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Rodeo Steve

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Posts posted by Rodeo Steve

  1. 40% off food.

    25% off equipment & skiers store items.

    Free group lessons.

    Last year it was either $80 or $100 spouse & children pass.

    They did give away free passes at certain points if you worked over a certain amount of hours.



    Yeah you get a free pass with your check every 100 hours worked.. I feel thats kinda high but yeah. Youll get a about 2 a year.

  2. Coincidentally this is the same airbag that I watched sideline multiple dudes this summer. I know I'm belaboring the point right now but these things are sketchy at best and dangerous as hell at worst.


    I get what your saying about them being sketchy, and for a lot of the kids that pay for it, it will be. The fact of the matter is, if your using it for tricks your capable of, and have control of your speed and aerial awareness, this is a hell of a lot safer trying to "add that extra 180" off a booter. Going from a 5 to a 7 on a board for the first time or 7 to 9 usually ends up with with catching an edge a lot of the time, and this opens up the door to making that first attempt "safer". My point is that the bag is going to be much safer than just hucking off a jump and hoping for the best cause thats how a lot of kids learn. The chances of breaking your neck, back, etc are much higher lower on this feature even though it has happened before. Not everybody stomps a first huck attempt at a double rodeo. Then again some do :nana lol it was complete luck but all Im saying is I wish I had a bag for that first try cause I could be paralyzed right now.

  3. I asked today, employee passes do not have airbag use. I made a comment about how it was a waste of money to not allow inverts and everybody gave me a dirty look. Yeah well. haha but December 4th opening is not happening but I guess they are shooting for the 11th now. Think cold.

  4. Anybody know if employee passes will include airbag use?


    I actually wanted to ask that but I forgot to. I dont see why it wouldnt be. Im going up to get my pass in the next few days so if nobody replies until then Ill post again. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  5. i hope you're right about that one. it would be pretty annoying to have to make sure i've got cash or my credit card on me every day i wanted to hit the airbag. once and done for the season will speed things up considerably too. now if only there's some way to get around this no inverts crap... what's their official wording on 'inverted aerial maneuvers,' does anyone know? like, as long as your head stays above your hips you're fine, or what?



    Your head cant go below your board. Thats how they word it in the competitions. If you look at my avatar, thats about as inverted as you can go. That was the cork 7 I threw in the Big Air Comp a run before I broke my jaw and it was legal. Depending on whos there, Im sure there will be some days we will be able to throw them. As the season goes on and the bag flows smoothly they might loosen up a bit. Not like Pamela Anderson loose, but like Jessica Alba loose.

  6. Last season he was in charge of PR..and I saw him wearing dress slacks and a tie..very un-necassary for a ski area. I was totally starstruck though and was like,"Wow I saw you on TV"..but he's the idiot who took Atomic Jeffs pass away for three days..


    Jim is a pretty cool guy. He actually helps me out a lot and was one of the few patrollers who never got me in trouble for inverts. He did kick me and a buddy out once for shooting mortars off the 6 pack, but it was only for a day. After it all it was New Years. haha but he works hard and I think he will do a good job.


    The airbag will have a separate pass and dont quote me on the prices but I believe it was like 5-10$ a day, and like 50$ added on to a season pass to make it for the year.

  7. I'd likely get clotheslined at the end of the ropes trying to duck past the dude waving for me to stop...and then sue Blue for whiplash..and end up owning the place. I would put Rodeo Steve in charge of parks..speed up the 6-pack..and restructure the ski patrollers....oh yeah and add a new mascot..maybe an Owl if it didn't interfere with Hooters trade-mark...AshytoClashy aka shady shadows would get a lifetime season pass...I'd also change the name of the mountain...Blue mountain used to be named Little Gap..Sno used to be Montage and Bear Creak used to be Doe mountain...I think they should change the name of Blue mountain to something a little more progressive..mountains being named after a color is so Michael J Fox...next thing you know they are going to have a Dorlean in the park instead of the bus..better check yourself before you wreck yourself...oh yeah..I would also enforce mandatory drug testing..which would mean no park crue.. :rofl



    Haha thanks I'd love to be in charge of the park. It could be a bad idea though cause the injury rate would indefinitely go up. We would need some form of checks and balances. Haha

  8. Yes Jim dailey is the gm now. The airbag will be placed on valley school east next to tubing.


    The scanners always told us ticket info btw. Maybe they will show more now? Ha and tr shuttle drivers are actually pArt of security. Lift scanners seems kinda gay. Catching somebody hiking the park isn't really a crime cause your paying for a "lift" ticket so that seems kinda redundant to have scanners at both places.

  9. That completely sucks about the airbag, I was so excited about the thing until now. I am fine with them charging an additional fee, I expected that but I have seen videos from other mountains of people doing crazy inverted stuff and it looks so cool. I guess I will have to do like everyone else and sack up and do any inverts over in the park out of sight of the ski patrol. They wont be able to stop people from doing inverts unless a patroller is constantly at every feature on the mountain which is not realistic. So instead of having the safety of the air bag to get good enough at taking an invert to the snow you have to just risk it on the mountain.


    I know... I was so pumped for that bag. Itll be nice to work on switch spins and stuff though without worrying about casing the jump and shit. As for inverts if you look like you know what your doing, a lot of patrol will turn their heads or just say to not do them. Some hero patrollers will try to take you to court over it though ha.



    And the point of the airbag is basically marketing.. They can add it to their brochure. I see it now "Only airbag in PA even though you can't use it what its meant for! Touch the sky but dont go above our newly enforced airtime limit!"

  10. Finding a gun on the slopes could have simply been an LTCF holder whos gun simply slipped away when they fell. Clearly they don't have a SERPA but it's no reason to have an armed security guard. I feel less safe knowing some wannabe who may be ACT235 is carrying a gun. What is an armed security guard going to detur? People from stealing? An armed guard can't do anything more then a normal security guard.


    Yeah I dont know thats just what they told us. And even if you have a permit, Blue does not want anyone else to have a gun on the slopes. Somebody asked about that- which contradicts having an armed guard I know, but whatever its her mountain not mine. ha


    About the airbag... I know I was pissed too. It will be under 24 watch with a cam and Im pretty sure they will have ski patrol on it all the time. Im learning double corks on that thing regardless. Just gotta learn how to control the flip spin ratio haha. It is really pointless to spend 30,000 dollars on an airbag though and not allow flips onto it. Jim Daley said they looked into inverts but the insurance was just too high or whatever. Ive given up hope for Blue to allow anything inverted.

  11. No Parking lot this year? Aw why not? I'd love to haul ass after someone on the 4 wheeler and tell them they can't park in that spot. And what "cage" are you talking about? Armed Guards? Jesus, that seems out of the ordinary.


    the cage means boardcheck. And the past few years with the robbery, the fights in the parking lot and also finding the gun on the slopes brought the need for an armed guard. But yeah all the departments are hiring more than needed so they can fire those who don't comply. Some pros and cons but I think it's for the best.

  12. Some other news... New signs, new brochures, airbag = no inverts allowed + additional cost. They are basically trying to turn Blue Mountain into a disney environment - employees are supposed to smile at all times, customer #1, enforcing uniforms now I believe. They are focusing a lot on energy savings. Itll be pretty cool to see what its like in a few years.

  13. Well lost a few posts here but anyway, Went up to Blue on Friday. Place is looking pretty good so far everyone is hard at work settin up, me and my buddy checked out the tent sale even tho workers were still loading the tent up with old equipment. Walked around the Summit Lodge and it smelled clean... Not like the rotten foot odor you get during the season lol. I filled out an app and asked what posistions were still open and the lady says everything but Park Crew, and also added that compared to nite shift, from "4 to 10 or whatever" day shift is empty as hell. I talked to a kid that started a few weeks ago that is doing rentals said pay is abosolute shit which I totally expected he also adds that if anyone wants to work at Blue for the money they need their heads examined lol. So i'll see what happens.


    Security is alright. Last year we got 6.50 an hour. First year you wont be working the parking lot, youll be stuck in the cage and somedays on scanner but its alright. A lot of days when its empty we basically just sit around and bull shit but holiday weekends suck. Its a pretty easy job. Id recommend it. Dave is a pretty easy going boss also so thats always a plus. This year a lot has changed and we are "supposed" to have more authority or whatever. There will be armed guards at all times there also.

  14. I also miss the old park..the step down near the top was mad steezy and the tabletop near the middle was also fun...plus the 80 foot big dawg booter was off the hinges...you'd get so much air..if you overshot the landing..you'd land in the parking lot..


    I think your tape measure is broke cause 80ft (2 school buses long) has never been built at Blue. I remember what jump your talking about but that was like 60ft max. There was definitely a few times people may have pushed that jump to 80ft and broke their legs or blew their knees out (increasing the injury rate so ski patrol could have their own TV show) but lip to knuckle 80ft is fucking huge. I don't even think Boulder ever had a jump that big.

  15. i wasnt there for big air this past season, but from what i've heard that jump was pretty big. nothing they ever had on sidewinder was even approaching 70 feet. honestly, 50 would have been a stretch. i'd take a nice floaty 40 footer over a dangerous 70 footer any day.



    My bad, I forgot about the big air. That was pretty big. It may have actually been close to 70.



    Would of been one of the best jumps on the East Coast in my opinion if it didnt have a shitload of bumps before it. Was nice in the morning but speed got slow as the day went by. I was dropping from like 1/2 way up challenge and still cased it.

  16. Very true.


    I like the idea of tables too but you really can't on sidewinder, the pitch is too steep for most of it. In my mind nether JFBB or Blue can pull off a table line for that reason. When you do see a line of tables it is usually on a section that is basically flat. The only place I could see is right before the cement mixer put in legit 20' table instead of the little 8' one they have had. I'm not sure where you would have to drop from for that but I feel like if you stop a little higher it would be perfectly doable. The little one doesn't make much sense leading into that feature, I always had to either skip that jump or not have enough speed for the cement mixer because if you hit it a reasonable speed for that feature you overshot the little jump by a mile.



    I like the idea of making the little table by the cement mixer bigger, although the little one always caused a huge problem cause everybody stops on that last berm to drop the table. If that could be worked out that would definitely be a nice spot.


    A triple jump line is definitely ideal, but I actually wouldnt mind only have two jumps in the jump line. 90% of the time its only possible to hit two of them in a row anyway. Having three jumps on that short section results in shitty transitions, basically meaning if you dont land perfect, the rest of the run is ruined. If there were only two jumps, the transitions could definitely be better, and more snow could be put into each jump which = more of a landing. Just an idea. I just remember having to hit the first jump and bomb from there into the third to even have speed for a 3.

    Either way well see in a month or two and Im sure it will turn out nice. Rice is doing a good job with the park.

  17. tables are nice, but take a ton of snow to make properly. you can accomplish the same trajectory/airtime with a properly built stepover style jump, which they should have no problem doing now with a winch cat. less snow + scary drop off the lip if you roll it = less gapers rolling lips, at least in theory.


    x2. Step overs would definitely be nice. As for a few posts up with the outdated park information... I have never seen a legit 70ft lip to knuckle kicker at Blue. Like ever. At many points it may have been like 57ft at the most which was usually "rounded up" to 70 but there is no way in hell any jump ever reached 70ft.

  18. http://snowboarding.transworld.net/videos/snowqualmie-video-with-forum-team/


    This video has some real sick features. I remember Bear trying the butter pad a few years ago and it was a lot of fun. Not saying any mountain around here is capable of it but it would be a lot of fun to ride.


    As for the airbag, I think its gonna be a lot more fun than most of you think. It may not be where you want the money to go, but it will be awesome for learning tricks instead of trying tricks onto ice or driving out to Lake Placid for the water ramps. Heres a video of one that looks sweet, not sure if its the same size or anything that Blue got, but if executed right it has potential.



  19. Yeah I know what your saying, but my point is was what was said a few posts ago, that the more intimidating the feature, the less people that will try it but yeah the snow here is terrible to work with. Haha and I know what you mean about how intimidating the parks are out there(Toast). Took me 3 days till I would hit any of the lasts jumps in the big park at PC. The lips are like 15ft wide and 20ft tall. Its scary just riding up them to scope it but once you hit them its amazing. Hate to case one of those and break a jaw again :banghead .

  20. it would probably be more worthwhile for them to sell the pipe cutter instead of keeping it just to make a QP at the bottom. that trail will see gaper traffic, and i think quarterpipes get beat up more than any other feature by gapers. it'd be the same problem all over again, in that they'd have to be cutting the thing almost daily to keep it nice. it would be nice if they could use the pipe cutter to put transition under the wallrides, but i dont think either of them are high enough to make that an option.


    I agree it would be more worthwhile to sell it, its just something I would personally like to see. And yeah 10-15ft QPs definitely would get destroyed, but out in Park City they had a QP that was like 20-25ft high and it was intimidating as all hell but after working up to it, it was a shit load of fun and it didnt really get beat up cause only kids who were capable hit it. Obviously its not wise to make that much snow for one feature in the East though. A QP next to the airbag would be nasty to, to learn shit but without the pipe thats kinda pointless now too. Either way, for some of us the pipe will be missed, but hopefully the new park will be as legit as it sounds.

  21. Probably out of the question, but where the pipe is would be a nice run in for a jump or even a quarter pipe at the bottom. Have like a little run in on the side of everything, especially with a tow rope that would be nice. It could be like a video hill big air like at Mount Snow. If youve ever bombed the sides you get some decent speed. Just an idea, doubt it will actually happen, but a legit quarter pipe in the east would be nice to see too. They have this half pipe cutter now with nothing to do with it unless they sold it already.

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