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Posts posted by skeer_tomas

  1. Bummed. Every weather outlet said that last night was going to get down near freezing (33-34ish) and it never got close. We were counting on beaing able to spread the snow around more but those temps never came and the piles just kept melting.... We had to completely re-do all the work I did last night in about an hour and a half this morning on a completely different part of the mountain making the lips by hand.


    House - It was either offer something today or nothing at all until after Christmas because that's what the forcast is looking like. Either way we're probably going to be starting from scratch with all this rain coming.


    If you guys can make it up tonight we'll still be doing free lift tickets at long as people are still riding. After tonight and tomorrows rain.. it's not looking good at all so get it in while you can.


    ... I don't even think it was alive the last time we had weather this screwed up.

  2. Winter - "Water temp too high is a fancy excuse."

    The only snow Bear has made so far has been with water right around 50 degrees. It's almost as if people aren't aware of the weather they have personally been experiencing. 60 degree rainy days in November? How do you not notice this and take this into account? Mushy snow for a base layer??? Come on dood... really??? the ground hasn't even frozen yet.


    burton71 - "Looks like they laid down a nice amount of snow. Perhaps late week opening?"

    It looked that way from the cams and from the driveway but in reality most of what everyone saw was just a coating with scattered piles that are untouchable with a cat.


    HouseMuzik - "At 27 degrees humidity is irrelevant (and for three days at BC the temp fell below that)." "You have all the guns on, the pressure through those guns is going to be less than just a few blowing." "Good luck BC, you need it.. "

    When you see accuweather saying a low of 27 you have to understand that this early in the winter it might not get that cold until 3am and even then it could only last for an hour before temperatures start to rise again. Those few nights it got cold enough to make snow we maybe got 20 total hours of actual snowmaking in. Regarding water and air pressure... that is what's irrelevant. We used to have to be selective of where we made snow because of pumping capacities but with recent upgrades in pumps and fan guns this is no longer an issue. We can run every single gun at simultaneously with no problems.


    GrilledSteezeSandwich - "Didn't they have 3-4 good nights of snowmaking??"

    Again, we had 3 nights of 'good' temperatures but the actual window of snow making each night was not that great.


    Kyle - "They have thin coverage over every trail when they could have a decent base over a couple trails, open with that, then go from there. "

    Again... the amount you can see is deceiving. If you were to take a probe out there and measure the depth of some of the piles they might only be 2 or 3 feet deep at their peaks. Trust me... once you're in a cat... that 2 or 3 feet disappears reeeeal quick. Not to mention the fact that just to travel from pile to pile would make every bit of snow out a muddy mess.


    Winter - "Bear creeks guns are very intelligent and can fine tune pressures and air speed (among other factors) while the addition of Snomax extends the range at which good snow can be produced."

    Half right... The fan guns are extremely intelligent and it's only a matter of time before the become self aware, start to replicate and attempt to destroy the world. But seriously, our fan guns are pretty much the best you can buy. Snomax??? Not so much... I don't think we've used an additive in a really long time.


    Winter -"The manager (with a degree in zoology i might add) seems to not be steering the boat in the right direction at times but his inner staff of managers is affraid to go against his grain. It's getting to be a soft dictatorship there. Good luck to 'em, with all that $$$ behind them though, they don't necessarily wince at a bad opening or early closing. "

    Incorrect. This entire statement just illuminates your exteme distance from reality of what actually goes on at BC. With the exception of a few department heads that aren't necessarily involved in winter ops... Most of us are extremely passionate about skiing and boarding and want nothing more than to be open right now. Not only so that I can continue to pay my rent (obviously) but we all want to ride too!!!

  3. It looks like we're going to turn the guns on tomorrow night and see what comes out. Accuweather is saying 23 for a low but with 50 degree water temps who knows what the snow is going to be like. Not sure about a hike park though. We'll have to see what kind of production we get this weekend.


    *Might turn on the guns tomorrow.

  4. It looks like we're going to turn the guns on tomorrow night and see what comes out. Accuweather is saying 23 for a low but with 50 degree water temps who knows what the snow is going to be like. Not sure about a hike park though. We'll have to see what kind of production we get this weekend.

  5. as long as they did it for a reason i dont care, but they still should just fix it. I also dont get why some feature never see the snow. Like for one the monster truck tire that just sits burried in snow could just be put up on the side of cascade somewhere as a stall or bonk or something. Just something small that takes up no room but is still fun to hit. And what happened to the wall ride?


    Hate to burst your bubble but the flat down as you know it will probably never see the light of day again. It was due for plastic replacement this summer anyway but if you look closely the actual box top itself is warping from impact in the same places over the last 6 years. Because of this, the flat down will probably be scrapped completely and replaced with a lighter, stronger, more efficient design. If you guys remember; all those 16" wide boxes were built in the time frame of 1-2 years of each other so what I'm seeing now is that they're all failing in one way or another just because of how old they are. Whether it be steel warping, plastic/hardware breaking, or just because of how absurdly big and heavy they are. We're on track right now to start phasing out the older features so that we don't have this same problem another 5 years down the road.


    The tire..... well we've found that it is almost too dangerous to put out. The ratio of kids who know how to properly jib it to the amount of kids who try to slide it like a box and end up leaving in an ambulance is (im sorry to say this) not in your favor. We can probably set it up top like you said though. It hasn't been up there in a while and it's pretty flat up there so noobs hitting it at mach 10 wont really be an issue.

  6. When we judged them we had a score of 1-5 for a bunch of different categories. Since we're on the topic of logos/portrayal of sponsors I'll talk a little bit about how we judged that. Here are some factors we ran into.


    -A video without any of the provided logos might get a 1.

    -No logos + If they put incorporated some good shots of the resort in it, they might get a 2.

    -If they had logos but modified them like they weren't supposed to, 3.

    -Logos in the intro/credits, 4

    -Logos in the intro/credits w/ some kind of special effect + good shots of the resort, 5


    It was our first year with this and we learned a lot just during the process of the whole thing but for next year I already have some changes in mind.


    The public round of judging ends tonight at 10pm so head over to the youtube channel and vote!


    GoPro Only Entries


    General Entries

  7. Holy sh*t storm Batman! I know this is the internet but DANG!


    I saw some comments about keeping parks closed until there is snow on them... makes sense to me and we pretty much did that with Cascade if you didn't notice. Until this past Thursday night when we changed stuff up there was literally 2 rails and 2; what we will call 'oddly shaped' piles of snow. Neither was to the standard that I prefer but their main function was to conserve snow before a rainstorm instead of spreading it out just to get melted.


    Flow......I see the word flow tossed around a lot. Anyone can fully admit right now that Cascade doesn't not 'flow' very well top to bottom. In my mind and most everyone else's I think, 'flow' is the ability to cruise through the park without much thought about stopping, or drastically changing speed to hit every feature in a line. Like I said, we are stockpiling snow at the moment so please don't look at Cascade as a 'full build'. Think of it more as just putting rails out where we can rather than leave it an empty trail.


    "Stockpiling snow you say? Well how come? The temps have been super low" Keep in mind, the wind & humidity have been super high as well. Notice how we have full coverage on most of Black Bear and half of cascade after a week. Also notice how we only have two lines down Black Bear. What you might not realize is that on skier's right of both trails we are sitting on less than a foot of snow and on cascade there's grass still sticking out. Wind played a HUGE factor in this. When we first started up the guns we had waaay wider coverage than the typical whale that you usually see.


    Without speeching too much more, all I have to say is please be patient. As much as all of us would love parks to be built with the snap of a finger, it takes time.


    BUT, here's the game plan for the next few nights just to give you guys a heads up.


    -The hip in cascade will be pushed over to make the top jump.

    -There should be a jump at the top of Black Bear tomorrow.

    -The top jump in the jump line will be pushed down to make the big hit in there. The plan this year is to have the biggest, widest landing we can possibly make at the bottom so that we can change out the lip with whatever size we want without much effort.

    -Hopefully, Sunday night we will have some more snowmaking in the parks. From there we will take both the trails to the full width and continue building bigger and better from there.



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  8. most likely all three parks; cascade and blackbear plus family park.


    Obviously it wont be full parks that are stuffed full of features like they are mid-late season but there should definitely be stuff in all 3 parks. Defintely less in cascade because the goal is to get burried on that trail as soon as possible so we can get jumps but like I said, there should probably be some rails in there this weekend.

  9. It's official! Friday at 9am we should have 90% to 100% of our trails open for riding. We've made tons of snow the past couple of days so I'm stoked to get out there and see what we have to play with. Stay tuned for updates on the park situation. I'm going to go out on a limb and say we'll have all 3 of our parks up and running. Maybe some jumps??? I'll keep ya updated as we get closer.

  10. this is screwing with me. im working in the caf and i need to keep up 18 hours a week to get a pass. but they arent scheduling me 18 hours. wtf? how am i supposed to do this video contest? any way some strings could be pulled so i could just walk up with a camera?


    I might be wrong on this but I'm pretty sure it's 18 hours to maintain your employee benefits. aka dependent pass.

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