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Everything posted by summersux

  1. That's weird. It still works for me?? https://websales.skibearcreek.com/e-commerce/grpLogin2.aspx Group name: WS96 Password; PASR Make sure it's all caps. It's case sensitive.
  2. How do we get this ball rolling? Im ready to buy! EDIT!!!!! I just logged into bear creek with the same login info as last year- https://websales.skibearcreek.com/e-commerce/grplogin.aspx To log into the account, Use our group name and password below: GROUP NAME: WS96 PASSWORD: PASR Here are the prices it lists! Select Item Price Individual Off Peak Pass $ 235.00 Youth/Sr Unlimited Pass $ 310.00 Individual Unlimited Pass $ 375.00 Talk about a price break from what they have on there website without the discount!!
  3. Hmmm... I guess this means I will have to drive up from Quarryville... but so worth it!
  4. It's not faster at all. My cousin and brother are learing park so I stay with them most of the day. It takes 30min on weekends to get on the lift. The lines are long, the lift is slow, and it sucks When there was a park at grizzly it took about 15 mim for a run. It clearly slows things down and you get to hit a lot less terrain! I don't see how moving the park prevented injuries. Most of the time they had a fence across it like they do at black bear. You had to slow down to get in. Now, you have intermediate riders trying new things in the park over at the bunny hill, further congesting the learning area. How is that a good idea?? Or people comming off extreme cutting into drifter? now instead of having traffic headed down the mountian and into the park or going around it you have kids in who want to progress their park skills in with kids practicing linking turns and falling. They either have to ride up the slow ass tripple chair or cut to drifter. Crossing a learning trail is never good but it is now happening constantly. Im fine with a park there but I would like to see one back at grizzly. And anyone riding the trails could pass it on polar bear or lower drifter.
  5. I still think it would be nice if they built a small park where grizzly park used to be. The new beginer park sucks. The only way you can really lap it is riding the triple chair. It goes about half the speed of smell, has long lines of noobs and is a pain to get off and strapped in at the top because people are everywere! If they would add a 4th park where grizzly was some of the kids at black bear and cascade could go there instead. Plus you can ride from there to the far quad and have alot more mountian to play on with less people. I would imagine you would have less injuries because of a less dense croud, but it would also reduce the kids going from extreme/grizzly on to drifter to hit the park. PLEASE PUT FEATURES BACK ON GRIZZLY!!!!
  6. I have 2 boards. I have last years x8 for park and dorking around the mountian. It is a good board, very stable but I detuned the edges to the point i don't like taking it real fast on ice. To fix this I bough this years uninc for freeride and kickers. I keep the edges sharp so I don't take it on rails. I ride the x8 about 80% of the time and don't tune it hardly at all. I just wax it and fix core shots.
  7. The weather looks like they will be able to get some good snow making in tonight and tomarrow. Hopefully they blow most of the day saturday, even though it sucks riding with the guns on. I would just like to have enough snow on the ground to last through next week too.
  8. I know how to get a lot of tarp for free. Well, not tarp but waterproof plastic. Greenhouses change their plastic every couple of years and that is a BIG piece of plastic. Once they change it they have no need for it. I don't know if it would trap heat from the sun with the snow or trap in the cold.. you would have to test it. Don't worry about the water. It's a hill, it will run quickly down the plastic down the hill to the creek. Just start to take it away from the top when you remove it so any standing water will drain away.
  9. I hope they can open other trails this weekend. If the rain and warm weather doesn't melt away the snow
  10. A reverse camber board won't carve like a regular cambered board. The big reason is when you pull out of the carve a cambered board snaps at the tip and the tail to get you back up, a rockered will snap but stop a little short. A cambered board will also distribute pressure more evenly across the effective edge where the rocker concentrates it between the bindings. The principal of rocker is to give you a looser board feel or improve float in powder. If you want a freeride board and don't ride much fresh regular camber is the way to go. Note- the rockered board will still carve well, just not like a cambered board. It's something you have to adjust to.
  11. I hope snow is ok with the rain comming tomarrow. I HATE RAIN! The weather is crazy! Even though the park is sick with my gf learning to ride it would be nice to have some beginer trails open...
  12. Awesome setup yesterday bear. I had more fun yesterday than I had in months! I have no complaints at all! Good work!
  13. 11:30 and the guns are still running!!!! So is the quad at black bear!!!!! FVCK YEAH!!!!!
  14. I hope they get the guns pumping the next couple of nights. I would love to spend the day there friday. If warm water is a major problem for not making snow, why don't they run it through some type of ratiator system before it gets to the guns.? Wouldn't the cold air help lower the temp so maybe they could run the guns all day on a marginal day?
  15. Just wondering if anything is going to be open on friday? With work this would be the earliest I could make it.
  16. Wow! That gives me a stiffy!!
  17. Im still working with him to get over that. He broke his arm 2 years ago on a box and is still scared of them. The only box I could get him to ride on black bear last year was the butter box. I guess we will just have to spend time in the new park untill he looses his fear. Worthless wasn't the word I should have used. I like parks and having nice mellow groomers for him to carve then a rail or two at the bottom kept things interesting. There was a little of everything on that run. Now, if he dosn't feel confidant enough to try the parks then all we have is groomers or a park. Not both worlds in one run. It will just make things less fun for both of us. That is why Im a little upset. *note* I would love if they made 4 parks. Still have Cascade and Black Bear, an entry leavel park for people who are just learning to ride, with just small rails and boxes for fundimentals (like where they moved grizzley family park next to the carpet lift) and a park for intermediates who have the basics mastered but need practice before they can rip it on Black Bear at the location the Grizzley park was. This one could have the small flat down, a small jump line to the side, and a few larger rails. But I doubt that will ever happen. Just a wish!
  18. Are the est cartels medium and are they still avalible? I wish I could fit on that fix. I want to try one this year.
  19. I know it is good to seperate parks and trails. I just feel it makes that side of the mountian almost worthless. I liked how people could go around the park in either direction if they wanted to avoid it. Carpet lifts are slow as balls, and now all the noobs that can barely half way skate down the bunny hill will try the small park as their next step in progression. Sounds like an invitation to broken bones to me. I just wish they would still have some type of park feature still set up there. My cousin loves small rails and I really don't feel spending my day on a carpet lift with 20 feet of total rise.
  20. I have been trying to get an answer to this for a while but with no luck. I saw that bear announced that it moved the grizzley family park to one of the trails accesed by the carpet lift. Is this true? If it is then this sucks on so many levels. I have a cousin who is 11 who loves to go to bear creek. He isn't good enough to go to black bear so we usually did broadway to grizzley to the park. This was a fun trail for both of us. It let you try a little of everything found on the mountian. If you moved the park PLEASE have something set up still at the old location. (even if it is just a few small jumps) It was one of the few things that made that side of the mountian fun when your helping someone progress. Thank you.
  21. Yeah, I think we got a little carried away with the dimensions and cross sectional area. We were both right, just talking about different things. I really do wish they specified a torque too. Guessing just means you will never get it right. As far as landing on the tail goes, I guess I will see if it breaks easily. If it does, oh well, the boards come with a 2 year warranty. I am excited just to give it a try! Right now all we need to worry about is cold weather and a little snow!
  22. Haha, demo for me usually means ride on of my friends! However, I don't think any of them picked up a TRS or anything similar to it...
  23. I thought about a trs this year but was told they can be slower too- especially if it is slushy conditions. Im not sure however, I really want to demo one. There was nothing wrong with the banana. I just wouldn't want it as a freeride board when compared to others.
  24. You don't need to go as far as to compare it to a hardboot setup. Magne traction boards are great but don't carve like a stiff cambered board, like a T6 or a custom x. Magne traction is great but it's not the be all end all for carving. My complant is the squigles don't make the nice, clean lines like a stiff cambered board. It slows you down some because of the added resistance and just dosn't feel the same. They carve, it's just different. I tried a friends skate banana for a day. It was a great all puropose board. The rocker is ok too, but again for carving it dosn't pop out like a cambered board. It's just the nature of rocker. But like I said, it is a great all purpose board. I think glenn put it the best. It is all about what you like to ride and works for you.
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