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Posts posted by setagehtta

  1. Dude just stop going to CB when the weather is forecaster for high winds or rain if this bothers you so much lol. You post these like its a surprise, you already know before you leave your house in the morning to go to CBK that you will be posting one of these when you get home, why bother? If you feel the service is bad, don't give them your money.


    I tend to check skicamelback.com every morning and at this point I feel like it's my duty to post when CB shuts down lifts.


    I like CB a lot...IMO CB is the best in the area, but shutting down lifts in light rain on a Sunday in late January is just so...waterparkish.

    • Like 1
  2. It wouldn't be a problem if the Glenn lift wasn't so damn slow. The idea of a dedicated lift is great... the idea of a dedicated slow piece of shit lift sucks.


    Not to mention that on a slow day/night you could take the quad to the top, and ride down to the park quicker than the damn glen lift...

  3. i think its a good idea that they only have 1 lift to service the park because when your lapping it just makes it easier not to have to go down other trails before the park and there arent as many noobs in line. but it is annoying when you want to leave the park you have to either duck the rope at the top or take the stupid mega slow baby lift that services the learning trail then walk up the hill to that other HS quad.


    Huh?! It's about having the OPTION to use the highspeed lift and take a 20 second run down to the park. This isn't out west, we're riding a small hill. Freeriding for a few seconds then hitting the park mid-mountain is an option that shouldn't be cut off.

  4. Thanks man, its worth every penny even in the relatively bad snow year. I don't know exactly how much money I've spent so far but I'll account for it at the end and I don't mind sharing that info. Honestly the time is the far harder part to get together than the money.


    -Season pass was $329 each (cheaper than anything in PA, NJ, or VT would have been) and I bought mine and my girlfriends, so say $700

    -The house was $1200, our 3rd will pay some portion of that but just say he isn't

    -The airfare was less than $400 each after you include taxes, fees, and baggage charges, but like Doug said we didnt pay for it becuase we had frequent flyer miles

    -Transport from the airport to the mountain was $240 round trip for 2

    -Food I'm budgeting about $500 for the month


    So 700+1200+240+500 = 2640 for 2 people. It will end up costing less than that because we aren't making it to $500 for food and our roomie will give me some amount of money for his room. Say you didn't have the frequent flyer miles but were only paying for yourself instead of for 2, it would be $1470 for the month per person. That is not bad. $49 a day. Totally worth it.


    The first key for a long stay is to cook for yourself. We've eaten out three times - average price for 2 was about 30-40, and we did burgers, chinese, and pizza. Not exactly steak and wine.


    The second key is to negotiate the housing. The place we are staying in is like $150 a night, but he was having trouble filling it for the month so he gave it to us cheap for that whole time. I got quotes from 1200-3000 for basically the same 2 BR 2 bath condo. The one we are in was actually our first choice because we like the location and the view. Check out vrbo.com and just try a bunch of people.


    The final key was season pass price. I'd rather be in Utah, Jackson Hole, or Whistler (except for the olympics), but at those passes would add 400 or more each, so almost a thousand bucks more for me. Considering the snow conditions everywhere I'm very happy with my choice.


    As for what I do - I save and don't blow my money on stupid shit. I'm a senior in college and I only work in the summer. But I paid for this trip, a car, and all of my expenses of living at school (food, beer, pretty much the only 2) other than rent. It meant not buying everything I wanted the last 2 years but this year its all coming to fruition and its totally worth it. I work a lot of hours, more than most people my age, but really it comes down to spending more than making money at my age.



    //End aside


    Today's TR


    Took Clay up for his first day. Very warm, 40s. Snow was not spring soft but certainly good conditions for carving. Danielle and I had lessons from 12:30 - 3. $98 total for both, so sweet. 35% off by booking early and having a season pass. Both of our lessons were "group", but both lessons only had ourselves and 1 other person. Danielle took Steeps & Trees on a snowboard and I took the top level skiing before bumps. We did like 30-45 minutes on carving but there wasn't much to cover for me, just some minor tweaks. Then we started doing some intro to bumps and thats what I really needed. I can rip fast on a groomer but trying to get through bumps I suck on skis. It was a great lesson and at that price I'm going to take some more. Danielle's was good too but since there was less to learn because she doesn't really struggle with anything on a board.


    THe 1-2" of snow we were supposed to get today didn't materialize. They keep saying "big snow next week" in the forecast but it hasn't happened yet, I'm a little nervous. I'd like to get a big storm by Tuesday because that is when Danielle has to head back to school, shes already skipping the first two days of class to ski so she can't delay anymore.


    WOW I didn't expect a response like that. You're right,not nearly as much as I had pictured. Thanks! I look forward to this thread everyday!

  5. Jesus H Christ man great TR...


    I know that never in my lifetime will I be able to take a trip remotely like that. Your comment talking about not even knowing the day of the week made me laugh! I looked up the price for a season pass to WinterPark and I almost fell out of my chair. I can only imagine the cost of that trip...condo, food, nightlife,skiis/board, etc etc etc etc daaaaayam. Keep the TR's coming.

    If you don't mind me asking, wtf do you do for a living?! Insane man insane.

  6. So, with tree limbs falling on trails, signs, vents, and wind gages blowing off buildings, and, oh yeah, chairs bouncing off towers and shutting the lifts down, we should stay open?

    Gusts well above 70mph (according to our wind gages at the top)and we even had wind issues with the lower, fixed grip lifts.

    Personnaly, I dont want to have to do a rope evac of the lifts in those conditions (which we nearly had to) nor would I want to be stuck in a chair for 2 hours (cuz thats how long it might take.


    I am not sure how other mountains stayed open. I can only guess lower wind speeds, different wind direction, or maybe just stupidity.


    Flame on!


    Safety is of course #1, especially with all the litigation possibilities in weather like that...


    HOWEVER the wind gusts never hit 70mph...


    According to wunderground at the top of the mountain for 1/3/10:

    Max Wind Gust: 49.5mph from the NW



    Sure that sucks to ski in, but CB is always the first to close for any little reason.


    Let's not even mention how night skiers have lost an entire hour of riding (now close at 9PM weekdays)...

  7. I can't wait for next week when everyone's back at work and school. What a Zoo as always Christmas week! Nice pics. I finally paid the park a visit today, me likes :wiggle



    You couldn't pay me to ski this week...well I guess you could pay me... I can't imagine CB on a holiday week.

  8. ..."when the crowds came in"


    What's CB like on a Sunday? Never been on a weekend and I don't think I ever will, but I'm curious as to liftlines,etc. I don't go if I can't get the quad to myself, which means that if the 1st lot is full, I go back home.

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