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Posts posted by skeer_tomas

  1. 2010 Opening Edit Contest

    General: 1st Place--$250 & GoPro 960 2nd Place--$175 3rd Place--$100


    GoPro Only: 1st Place--$250 & GoPro HD Hero 2nd Place--$175 3rd Place--$100

    Here's how it will work: Pick 1 of 2 Categories to enter under. General & GoPro Only. General category would be for the super serious videographers out there that are trying to make a bangin' edit and win some loot. The GoPro Only category is for existing owners looking to go up against other GoPro heads.


    People who would like to enter this contest must physically pick up a contest packet from the Group Sales office here at Bear Creek. Contestants will have 14 days to shoot and edit their videos from the day we open for the 2010 season. Once completed, you must turn in a digital copy of you video to Bear Creek on the Thumb drives provided to you when you enter.


    Judging Round 1 - The first round will be an elimination round to determine the top 3 videos from each category to upload to our YouTube channel. This round will be judged by a panel at Bear Creek. Judging parameters for this round will be Filimg Quality & Creativity, Rider Performance, and Portrayal of Bear Creek & our Sponsors.


    Judging Round 2 - This round will be judged by the public. For 3 days your videos will be hosted on YouTube to aqquire as many 'Likes' as possible. How you go about doing this on your end is up to you but they will all be linked to on our websites & facebook pages for a fair display.




  2. In the interest of stokeage & a topic that is troll free, here is some updates on what to expect this season.


    The new Arbor rail. Double barrel construction & all natural bamboo skirting.



    Here's the 4x20 box after she lost some weight. We'll be able to set this up a bunch of different ways now.



    The new canon rail and 4 new wood jibs.



    This rail was resurrected from the remains of the small stair case that used to be in Cascade Park.



    The Family Park was moved for the last time back on to what used to be Lower Grizzly. We put a tree line across the top of the trail to eliminate the original problem of too much high speed traffic coming right into the park.



    HUGE snow making project went down on Black Bear this summer. 10 brand spankin' new Super Pole Cats. Fully automated as well. This should mean more efficient snowmaking, faster start up & shut down times.


    The other part of the snow making project on Black Bear was that we moved the lower Black Bear snow making line all the way to skiers left so now we have a wide open trail top to bottom.



    Some pretty big modifications went down on Cascade Park too. The cliff went buh bye. It was super fun while it lasted and had it's good days but the decision to get rid of it was based on the same logic as getting rid of the half pipe 2 years ago. The days it was icy and not fun to ride far out numbered the days where there was a soft snow landing. We should have more snow for that top jump as well. Before it literally took hours to dig out the cliff when it got buried.



    That's all I got for now. Keep an eye on the site and the facebook for more info on opening and other updates.

    • Like 1
  3. The cat walk is a killer, the lift lines sucked, couldn't even buy a $5 redbull if I wanted to, but it was a damn good weekend.


    Got to our hotel at like 2:30am on saturday. We were on the gondola by 8:30am with the ritual ice cold beer for the ride up. 2 for 1 lift tickets are awesome by the way. If you input a new name and a new email in that link that's being passed around you should be able to use more than one. Made our way over to the park to hike a bit. Pole jam, down rail, flat box,double barrel down rail, & a DFD. Not a bad set up for mid November. Got some turns in and left around 2 to go get some food. Pizza Jerks is bangin by the way. Back to the hotel to relax and get rested. FYI, Northstar lodge doesn't have a hot tub.. they have a hot pool. I was expecting moderately heated outdoor pool like most places but this thing was a steady 95 degrees.


    With a full 12 hours of sleep we headed out sunday morning and hiked the shit out of that park. Ended up taking like 4 chair rides all day and we were there open to close. Couldn't stick a blind 270 on to save my life but I did get few tricks I wanted. Got some food, some VT beer to take home, met Lucas Magoon's mom and chilled with her for a bit then hit the road. Oh yeah and Captain Hindsight just told me that buffalo and garlic/romano wings before a 6 hour drive home is a bad idea.


    Good trip.


    Might have some pics to post when I get home. Cole, if you see this post some up from your super fancy iphone.

  4. We'll be showing PBP's new film "Revolver" & Think Thank's film "Right Brain, Left Brain" on Friday, October 15th.


    -Doors open at 6:30pm

    -Movies start around 7pm

    -Admission: $10 or $5w/ a valid 2010-2011 season pass

    -First 50 in the door will get to pick out a free DVD courtesy of VAS Entertainment. Titles to pick from include virtually every film from Poor Boyz as well as a few other recent titles.



    Hope to see you there!

  5. We were planning on doing a pretty extensive build on Tuesday but right now it's looking like we could see some rain so we'll see how it pans out. I'll try to keep you guys updated as we figure out the plan.

  6. The down urban rail next to the flat down needs to be scrapped its verry bumpy and has a curve. When those Bmx Jumps go away could we see a stepup in cascade.


    My plan is to phase out/rebuild some of the oldest features this summer. That one probably wont be completely scrapped as it is still rideable but a new one similar in size and length will be built to replace it.


    and, yes. We will have some fun with all the new snow in Cascade later this week.

  7. Alias much???


    Sorry you're not a fan of the new park set-up but we were going for a set-up in Black Bear that would allow better traffic flow and better overall conditions throughout the day/night. What we've found is that when the rails are so close together people tend to make really quick speed checks in the exact same spots as everyone else and ruts form in the middle of the trails. That's why the old halfpipe area is spaced out now. Notice the lack of speed bumps that used to form throughout the day between the rails.


    I'll take quality over quantity any day.


    The jumps in Black Bear were set-up for the variety of riders that usually participate in the USASA comps which are mostly real young kids with a hand full of riders that will actually throw down. We didn't hear complaints the day of the comp so it served it's purpose. Bigger jumps will reappear on Cascade as soon as the BMX jumps get old and lose their glory lol.

  8. 42ft handrail would be superr funn.


    Yeah, that broke in half...


    But on a lighter note, we'll be making snow this week! We're in the process of recovering from the monsoon so we'll let some snow stack up this week and do a pretty big change up in lower Black Bear early next week. I think what we're going to go for in the the old half pipe area is try to space stuff out a little farther so landings don't get busted so quick.

  9. Personally I hate the way spray paint looks (especially in the spring when stuff melts), but if that's what people want we can go back to the spray paint.


    On another note, we're planning our first major build for Cascade park for this Tuesday night. We may have it closed down for a while Wednesday morning to get stuff shaped so keep an eye out for updates.

  10. The point of exposing the stairs is to scare the families away from skiing down the back side and getting squashed by people who actually hit it.


    I'd like to think that the crew is approachable. If you guys see a real problem with something that we don't see, please don't hesitate to go "hey! there's a problem with this". You guys are the ones paying money I encourage you to tell us what you want/don't want. And I promise when we have the snow to do a serious build on Cascade, you guys will get the 'true urban' stuff. 90% of the rails are on Black Bear which is the intermediate park so the setups have to stay intermediate.


    Oh, and about the igloo lol. There were a few guys who finished their shifts and had a strange ambition to build an igloo with the snow that fell off the yurt. If it's really that big of a distraction to the guests I can have it taken down.

    • Like 1
  11. are we gonna see a new park soon like by the end od this week or sooner


    Tomorrow night we're going out to make some changes. The plan right now is to completely redo Black Bear from the yurt down (at least). It's supposed to get down to 17 tomorrow night so hopefully new snow and old gross snow from the rain will get churned up for some decent conditions this weekend.

  12. conditions were soo sick today. jumps are all awesome and everything thats out right now is super sick. the staircase needs a little poppier lip to be able to disaster to the middle down but other then that everything is great.



    I'm on bright and early tomorrow at 7am. I'll see if I can carve it down a bit.

  13. this might not be the right thread but they really need to chill with all the salt on the lips. it gets wayyyyyy too slow



    We've had to use salt once so far I believe. I'm pretty sure what you are experiencing is what I ran into at the bottom of Sasquatch yesterday. I hit a bump, landed where I wanted to, my skis stayed put in the sticky snow and I didn't. I launched about 20 feet out of my skis and on to my face hahaha. If there is a rouge member salting everything though I'll try and figure out who it is for ya lol.

    • Like 3
  14. Whats the word on the 30,000 oil drum park builder?


    So, Ken (insert last name)... I didn't know there was word on one. Do you know something I don't? If you have a 30,000gal. tank laying around bring it on in. I'll see if I can do something with it hahahahaha.

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