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Posts posted by xNick11

  1. or is it like 10 times easy to spin on skies as opposed to a snowboard? i started trying 540s and it took me forever on a snowboard but the first one on skis i almost over-rotated it. any other skiier/snowboarder people find this to be true?

    ur correct..i could never spin on my board but i landed a 7 on my skis first try..it didnt work out a second time tho but i can land 3s with crosses and grabs everytime now..and im still workin on my 5s with my bigger skis...i never got a good day to try one on them yet cause its either to windy or the jumps just suck that day.
  2. Ok heres the deal i just started park this year. I can clear the jumps at cb.... Big Woop lol but i have a problem doing 3's and the rainbow rail. Every time i go to hit the rainbow i like get pushed off. dont know why ill get half way up it and my skis just want to push forward. And for 3's whats the best way to do them like use my arms to help spinning or just my legs? Any input i can get should help me so tell me lol.


    rainbow rail i cant give u much help on i suck at the rainbow box at montage..but the best imput i can give u for it is get more speed when u get to the top lean back..and for ur 3s u can use ur arms alittle to help u but looking over ur sholder helps alot more so do both of that and when u get better at them throw a cross in it..i feel more comfortable putting crosses in my 3s and i like to throw in grabs now that i can grab and spin and cross all at the same time.
  3. i havent been to montage in a while, and its sad to hear that their lackluster efforts of snow making are still persisting.

    this weekend it will be good..if u wanna go up either go friday or saturday in the say time..its supposta rain saturday night so i bet sunday wont be to good.
  4. He is very good at them, Ridge and I will watch him out west on the side of the mogul trails because we can't hang. Thanks for picking that part up. CB finally has moguls, we hope to make up there this season but we will be in Breckridge on that date.


    There are 6 criteria of the NextSnow Competition in Killington


    Slalom Race

    Carving Skills



    Big Air

    I tried to get him to change it to Nibbles or shorten it to Nips - but that is the name the kids gave him on the bus from the airport to summer camp in Whistler and he likes it, so I do my best to respect it. I'll give him this, it does create a memory point :woot

    ok well i agree.i bet he is awsome at mogules seeing he was doing 180s into them at blue lol..but to also help him get better take him to a gym to work on his legs..and make sure the gym has a tramp and a foam pit theres alot of gyms like this just call places around u and see..the tramp will teach him how to balance on his spins and the foam pit will help to but not as much as the tramp will..or i would suggest u getting a tramp at ur house its a workout and it helped me alot in my spins..also get him more into rollerblade all i did in the summer is rollerblading and tramps and im good at skiing now compaired to what i use to be last year when i started..if u want proof u can ask montageskier he saw me improve everyday.


    oh and think about entering him in the montage competition..he will have a really good chance in winning and getting another sponcership cause i know jeep and rossi will be there and idn who else but probably a few other shops from around here.ill try and find out this weekend.

  5. fruit boots

    what r they :huh:

    there another name for rollerblades..people call rollerblades,fruitboots usually cause there making fun of them.


    Papasteeze..ya definitly get nipples doin some mogules..racing would help but its not as fun.all the kids at montage who are good at mogules are good in the park also.it just gives u that momentum in ur hips and stuff..if u guys come to pasr day at montage on feb.12 2 of my friends can help him out in the mogules on lightning if lightning doesnt close again there will be some nice mogules up by then cause they just blew on it all night on sunday,all day on monday and all night on monday and idn about today it should be open but im not goin up then..so ya they can definitly help cause i personally suck really really bad in mogules.im only good in the park and just riding.

  6. probably... as long as they arent those stupid shoes with the wheels on them... those are stupid as hell. go buy a pair of blades so you dont look like a fool trying to "pop out" the wheel from the bottom of your shoe.

    lol no thos are heeleys but there sweet to..i see kids with them up montage everyonce in a while..soap should would be sweet tho u can like jump off a ledge and like 450 ont a handrail then 450 off...thad be so sweet.
  7. Ahhh, I wouldn't know...until they get Lower Runaway open, we have to take the shuttle bus to my Jeep. The second headwall on Cannonball is too steep for Ty. I'm left jonesing for a couple quick runs when it's just us...


    But it is pretty awesome that instead of catering to the MLK holiday people and opening Boomer and WL, they decided to blow through this cold snap...JUST FOR US REGULARS :D

    lol on the 2nd headwall me and montageskier and our friends were jumping the headwall pretty good today..and smoke was so sick tonight on the right side there was some sweet powder.
  8. spining on a snowboard is alot harder then ski as i find it..to spin on a boar car on the jump about 45 degrease angle then look over ur sholder..once u get that down u probably wont have to carv that 45 degrease on the lip.

  9. Where did you hear those rumors about a high speed lift? I've been dropping stuff in the suggestion box about that for a few years now. Maybe they'll name it after me. :P

    ya weve been doing it to for like 2 years now..but idn either one of my friends told me or the park dudes im not sure..but i know were getting a half pipe next year cause there cutting it in the summer.
  10. i have a atomic radon with amp-5 flow bindings..its in good condition all it needs is a filling in on the base and it will be perfect.its a really popy board i love it for jumps.it has a carbon ollie band but its a little stiff for butters but if u weigh more then me(130)u wont have a problem.im asking 200 for all of it.

  11. Not to be negative about anywhere else, especially Booter Mnt., but we just have different priorities and expectations at Montage...

    And one of these would change everything:


    ya that would be nice but i dont think we need a 6 person lift..4 is enough we have no lift lines to begin with.but that black pull over thingy will help alot whenthere making snow on smoke and its blowing ur ur face.but from what i hear montage is getting a high speed quad next year..but dont mark my words or anything its just what i hear.
  12. ya actually it was a very windy day today..we were getting filmed by outdoor life in the park for 1 run and it was so cold..i took a total of 4 runs all day and i was there 6 and a half hours..i couldnt stand it..tomarrow it will be nice tho they should be blowing all night so ill be up hitting the fresh powder if they dont groom it early.

  13. Montage has a sign near the ski school meeting place that says foul language is forbidden. It was pointed out to me by an instructor while I was waiting for Glenn who was in a 2 person, 30 minute lift ticket line. I thought I was using the F word quietly...

    haha thats funny cause montageskier and 2 of our other friends got there passes cliped on the one corner cause of bad language on the lift.


    but ya ill try to keep the language down a bit..if u guys really wanna make this a family friendly board u should get some kinda language block..ive seen it on some messege boards before it would say something like this !@#$.ya u guys should look into doing that..

  14. ahh today at montage it was windy as fuck...we had a guy filming me and my friends..he was from the outdoors sports on fox..and he got like 1 and a half runs of us rails and jumps..but i didnt get to hit our 35 footer in it i had to hit a rail so i did..but the wind killed it i took 4 runs today and i stay there from 10 AM-4:30 PM but me and my friends just fucked around all day it was fun.

  15. How were the conditions? Didn't they have a shuttle or something since the lift was down???

    no i dont think so..none of the kids i was riding with tonight said they needed a shuttle but i was sitting the the lodge for a good 2 hours all night and as i was just about to go out my friends came in and said they shut it down lol.
  16. montage closed down tonight cause of the wind..and 2 of my friends saw a chair hit a tower..so then we decied to go down white lightning and hike back up it sence the mountain was closes rofl.

  17. Yeah - I don't mind telling everyone that his attitude has stunk as of lately. Call me selfish, but respect and appreciation has really been lacking. I don't think he realizes how close he is to not skiing really soon if he keeps the crap up. If you see him this weekend, help me out!!!


    2 things.


    1. If he wants to compete in freestyle, then he has to train with the CAT team in the mornings when he isn't competing - with 100% participation, period.


    2. Freaking pants down around the knees.. If he shows any more than 2" of his underwear, he is freakin done. Silly request, but I am so sick of that style I can't begin to even explain. Lets, put it this way, you do not get extra style points for the lower you wear your pants.


    Is that too much to ask for to ski 60+ days a year?

    get him a belt that fits him and make him wear it tight..lol i love how he was just chewing on his belt at blue and he was like its so juicy :rofl
  18. ive found steel wool works pretty well :)

    hahaha..no the best way is that cloth and u can breath on the lenses to then wipe..and then the lenses get wet just dab on the water until its dry then u can wipe it otherwise it will scratch..and dont clean the inside of the lenses either it has a special antifog coating in it and i found that out a few weeks ago that only where my lenses are scratched is on the inside..but there only small scratches u cant notice when ur skiing.
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