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Posts posted by NJSkiFamily

  1. I think its terrific cb put that on its main page. I loved the photo.


    But cb should put general info about its race team on their main page. Otherwise you would never know cb had a race team.

  2. According to the picture, it looks like only part of the trail is bumped. Is that true? I can understand on a steep bumped trail its good to have the "skiers' lane" but not on a green trail. If you really want to learn to ski the bumps on a beginner course then you can't have that out. Be forced to ski the bumps the whole way down.

  3. Papa,


    I hear what you are saying. I think at some point we will definitely go. Its just a matter of making sure we have the $$$ set aside.


    I know it sounds corny, but just getting invited really is quite an honor. I'm just delighted they enjoy it and are showing some talent.

  4. Thanks skidude. I hadn't realized the scale needed to run a championship. That would really limit where in the East it could be held.


    My kids would really love to go one year (daughter qualified at the silver level) but we would really need to plan it in advance - you know how schools are getting uptight about taking kids out.

  5. Brokeskier is right - its been a bad winter for snow coverage up in Vermont. Sorry to hear you had a bad time at Smuggs. We love it and try to go twice a season. Smuggs has poor snowmaking abilities so they really suffer if there isn't much natural snow.


    I agree the lodges are terrible - but remember that the majority of guests have slopeside condos so many won't even visit the lodges.


    We go for the ski instruction - keeping the same instructor day after day really improves your ability.


    Call us crazy - we like the lack of high speed lifts. Keeps the traffic off the slopes. And we like the atmosphere of the place - very relaxed and people are friendly.

  6. Women's moguls was a bust for the U.S.


    My husband was saying that in World Cup soccer that the continent that hosts the cup does really well. I'm wondering if this will be true for the Olympics - that the Europeans do really well this year. U.S. did really well in SLC in 2002.

  7. Beachie,


    Do this.....at least get yourself a NASTAR registration number. That way if you decide at the last minute to take a run then you'll be ready.


    I race with the equivalent of the emergency brake on.

  8. Skimom,


    Me and the 'lets are planning on being at CB on Saturday. I saw on cb's mb that they are running a college race and will "try" to do NASTAR with a late start. So we'll head over to raceway around 2ish.


    Now for the stupidest question this season.......will it be crowded on Saturday during the heaviest snow time? I'm thinking people might wait until Sunday once the storm subsidies.


    Best quote I've read on this storm.....accuweather says we should check our milk and bread supplies.

  9. I was watching the weather channel this morning and at the top of the hour the hosts were talking about snow this weekend in the northeast. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!


    We're heading to CB on Saturday. Just me and the NJ'lets. My husband is having chronic sinus infections this winter and will be at the ear/nose/throat doctor getting it checked out on Saturday (only available appt). We're heading to Smuggs next week and he wants to be as healthy as possible for that.


    Beachie - tough call on going to VT this weekend. Where in VT? This storm might be a weekend event and you might be facing tough driving conditions coming home on Sunday.

  10. Earlier this week accuweather got all our hopes up saying the "potential" exists for a major snowstorm. Then yesterday they backpedaled completely saying the storm would go out to sea. Now the latest models are again showing we could get a big one. If I read it right, even noaa is saying be on the lookout.


    We've had our hopes dashed so often this winter I cautious to even believe. But I still got my fingers crossed.

  11. Atomic556,


    It takes more than just an afternoon to learn good carving. Depending on your $$$ you may want to invest in a few private lessons. There are some really neat carving drills to learn about getting your skis on edge and body position. And different instructors have different tips.


    One thing a lot of us fall victim to is staying in the back seat. You end up overloading your quad muscles and get tired very quickly. You really have to force yourself to stay forward. I've heard the comment about leaning on your bones as opposed to your muscles. Its true. Try to stay forward - you won't fall forward and you'll be less tired.

  12. Sorry Racerchick.....glad you cleared that up.


    Thanks to everyone for their comments. I think my problem was the timing of the turns.....getting too close to the gate to start the turn and then having to skid like mad. I need to think of that imaginary marker up above the gate and then initiate the turn.


    When I was standing watching the others doing their turns on NASTAR they were predominately small kids and they can get much closer to the gate to initiate their turns.


    Next time I'm just going to take it slow and play around with my timing.

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