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Posts posted by KCSKI

  1. Just a quick update on our holiday weekend:


    Friday 12/23 10 am to 9pm....lift tickets $25 For the Full day.

    Saturday 12/24: 9am to 5pm...lift tickets $25..full day

    Sunday 12/25; 12noon to 5pm....lift tickets $25..full day, or FREE if you dress up!


    Monday we are going to a full operating schedule and all lift prices and pass times will be in effect.

    • Like 1
  2. SantaSunday.jpg


    Sign says it all I guess!



    Also, we have the "Come to Sno Mountain, We have Cookies" Photo contest going on all season on weekends as well. I'll be shooting every weekend and the best pic out of the pile for that weekend gets 2 free Choc Chip cookies..those huge ones we sell in the lodge, for free. More of a kids thing but very very popular. Check the FB out for that.


    And......the 4 for $50 pass is now in effect and we are as well bringing in a real good deal for Tuesday Nights..can't say just yet but I think you all will like it.


    Long Haul is running, like I said it would be, and we will be running it Thursday thru Sunday..once conditions permit.


    Tickets the rest of this week, including Christmas Day are $25, and all passes are valid from 4 to 9 pm tonight and Friday, 9am to 5pm on Saturday..and Christmas day, 12 to 5.




    Facebook Link

  3. Issues are solved gentlemen..That's all I can say...but, let's let it go at that. We're open, despite the crappy weather, have some great promotions going on...if I can get a moment here today I'll post them up, but in the meantime here are some pics from Saturday's opener...lol..yeah..we had "Snirt" (Snow/dirt)..but when the temps dropped Saturday night we were able to put down about 4 feet in 12 hours on the slopes we needed to have open.


    God I wish it would just snow already!




    Also, I apologize for my absence the past few weeks. I own a bike shop and we are being driven out of our minds with Christmas stuff, custom orders and the like..and on top of it running Sno's fb stuff and working with the promotions depart AND the Lift department.

    • Like 1
  4. trackbiker gets it I see...keep the mascot for the kid stuff but a better more pro looking logo, as I stated a few posts up for the paperwork and advertising...so, I'll pass it along once everything settles down after this week.


    As far as lift issues...that's a rethread over and over about slow/old lifts, ect..so I'll just move along as the term "beating a dead horse" comes to mind, although looks like some are actually starting to think it thru. 8,000 people an hour capacity is nothing to sneeze about, but..let's just let it be for now.


    I will say however "Shadows" post above had me laughing here all morning...."keibler elves...enchanted forest".....that's classic!

    • Like 1
  5. Seriously, the moose in its current form needs to go... Can't we somehow make a hybrid moose?


    Hybrid moose....ya' want that in the Electric or Hydrogen model??


    Ok, ok.......my thoughts are split although I think the "mascot" moose we have now is pretty neat, kinda like "Tux" is to the hockey team down here, but at the same time the artistic side of me..and the serious business side of me would like to see something more business oriented, and I think I used the Elk in the Hartford Insurance adverts as an example. However, this is not my call at all and quite frankly the moose I really don't think has an effect on operations at all...in fact when we bring him out on the mountain he gets swamped by all the little kids in the ski school classes..and probably one of the most classiest thing he has done for the mountain was being on skis along with "Tux" as they spent a whole afternoon promoting on MLK weekend last year...so, don't rag on the moose too hard.

  6. I hope you guys have a great season and keep us informed. Sno has a lot to offer to those of us who want to avoid weekend crowds and like steep trails. I like it on a Saturday or Sunday night. When Blue and CB are skied down to ice you can still find good conditions at Sno right up to close. I tell people I know to drive past CB and Blue during crowded times to go to Sno.

    Forgot to mention that I didn't see the deal for Sat. & Sun. night that you mentioned on their website.


    Wow..thanks for the push our way trackbiker! As far as the 4 for $50 deal..I put it up on Sno's FB as just a text message...but yeah..it needs to go on the website as well. Good catch...Thank You!


    Just a little comic relief here...you don't realize just how steep headwalls and slope angles are...until you walk up and down them on foot. Did that yesterday on "Boomer" lugging camera gear to get a better idea of what some are saying about lighting. Pics will be up later and we'll discuss and get opinions.

  7. Just a reminder as the Black Friday pre season pass sale is on it's last day here, so if you were interested in the deal but haven't decided yet, now would be a good time to take another look at it. The flyer is posted here in this topic on page 1.


    Also, I had mentioned that I would have an email account set up for those that want to shoot me ideas, pics, drawings...suggestion..and yes..you can chew my ass out as long as it's constructive with ideas to make it better. Threats, inane stupid comments and just those emails that hate get tossed in the trash, just so you know.



    • Like 1
  8. KCSKI, Thanks for your updates. Keep them coming. I hope you have a great year.

    i am a supporter but get those lights fixed on Whistler and the Booomer headwall and i'll be impressed. It's only one light on Boomer. Maybe two well placed lights on Whistler would solve the problem.

    I'll be up there regardless but the lights would be a BIG improvement for not so many dollars.


    Now see..this is what I need. First of all thanks for the support and well wishes. As far as your suggestions on Boomer..the light, or lack of it...I can go with this and say "here..let's address this issue. The same with Whistler. Myself personally I feel the lights are too low and I'll bring that point up and try to get it addressed as well. Your saying "two well placed lights"........at what area?

  9. I hope you really step it up with the media relations job up there KC... I just emailed Elk yesterday to ask tem to step up their game... A little PR, Twitter, Facebook, and a decent website can go a long way... And see what you can do about the damn moose would ya?


    Thanks! I agree. FB is coming along, Twitter needs a little work and the site needs to be brighter and bolder with updates as often as possible, although Fb sometimes takes over for that, even in my business. As far as the moose? Personally I kinda like it, although in advertising on a serious level it should be more of a "Serious" moose....kinda like the Elk in the Hartford Insurance ads..but still gotta have the mascot look as well.

  10. Most likely..although chances are it would be at night during the week, but...if you give me a more definite day/date/time things can be worked out I'm sure.


    Best time to catch me is pretty much all day from 7 to 6 on weekends..usually sticking around later on Sunday to take pics of my team on their snow boards.

  11. Since I am now running Sno's facebook and helping in media relations I figured I would start new here for this upcoming season of all the GOOD things that are taking place up on the mountain this year, and I hope all of you will join us a few times as the season progresses.


    First of all this: Starting on our first weekend of the season, December 9th (weather permitting) ..that Saturday & Sunday we are bringing back the "4 for 50$" Saturday & Sunday night lift ticket deal. That is any group of 4, friends, family..bar buddies, any group, chip in and get your tickets for what amounts to $12.50 per person and ski from 4pm to 10pm. Now, this does not include weekends nor does it include the holiday weekends.


    This is going on right now if you missed the pre-season pass sale:




    Also, if anyone is interested in this..sorry, it's a little short on notice, but it's been on our FB page so I thought I'd bring it here. I'm sure there is still time to get involved.




    Also on the fb I put up about 40 pics of the job fair and the OEC training that the NSP from resorts all over Pa participated in a few weekends ago along with the lift evac drill that all our staff participated in.





    I'll update here as soon as I get info to post, and of course I'll be bombing this site with pics, so..my offer still stands to anyone...need some pics look me up..I'm easy to spot!

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  12. No it didn't run last year.


    To Santa. No one on here is a "hater". I don't think there is anyone here who wants to see any ski area close. Sno obviously has a lot of finacial issues and people were questioning the feasibility of them being able to pay that debt and make improvements to the ski area. We all have opinions about the Eagles too but that doesn't mean we can do a better job of coaching. It doesn't mean we don't have legitimate concerns.either. And we still haven't heard how they are going manage all that debt yet. And you haven't provided anything to substantiate any of your claims. Not saying that I don't hope it's true, we just don't have anything to substaniate any of the claims other than you say so. Nothing from Sno.

    You might want to be a little positive yourself if you plan to make a career in marketing.You haven't done anything to help make people want to go to Sno. They'll think everyone there has your attitude when you come off negative from the get go.


    I've stayed out of all the negativity here lately as it's unproductive and a waste of time to all of us involved. All I ask in the spirit of all thing skiing is that ALL of you be patient for a little while longer and then everything will be explained.


    BTW....Long Haul is running...weekends for the most part like always in the past, but...I wouldn't be surprised to see it running during the week as well.


    So..as far as the rest of all of this, in the words of that silly cartoon the kids watch, Spongebob......



  13. are those pics from comps to claim "capacity"?


    Nope...of course there are a few from the comps...but the majority of them are different weekends at different times of the day. I always have a camera on me as photography is my second hobby/profession.


    If you guys do go up and want any pics, search me out..be more than happy to if I can break away..or after work.

  14. Hahahaha..I've been riding that Merry-go-Round for 7 seasons now and I'm pretty much willing to bet the house it's more of a snafu in billing or other issues that shut the power off.....when is the last time you tried to get your power company to do something fast to straighten out a mess.."press one for english..press 2 for Spanish"?!


    Anyway..back to what is left of the bike season!

  15. Here I am with 4 bikes to get done and, believe it or not 2 snowboards to wax/sharpen and I'm wasting spending time here. LoL..oh well.


    What I am about to type is my own answers and I am not speaking at all for Sno Mountain, I'm just speaking from a businessman's POV to answer guitar73's question above.


    First of all there is no money issues. If you read the Citizens' Voice article in the Wilkes-Barre paper dealing with all this they are forced to admit that they DID check on vendors and everything is current..no back bills or anything like that, with the exception of the insurance issue. Hell, I've had problems with my carriers over the course of 18 years in business resulting in either being dropped, or I dropped them because I was sick and tired of having their hands on my wallet while holding a gun to my head looking for more money. Insurance companies suck, plain and simple...pay a ton of $$ and then when you need something they either drop you or raise the rates and refuse to pay a claim. I don't know if that is what is going on at Sno, but I can understand it.


    Remember, and I stated this before in another post. Sno Mountain bought a 5 million dollar pile of junk from the county. Nothing worked, and I know as I was a liftie the last 2 years it was called Montage. If there was corruption or "Skimming"..you bet your ass that is where it took place. Not now. It's a private company, and..in the rush to get things up to speed, yes, I'm sure some bad decisions were made. How many of you remember the wristband debacle the first year? In an effort to speed things up Sno went hook, line & sinker for those things, they were sold a bill of goods that were more suited for a warehouse inventory control system than a ski resort...and got burned. Even when they broke the contract they still got sued, and the company that sold that crap to us walked away with a settlement..so,...chalk that up as a learning experience.


    The pump house had to be rebuilt, new snow guns put in..infrastructure had to be replaced....this stuff doesn't come cheap...millions worth of stuff has been done to the mountain..and the water park, which reminds me of the old movie "The Money Pit"..only added to the strain.


    So, yeah...I'm sure money got tight at times..hell, it gets tight here. The economy sucks. Ski resorts are no different, and some have changed their operating method after getting kneed in the balls over a dumb expendiature. Blue Mountain discontinued it's Mountain Bike stuff...not enough $ brought in to keep it running...something I approached Sno about but now come to realize it's a losing proposition. What is Blue building? A water park.


    As far as anything else..I'm sure it will get worked out. The only thing that bothers me over the whole thing is the attitude of people sometimes. Around the area it seems people are not happy unless they see something fail, or are quick to point out the bad stuff. How 'bout we all look at the positive stuff that has been done over the years and give the mountain some credit. I can see the improvements, so I'm sure all of you can as well...the ones that have actually been there that is and not the people parroting what others are saying.


    All of us employees last year, from the lifties to Ski Patrol, SAT..and rentals all looked at each other and said "Wow..we're a ski resort again" after getting run over by the crowds on the weekends, so..something at least is going right.


    Will Sno screw up in the future? Yup. So will CB, Blue, Elk and everyone else. Will things continue to improve at Sno? Yup. As they will at the other resorts.


    See 'ya in December!




    Oh, great pics!!! No better evidence than pictures, or financial statements lol


    Thanks! Well at least I'll provide the pics for everyone!

  16. Oh what the hell...I'm bored this morning. Hope I don't get yelled at for "Flooding" the board!:

















    Average about 9 of these things on a Saturday...55 x 9=495 extra people to deal with.



    SRO in the lodge every weekend.





    Another boring Saturday night at Sno



    Talked to the parents of these kids..loved Sno so much that they bypassed every other resort from Maryland.

  17. Pretty boring place actually:














    Guys, listen......I work there every weekend and every weekend it's pretty much jammed to capacity. If you haven't been there in a few years don't base your assumptions on old information. Come up and try it out, and like I said in a previous post, you have a problem or issue, let us know..or find me and I'll pass it along. As far as the latest "Sno is Doomed" issue....well lets just see what happens in a about 7 weeks. I know where I'll be, freezing my ass off once again checking tickets and keeping the lines moving.

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