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Posts posted by fluffy

  1. CB has 800 vertical, and a good amount of terrain. advertising will get them business from the casual skier.


    BB has a park and what? 400 vertical?. They already get the diehard "newschoolers" crowd without any advertising because those people already know that they are open. the casual skier probably won't go to boulder in april to ski a park or the one 8 second run they have open.


    Maybe I've been in the sun too long, but I think he sorta just agreed with me. Maybe just a little.

  2. maybe :) I am sort of , probably ending up, picking a fight with fluffy on something from last year about this same time. I am using Camelback as an example, blowing snow for an event and staying open well into April. The point is they are advertising.


    felt liek stirring some end of the season controversy. :devil:



    No. I don't really find it worthwhile to fight about something we talked about a full year ago. BB will stay open into April again just as it did last year. If Camelback wants to blow snow then more power to them. I hope that event is HUGE...because that is the only way to make blowing snow at this point in the year a sensible move. I hope it works out great for them.


    Years ago, I worked at a restaurant where I went to school. As an official policy, this restaurant did zero advertising. No radio, tv, or print whatsoever. The idea behind this was to save the millions others spend on advertising and put that back into making a better product and relying on word of mouth. The owner of this particular restaurant broke even on a 2 million dollar investment after one year.


    I'm not saying BB has this as a policy or that I think they should. My point simply is that advertising is not the end-all, be-all solution for every business.


    The only reason Camelback is doing any of this is to attempt to keep up with the standard that BB has already set. IMHO.

  3. what a racket.. you can rent by the hour for $700 - I am in the wrong business.



    Exactly...he said the medivac. You get hurt and have to take a heli to the hospital you are gonna have to shell out 16 grand. Insurance companies don't like that option too much so they like to try and pin it on the injured person.

  4. yeah the sickest shots are from the tower guns and lift towers and I was hoping to see video from the heli.


    Many thanks to Jim D at Boulder for being so chill and letting the kids get the shot! Thanks Jim! ;)





    Haha. They would be happy to give you a ride on the heli.....for the low, low, bargain price of $16,000.

  5. I didnt feel like making a new thread for it but Boulder needs to freakin change up their parks...they have no variety in them anymore. Where did all the bonks and creative stuff go??? I mean dont get me wrong everything is built very nice and the jumps on boulder park are still probably the best on the east coast but come onnn already. Love park hasnt changed all year and i think freedom has changed maybe 2 times. I rode boulder today and i was so bored hitting the same things over and over again that i ACTUALLY missed bear creek. I love boulder just as much as the next person but i think its time for a late season rebuild. Bring back some of the things like the tire jib and some of the other more creative things that they have had this year and last....


    It's coming. I believe everything is getting rebuilt...but don't quote me on that.

  6. Whatever the facts are, :dunno

    I just want Big Boulder to blow snow so they can keep the parks open for as long as possible. :wub::)


    I'll be hitting BB tomorrow and Sunday and I can't wait to get back up there. :rock


    Don't worry...Boulder Park will be open as long as people keep coming. When it does close, keep in mind that it closed because nobody was spending any money there anymore. So when you throw your grill up in the parking lot don't complain when the park closes. There is enough snow in each of the three jumps to keep that park open as long as desired. The Plaza right now is the sickest park in the east. There are 8 awesome hits there that are setup better than anything else around. Everywhere else I went this season didn't have that many quality hits in a long run much less in a small area such as The Plaza.

  7. "that mountain" makes a hefty profit year after year. Their business people are astute enough to realize that perception = reality in the minds of their customer base. The fact that they had a couple of guns lit up on closing day was simply a calculated business decision that supported a very positive perception.


    If that works for them, then more power to 'em! That perception=reality move cost them multiple thousands of dollars. If I were a season passholder there I would want them to explain why they are wasting money which in turn drives the price of my pass up. My .02 worth.

  8. the incentive is to provide optimal skiing conditions for customers so that they buy season passes next year - or - at least come back again - in March. I was at "another mountain" on closing and they had the snow guns on nearest the lodge and the parking lot just to show patrons that they would blow at every chance.


    Well whoever is in charge of that mountain must hate making a profit. Running the guns is super expensive and to turn them on at this point in the year is not only foolish, but really just like pissing in the wind.

  9. I was at Mount Snow last week and I thought their parks totally sucked. The jumps in them are nice, but the features are weak. There is too much wasted space in there...they need more features and more normal ones at that. They just had to much crazy stuff in the vermonster...and a box made out of skate-lite? Who does that? I did like the mini-park at Sundance. That was fun. Going to Creek tomorrow for the first time so I'll see what they've got.

  10. I would imagine that speed also plays a role, relating to how fast the groomers go.


    That is absolutely true.....which is why good groomers turn the ground-speed down a little and take more time to make thing turn out nice. Any idiot can blast up and down the hill as fast as possible.

  11. It comes down to the grooming mostly. The snow quality plays a part in it, but then that just falls back on the ability of the snowmakers. JFBB has better snowmaking and grooming. JFBB has some of the best grooming in the east. I'm in VT right now and the grooming is lackluster. Having good operators in good machines makes a huge difference.

  12. Everyone's opinions are valid and equal. The real people that everyone should be pissed at are the ignorant scum-suckers who do crash into trees/lift towers/signs/buildings and then attempt to file suit against the ski area. Every ski area has signage (inlcuding the lift ticket itself) that explains and describes the fact that skiing/riding is a recreational sports activity and is in fact NOT SAFE. By accepting the lift ticket, every individual is agreeing that they understand the inherent risks involved in any winter sports activity.....however, these numbnuts still do stupid things and get hurt....which makes them feel like they can suck some money out of the ski area even though it is was the individuals fault and responsibilty.


    The problem for every ski area and all of us who want to ski the trees, etc. is that most people (especially in the lawsuit friendly northeast) are unwilling to accept any sort of personal responsibility.


    Elk has made their choice and that is fine. Regardless of the rules, if some a-hole hits a tree and wants to file suit then he can. No matter what the claim, Elk must spend lots of money in legal fees to fight it. It's a lose-lose situation. IMHO.


    I personally feel that JF has made a good decision to keep its terrain open. There are tons of great spots...like Mark's Way...the new glade from Challenge to River Shot.


    It's not on the map, but it's still there. And it has a name! BDK knows what I'm talkin' about.

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