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Posts posted by xkinkrider03x

  1. yeah its definitely not that bad..the jumps are way better than cb's in my opinion..the jumps at cb are crap..there just high flying jumps, theres no gap to em..and ditches form way to easily.and pure ice i might add.


    yeah the DFD..thats stupidity haha but yeah there fixing it soon.

    and those lands..haha yeah there rediculous..but please tell me, if your hitting either of those rails ( DFD or FDF) you wont be going that slow to actually land on them hahahah. there gonna be gone soon also hah


    yeah pipe sucks but theres more work to be done..it shouldnt be bad alittle later on. By far the best park around this area..im not including blue, bear, mtn creek etc...because there not around THIS area..the area mountains around here are liek shawnee alpine boulder and camelback.. and boulders park is soo over rated..everything is setup soooooooooooo horribly..everything is blind.its so gay. and grow some balls..jump on..


    edit..also.. the c box is setup awsome..its not sideways idiot..its so you can hit from both ways..altho it has to be dug out 3 feet haahha and the FD box..haha it doesnt matter backwards or not..its a small feature..its fun as hell like that..i like it better that way..because now its actually a challenge to gap...

  2. theres no quarter at boulder..the setup is


    2 flat boxes..side by side at the top

    then a rainbow rail in the middle.

    then to the left , close to the rainbow, the DFD box and to teh right, a flat rail

    right after the DFD theres the dragon tail box and then a little battleship to theright

    then 2 flat downs side by side

    then a flat rail at the end..double barrel


    the park is a piece of crap..you can't see anything.its blind going into everything.

  3. yean me neither..but if i were you..when your on the rail..start turning your body near the end..just your body..so your board follows through with your body right away. then theres less hucking involved..don't just jump off and try to 270..cuz its harder that way.. i find 270 off and on equally as easy. there not hard..you just gotta learn to spin fast..especially at cb..considering theres no drops on the end.

  4. 270 off a rail is basically a 360 out of a boardslide,  but its not a full 360 since your already turned 90 for the boardslide, its only a 270.  and a butter is when you go back on your tail like a manual but do it sideways so that your shoulders are facing downhill and you're back on the tail of your board



    a butter is just messin around on the ground like spinning up on your taila nd nose etc..its about having fun. and 270 is exactly what it is.. a 270 degree spin off a rail..that being from a boardslide haha.

  5. hey guys,


    i got a 2004 ride kink for sale. its a 152. I rode it once. Decided i couldnt ride it because its WAYYYY to flexible for me. what do you get for getting a jib board ya know? I have a Uninc and its TOOO much of a difference there. i hurt myself pretty badly riding the kink haha. it was only ridden for 2 hours. let me know if you guys want it. reasonable offers.

  6. Step in= Crap. there heavy, no support at all, no sense of security


    Plastic straps indeed. using plastic as a lack of a better term. most are like carbon reinforced and crap. but yeah. totally lighter all around. alot more responsive also because steel tends to give easier, and a lot of steel baseplates, the heelcup is seperated from the baseplate, not allowing for max response.

    Check out Burtons stuff, my opinion, best bindings made. check out the Cartels. there really responsive bindings. probably one of the best this year. awesome stuff. not to mention burtons additive of the capstrap to every model from the mission and up. sweet stuff man.

  7. yeah altho raceway would be an AWESOME park.. cb would NEVERRRRR EVERR make that the park. its too popular. and its home of Nastar. believe me, we are the LAST people they are concerned about. they actually dont like us... but i htink moving the boxes to laurel would be alright..but i dont think they should seperate the rails..just because they have soo little amounts of rails/boxes it would be gay. Rhodo was aright.. i happend to like the boxes 20x more than any of the rails. to make it decent, this year, they have to put some booters on laurel if they put the boxes. i mean real jumps..not the typical cb tabletop. because that would eve the two parks out..with just the two boxes in that park..would make a horrible park.. just put it this way.. they dont have the room on either run to expand/change.. i really think its as good as its gonna get..cuz moving the rails is gonnna mean less jumps on rhodo..and putting the boxes on laurel can be good..but cb wont make a real jump due to insurance.

  8. this keeps the people that like to 'explore' out of the park and out of our way. its better that way. id rather pay 5 bucks for a card for the whole season. besides.. you wont even miss it the many times your there, you'll never realize you lost it. and it keeps everyone out. only serious people in the park because, we've all had the tourist cut us off going into a jump or rail. happens atleast 4 times evertime im up there. especially at creek due to all teh city people. no tourist is going to spend 5 bucks extra on top of the 50 dollar lift, just to ride through the park.. its such a great idea, i love it.

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