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Tyler Durden

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n00b (1/10)

  1. What the hell, it's no going to be in a mall parking lot anymore? Last years was sickness and was close to my house. Now I am going to drive all the way to boulder. No more sketchy scaffolding and trucking in of snow? But thats still awesome there's going to be another one, they are always a good time.
  2. Yeah, I totally agree with you^.
  3. Yeah I always tote the toaster when I shred the citrus.
  4. As you may know one of PASR most prolific and most respected users TylerDurden, has been put on a one year suspension from posting on this forum. This suspension came without warning and no explanation to what measures were taken. TylerDurden is a vital asset to this forum, providing inside knowledge to mountains, giving tips to lesser skilled riders and most of all the amount of knowledge he possesses. TylerDurden kept this board alive and moving. TylerDurden needs to be brought back and slay injustice with an iron sword. Let your voice for TylerDurden be heard! TELL THE MODS TO BRING HIM BACK.
  5. Excuse me? Worthless? my brain power extends far beyond yours and your families, I also shed more information and knowledge on this website than anyone else.
  6. Today rocked cock the sun was shining and the snow was shredtastic. But really, the park was off the nectar and park crew did a great job. Plus the back country is at it's peak with a whopping 4 inches of real stuff, the back bowl was sick.
  7. No, what kind of camera do you shoot with?
  8. What does the winner get? Chances are I will crush everyone.
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