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Posts posted by RightEmpire

  1. I was wondering if anyone has a size 142-150 board that would be good for rails.


    Hit me up


    I have a 146 and 147 I might be willing to sell. I have to think about it though. The 146 is a santa cruz, used 1 day. The 147 is a Technine, used a week.

  2. I was there as well. Actually I got First Chair! Thats right Special Blend gear head to toe. The tent was right next to the lift at the bottom of freedom park. If you didn't see it you must be blind. l_5314eba6461bde8ac96de70cf516d8ef.jpgMy buddy got hungry after waiting all morning.l_76c2f4350890592a41839b76797c6dae.jpg

    Sick...and I didnt see a tent near the lift. Maybe they set it up in the afternoon. How early did you get up to get first chair?

  3. HAHAHA, I used to live a block away from that stairset with the crazy dude. You don't want to mess with the crystal street bums/drunks. Sometimes they are happy drunks, other times not so much.


    I've got a pretty sweet scar I got gapping those stairs on my bike though.

    Haha, sick. He went from angry and about to beat those kids to having fun with them. Classic.

  4. learn how to take your wax offwhich will help reduce spotting

    and there are multiple dings on that board


    multiple dings? no, theres one small one on the back which you can hardly call a ding.


    And these pics were taken a month ago, I removed the wax after I took the pics. Learn how to not post useless information.

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