would rather go to BB just because they have such cool people skiing there.

    fourth: i think your only comeback is calling people claimers, you happen to use it whenever chode mtn is getting hated on.


    in conclusion, ski likes men and brownie scouts inside him at all times.

  3. Hey guys,

    Sorry it took so long to reply ,but I have long hours. Rest assure I heard of the lifty not holding the chair very quickly. We do train our lifties. It is approx. a 4 hour training. From holding chairs to customer friendliness and to safety. I am sorry that the liftie didnt hold the chair. The problem was addressed. With 200 employees just in lifts you do get a couple bad ones. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I will not put up with bad lifties. I would run short staffed before using an employee who is no good. I try to do my best with picking lifties but some just dont work out. Just like in any business.I hope that everyone enjoys there experience with sno mtn. If there are more problems with lifties just post it. Thanks


    isnt 200 lifties a lot for the few lifts sno mtn has?

  4. A webcam would be sick. First I think they need to get somebody who graduated kinder garden to make them a website tho. But a webcam would be a great way to advertise. They could put it right in front of the lodge. That way they could get shots of the lazy river, a non-running lift, a closed trail, a shitty park, and ski rental tents all with one camera. Somebody should hop on that quick.


    i am lqtming at the rofled thought lawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawl

  5. My challenge was written in English: Chinese downhill from the top of the mountain to the bottom of Cannonball. Winner gets the loser's skis. I haven't heard anyone accept my challenge. All I hear is that it isn't fair. That a skiercross type of challenge is too unfair and too hard and that it's too much like skiing through poles.



    Oh, and I also hear how people own other people by flaming instead of actions. Now, back to the cool Viagra jokes.


    ROFLAWLINGMAO, racing pinks for skis? must be a racer thing...

    i recall in my english written post that i accept your challenge, of racing but i am just going to lose and after i lose we should go into the park. and i love how you say we are owning via flaming when the only thing you are good for on this thread is flaming (which is what you are doing) at least i gave advice to help the park before i flamed.


    Ski and his wife went to the chemist to pick up his prescription for Viagra. Seeing the $10 per pill price, Ski was astonished - but his wife had a different opinion - "Oh, $40 a year ain't too bad".

  6. And yet the bottom line is that you were all chicken when challenged. All talk, no balls. Too afraid to air off Cannonball's headwalls unless you're styling'? Hahahahaha!


    Owned with words and not actions? Hahahahaha! Let's have some more Viagra jokes!


    im sorry, but i believe we have all accepted your challenge and we know we are going to lose, you have not accepted our park challenge? whose the "chickenshit" now as wou would say

  7. haha i just read all of this and it is great, the old fashioned park vs race.

    well i am gona voice my opinion and disregard the rules stated earlier.

    ski, i think you are utterly pathetic for fightin with all these kids about something you have nothing to do with.

    go dodge poles and wear tight clothes and go back to the race forum.

    as for this little challenge you have with my good friend jordan.

    i will race you anyday and get my ass kicked, im not claimin i can race or that its easy. but after that

    lets to boulders 50 footer and see who can land the switch rodeo 7

    ohh and btw dont ever call a kid a poser who you dont even know, kyles the man





    papasteeze is so right

    go fly thru the air

    but can u fly thru the air while spinning sideways, grabbin, and lookin fresh

    doubt it


    Ski has been :pwn3d:


    by many people

  8. Do you really speak and read English? Listen: it doesn't matter if you are 10 or 90. So you're saying it's cool that a 14 yr old kid flames somebody, but not that he gets called out? Really? All of a sudden a 14 yr old skier is afraid of being smoked by somebody he's been calling ancient and brittle. TOO FUNNY!!!!! Go try and find a message board were you can just flame and flame and then cry you're just a kid. Did I see that coming, or what?


    Sno Mountain Skier would NEVER have backed down. I don't know him very well, but I know he's got guts. And last night, you kids learned a little about yourselves, eh?


    you must have skipped over the park rat part, i understand what papasteeze has said about many of the best came from moguls and racing, but i have never known any other kind of skiing except park so i do not plan on winning any kind of race. Also, you are flaming as bad if not worse than me, im sure if i challenged you to a park battle you wouldnt be too keen on accepting because it is not your forte. i am now done flaming this thread because arguing on forums gets people nowhere.

  9. I say settle it on the mountain versus settling it with a stupid flame war. I didn't suggest racing through gates and I wouldn't expect them to suggest a rainbow rail. Straight up Chinese downhill, any route from top to bottom.


    It's pretty easy to call someone names, say they are 60 and so brittle that they're going to break there spine from falling over. Maybe on some other message boards, using Viagra commercials is wicked clever...sh*t, that's just so funny, I don't know how he could have ever thought it up on his own.


    I challenged them to put up or shut up and they ran away shouting meaningless insults.


    Some of my good buds are park rats. But anyone that looks down on kids who like to go fast is an idiot. Period. Anyone that looks down on racers who wear speed suits which have a purpose, is an idiot, especially if they are wearing lime green pants who's only purpose is to get noticed.


    Bottom line: you kids mouthed off and were told o put up or shut up.


    And you were chicken. Case closed.


    If its a race you want, its a race you got. Then when you win you could claim so hard because you beat a 14 year old park rat in a race, thats quite the achievement everyone wants in their lifetime if i do say so myself.

  10. Lets look at it this way, both you guys from NP are tools. The only one worth talking to is SeanyJ. And Jordan, you knew how Sno was last year, and you know how boulder was last year, Where should have you gotten your pass? Kyle, you ski PC, who cares about the 2 weeks you are home from school. And for Rob its not like anyone listens to him any way.


    How exactly am i a tool? The only reason you think sean is the only one worth talking to is because he is clearly better then everyone who rides sno. Also, i feel boulder's park last year had better features and way more flow than sno's park did, i just wish it wasnt a 40 minute drive to get there.


    Also about the battle, i just voiced my opinion that Ski seemed to be of no use to this thread, and i guess he took that into offense. So, he started talking shit on me.And the general reaction is to talk back.

  11. Dont forget your viagra and your butt plugs


    oh and roophies




    Yeah, Chinese downhills are just so pussy compared to what you do.


    Well, enjoy your hairless lives, little girls. And remember the last thing you did in 2007 was to puss out on a challenge.


    Off to a party now with grown up women. :fu



    im 70% sure that 80% of people can go fast

  12. sorry i dont race, i have the balls to ski park, and you probably weigh double my weight so honestly i wouldnt have a chance racing, not like i would ever humiliate my self in that fashion of wearing AWESOME spandex with super SHARP crazy edges.

  13. Hahaha..do you have a 3 year old little brother? Does he give you the finger while picking his nose? That's all you mean to me. Now, go eat you're snot, little boy. Who gives a shit what you think. Scream and bitch away in your 4th post.


    do you realize what you are doing? youre like a 50 yr old pole dodger arguing with kids that actually have some useful input about the park in this thread, go ski all that sick pow we get here in PA because you are the gaper type that clutters our park.

    and i had much more of an impact on this thread then u did because i was suggesting a way to better the park, which is what this thread was made for. now go scream bitch and moan all the way down the GNARLY steeps at sno.

  14. Pure white light is NOT what you want for night skiing. It adds no contrast to the white snow. Yellowish/orangish lights work the best at night (sort of like how yellow lenses work best for night skiing, and yellow foglights work the best for cutting thru fog and snow). Big Boulder has white lights, and it makes it so tough to see.


    i dont know about normal skiing, but for skiing in the park white lights is exactly what we want, skiing at boulder's park in the night is very enjoyable.

  15. Ski, you are clearly an old man who has nothing better to do then hate on forums and did not have a very good childhood so now you are taking it out on kids who do have an enjoyable one. And i dont understand why you would live in PA if you have a place 17 minutes from Jackson Hole, but its your decision not mine.

  16. i could not agree with papasteeze and kyle any more...and Ski, to anyone reading this thread you clearly do not belong in the terrain park section and are of no help to the cause. Also think before you speak, kyle happens to go to college in utah in salt lake city and is 30 minutes from park city, its alright to admit that you are jealous of his location because i know i am..and from what sno is offering i wish i got a season pass to big boulder instead.


    as for the park, fire ryan neptune, and just get a jiblab because it seems to me and im sure many people that he is not helping sno setup anything due to the fact that the current terrain park has no flow at all. Also, before you get all these crazy features please install the basics, such as flat boxes and rails, because these picnic tables, mailboxes, snow bowls, and bus stop boxes are the worst things you can have up right now. Please notice that when Boulder had freedom open at the amazing date of november 10th, they had flat rails and boxes and everyone was having an incredible time on them, i was there just about every day. And for the big park (if they ever get it open, due to the fact that it seems that is at the bottom of the "to do" list) just do what boulder is doing because they easily have one of the best parks on the east coast right now, just a nice 3 pack and a couple rails. To me it seems like sno mountain was claiming to be the best park in the country this year, yet they have not even attempted to blow snow for a "22 ft halfpipe" and a "70 foot money booter" and on every advertisement for sno all i see them talk about is a crazy terrain park designed by ryan neptune. also the water park seems to not be working right now they should master the snow before they move onto a water park.


    but as i said earlier just do the exact same thing as boulder and everyone will be more then contenet

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