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Windham Mountain - 11/24/2007


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First report of the Season.


I left my house at 5:30am for Windham this morning. Took 4 hours to get there. (Downingtown - RT100 - I78 - I287 - I87 - Windham). I arrived around 9:15'ish. No traffic at all. I brought my two sets of skis, not knowing what to expect condition wise. I have 2005 Volkl Unlimited AC1's, and a brand new pair of Volkl Unlimted AC30. I brought the AC1's if I need a set of rock skis, which I didn't thankfully. One thing that I wasn't use to while I was up there was paying for Ski Checkin, I'm use to Blue & Bear Creek's free ski valet. It was only $4.00 for the whole day, and I wasn't about ready to leave my skis out there yet. So I paid the $4 and went on my way.


Windham only had 2 trails open (Really it's 4, but 3 of them connect into one big trail). It was their blue. Which was perfect for riding new boots and new skis for the first time. I did about 10 laps of the trail. They had all their guns pointed on that one trail. Which was awesome because it had a "powder-like feeling" the whole time. It wasn't as packed as I was expecting, but still enough to stop you from going full out. The new skis and boots were perfect. The blue trail kind of had "sections". There were places that you could do the long carving arcs and racing style turns, but there were also sections that got kind of bump'ish that stopped you from doing those arcs. The cover they had down was almost perfect. They had one minor spot showing thru, minor ice showing thru around lunch time. However, it wasn't that bad at all and didn't hamper the day at all.


I left Windham around 1:00pm, totally aching all over. Since I was doing this trip all in one day, I also wanted to get 75% of the drive back before it got dark, 'cause once it got dark I was going to fall asleep. Doing a trip to Windham from the WC/D-town area is totally possible for a day-trip, but you need a second person to help with the driving. The drive back was riddled with a lot of stupid drivers who either drove waaay to fast or waaaay to slow.


It was a good way to start of the season, maybe I'll make it Big Boulder tomorrow, but we'll see.


A pic from today.



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