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  1. JimG.

    Hunter 11-19

    Hey, how did I become part of this? Oh, now I remember how I got involved. Sorry you had some bad experiences at Hunter; I've been a regular there for over 20 years and I've never had any of the bad experiences you have had, at least not more so than at any other ski resort. I've got 3 kids who ski there, and I'm perfectly comfortable letting them ski where they want to. I don't remember discussing you more than a minute with dmc on Saturday, but you have to admit that the pics pretty much destroy the image you gave of a resort that's too crowded.
  2. Well, it is a fun place to ski and fairly challenging. Please don't take offense, but it seems like a long drive for a Vermonter to take to get some skiing in though. I went there because that's where the exam was, I don't really look to ski rags for advice on anything, especially equipment or resorts. I don't know the area that well but it seemed kind of remote so I'm surprised that they get big marketing play in SKI where skiing seems to be the last factor rated. Since I've been there, I have my own image of the place and it was positive. Nuff said.
  3. Ah, no. Elk is the only place in PA I've ever skied. Took my Level II exam there years ago. Is the "people only admitting to skiing Elk" an inside PA skiing joke or something?
  4. Hey, I don't care where we ski, I even mentioned for you to choose. And I'm not interested in figuring out who skis better either...just thought it would be nice to check out a new ski area and learn from someone who's a local. Yes, DMC is Doug and you probably have skied with me before because I used to be a coach on staff at Hunter. Sounds like you got turned off to Hunter when the Plattners got tossed and Hunter took over the ski school. Poorly handled, very messy. So do you want to hook up and ski some and show me around a PA area or two? Been to Elk and thought it was a cool place.
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