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Posts posted by parkbuilder

  1. Welcome to PASR -  Shawnee really pushed the park last year and we tried it once, it was a let down compared with all the hype - maintenance seeemed to be the problem.  prolly due to all the traffic just riding over the lips. 

    If just one place concentrated on making a decent half pipe -  maybe...... just do one thing and do it well would be a suggestion


    to be honest with you, i need to just ask one question... how good of a rider are you? because if want a good pipe, head to creek sometime after the grandprix, a few days later is the best... it gets cut to perfection with 20' walls and a perfect drop in... once their snowmaking gets going creek has one of the best pipes around.

  2. Welcome to pasr. Ummm not to me be rude but there paark wasn't good in anything. I will come up with some ideas later. Glad some one wants to make the park better.


    hey man thanx for the post... im not taking anything personally lol, i totally agree with you that their park sucked... im just trying to play it down just bc im prob gonna be working there. Im def all about improving their park, hopefully everyone can pitch in and call that park their own, and finally get some good setups for everyone to enjoy.

  3. Hey people... my name is keith and i just signed up with pa ski and ride. i live in milford up there in pike county. my post here is about shawnee mountain. it looks to me like i'm going be working somewhere in the park department this winter. last year when i went to shawnee i wasn't to impressed to be honest, the rails were okay... boxes a lil sticky... but the setups.......... absoultly horrible! anyone have some good ideas on what they would like to see? bigger jumps, better trannies, BETTER SETUPS? let me know so i can do my best to help out. ttyl peace

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