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Posts posted by Freeski919

  1. Blue should get rid of ski school..the instructors are only there to get free passes...would be very progressive.,.


    Yeah, they work there to get free passes, because they don't get paid shit. And at least they make sure that some of the people on the mountain know how to stop and turn so you don't get run over. These are the stupid comments that preclude you from being employed by Blue.

    • Like 1
  2. It's an '06, but the '06 and '07's are identical. And the saleslady totally asked me if it was okay that the plate had 420 on it. I said of course... just hope the tags don't get stolen! haha. It's easy to remember my license plate... Fuck Da Man 420.

    • Like 1
  3. So I've made my big equipment acquisitions for the upcoming season. I went to the Burton factory sale on Friday, and bought a 158cm Burton Mayhem. Then I left there and went a few blocks to Burlington Subaru and got my addiction facilitator. One can't let the freshies get in the way of getting the freshies.






  4. As somebody who is dual discipline, and who instructs both skiing and snowboarding, let me give you my insight. Neither sport is easier to master than the other. However, the learning curves are much different for each discipline. For snowboarding, the learning curve is very steep for the first few days. Once you have the basics down, mastering more advanced skills is easier. In skiing, the first few days are much easier, but from there mastering the more advanced skills is much more difficult.


    That being said, going from one discipline to another is much easier than starting either one from scratch. You're already used to sliding on snow, you're already used to using edge angles to change direction... there are a number of skills that transfer pretty well.


    If you're already comfortable in the park on a snowboard, transferring those skills onto skis isn't too difficult. Once you're as steady on skis as you are on a snowboard, park skills are all pretty much the same, with some minor tweaks to adjust for equipment.

  5. I'm pretty sure this information will cause R2 to have a massive coronary. While in the hospital, he'll insist on immaculately groomed nurses. Anything else will make it completely impossible for him to recover.

  6. I'm glad to see the cesspool levelled. Now the yankees can play in a stadium that truly reflects the organization. A soulless monument to money for a bunch of soulless money grubbing whores.

    • Like 4
  7. You got ripped off paying $125+ for goggles with all the sick deals available online. My Oakley A Frames cost me $50 and they are usually like 125....dude you shouldn't talk you are moving back to Vermont and your home mountain is gonna be...cough cough Bolton Valley....lol


    My point is $50 isn't wicked expensive for goggles,like he's trying to portray. And I'll be working at Bolton because it's closer to BTV. I'll use my employee status there to get tix to Stowe,smuggs, bush, Jay, MRG... living the life in northern VT is all about positioning yourself well. Why work at Stowe where its always busy and I can't escape to ski anywhere else?


    The goggles alone cost $50.


    Seriously, that's the number you're going to throw out to try and impress us? Fifty bucks doesn't buy you anything more than total crap when it comes to goggles. Out of my 4 pairs of goggles, the cheapest pair was $125. As somebody who bills himself as an instructor, you should be a little more in touch with the industry than to think $50 is a lot of money for goggles.

    • Like 1
  9. I think R2's whole point was that he's pissed that they're doing maintenance on the seasonal lockers, not the coin operated lockers.


    I think his whole point is that he likes to complain. Nobody said they wouldn't be doing maintenance on the coin-op lockers. So they might paint the seasonal lockers... that might take 3 days and a grand total of $150 worth of paint to do? That's really going to break the bank, and make replacing a half dozen locking mechanisms on the coin op lockers just totally out of the question.


    R2 also likes to complain about snow conditions. He emphasizes that in order to teach properly, he needs IMMACULATELY groomed slopes, and nothing else is acceptable. Sounds more like the excuses of a crappy teacher than a legitimate concern. I've taught in just about every snow and weather condition, and successfully gotten students to learn skills. I'm surrounded by instructors who do the same. It's just what you do, what you're expected to do. I think it's a lot easier for R2 to teach poorly and at the end say 'well, those conditions were horrible, there was nothing we could do out there', than to actually say 'sorry, I'm just not a very good instructor'.

    • Like 5
  10. I have a set of Thule flat top 4 ski/ snowboard racks. I got a pair of flat top 6's, don't need the 4's anymore. The racks have the clamps for Thule square bars, but can be changed to fit anything if you get the Fat Mouth (FM-1) clamps. They're about 120 new. Asking 75 or best offer.

  11. It's March. In Pennsylvania. Snow melts, it's normal. And you are correct, they haven't blown any snow in about a month. That has a lot to do with the 40 or so inches of natural snow we got during February. It also has to do with the fact that no ski area blows snow at the end of the season, there's no point.


    The mountain will close either on the 21st or the 28th. There will still be patches of snow on the mountain into mid May. Really don't need to worry about closing early.

  12. I have a feeling that freeski hasn't skied any of the bumps that they've built already.


    Actually I've skied tons of bumps this season. Nightmare has been phenomenal all month. But a set of freshly seeded bumps tend to have more sharp angles and edges on them. When you're doing a bump line at competition speed, those sharp edges can screw you big time.

  13. As far as the pipe goes, it would have helped Blue a lot more if they had actually put something decent on the space the pipe used to occupy. They pumped up this "Central Park" thing, and what did it end up being? 2 stairsets and a wall. Big whoop.

  14. I wasn't too big of a fan of the snow today. It ended up being 4-6 inches of sugar on top of rock solid ice. It was like riding in a Slushee cup. I unfortunately didn't get a chance to get off the Vista/Burma part of the mountain. And the crowds there were absolutely insane. Lift lines were surprisingly manageable from what I saw (although skipping lines with my class skews my perspective of lift lines).

  15. I've seen deer in pa, and mooses (meese? if gooses=geese it makes sense) in CO but never seen wolves or any other animals that pose a threat to skiers/boarders.


    regardless, that movie is gonna suck more than jenna jameson


    There's bear all over the place around PA. I saw a black bear wander across my friends backyard once while we were sitting in the hot tub, and they were crawling all over the camp I worked at up in Wayne County. They're hibernating now, but they still come out every once in a while over the winter and wander around a little bit. And I hear coyote howling on the outskirts of Slatington all the time. Give it a chance, and there are plenty of things around here that would be glad to eat you.


    And the plural of moose is moose. And finally, this movie looks like it will blow. Unless there are zombie deer and hot college coeds in the next lift chair.

  16. I don't ride drunk but I don't mind the occasional brewski or two taking a break.


    This is pretty efffed up though. This guy has to have more issues than just being drunk to beat up a 12 year old. I would love to have seen Ski patrol take this guy into custody and hold him until the police arrived. Do you think they used a ski lock to cuff him?


    Yeah, that's my question. How exactly does ski patrol take somebody 'into custody'? It's not like they're deputized by the Carbon County Sheriff or anything. My best guess is they took his pass, and told them he had to come talk to somebody at patrol base if he wanted it back. Keep bullshitting him long enough for PSP to get there and cuff him up. I hope the asshole gets the book thrown at him. Thank god he didn't get the bright idea of kicking the kid. Kicking a 12 year old with ski boots on would prob kill him. And be Assault w/ a Deadly Weapon, I'd guess.

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