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Posts posted by Ski4Food

  1. Wow if they haven't graded a pipe with dirt, it is going to take them FOREVER. A 22' pipe is going to take enough snow to cover several trails top to bottom. Have you seen how much dirt is under the mountain creek pipe, even the mammoth and park city pipe have dirt underneith.



    Very good point! That could very well become the most expensive pipe in the country! Goodluck Sno!

  2. Yeah I didn't have a chance to ski the Stratton pipe last year, but it sounds like I wasn't missing anything. I had the oppurtunity to ski Aspen's pipe right after the X-games last year and man oh man was that perfect!


    Steamboat has a pipe that has more Vert than most NY and PA resorts so that's a good time, and it consistantly has 20 foot walls with a sweet quarter pipe at the bottom.


    I would concur with the president of Zaugg though. Park City and Heavenly do both contend for the best pipe in North America.


    I skied Hunter a few times last year and whenever I was there the pipe was awful, but I do set the bar pretty high.


    Bristol in NY has the best pipe in my area. Greek would have an awesome pipe if they'd just put it on the run that I want. When they do things right it can be great... it just hasn't been open for 2 years.


    Someone around here should build a jump like they did in Aspen for the TGR Anomally shoot, that thing was sick and looks like it could be a lot of fun.


    I'll be sure to make my way to Seven Springs this year. How's the rest of the mountain, a good variety or terrain? It's a long way to drive for a pipe, but I know it'll be worth it.


    What trail is Sno putting the Superpipe on?

  3. I've taken lessons everywhere and the two best places I've ever found are Steamboat Colorado and Timberline Oregon.


    Steamboat has instructors that also work with the US Ski Team and if you schedule a park and pipe lesson they will take you anywhere and help you to better your skiing wherever you may want to. When you train and get coached on bigger mountains and then come back east your skiing is A LOT better!


    As far as Timberline goes, I have skied with Chris Hargrave. He's written the book on park and pipe lessons as well as much of the PSIA handbook. He is a PSIA Examiner and a full cert on Snowboard as well. He's a great guy and by far one of the best skiers I've ever skied with. He can teach you anything and everything that you want to know. He also runs the Cutters camp at Mt Hood each spring.

  4. Man that Seven Springs Pipe does look nice. I'd don't know if I'd go as far to say best in the east, but it's proabably the best non Vermont Pipe I've seen in a long time. Okemo, Mount Snow and Stratton all have excellent pipes and it would be a toss up between those three as the best in the east. But I'm looking forward to getting down to Seven Springs and taking a few laps in your U-Ditch!

  5. I'm not big on the park, but I love skiing Halfpipe!


    I'm looking to make it to PA a few times this winter and want to maximize my trips.


    What mountains have the best pipes?


    Also it'd be great if they have a good pipe, steeps, and trees!


    Let me know!


    Thanks ahead of time guys!

  6. Greek PEak needs a high soeed lift,,5k per hour is such a slow pace..


    You're telling me! I used to be in Marketing there and it's by far their biggest down fall, but they're not about to get one anytime soon! Ya gotta love the new 30 million dollar indoor waterpark and hotel though! GO GREEK! :banghead

  7. Don't waste Rene's time... Met him Tuesday btw, nice guy!


    I have to call him anyway I need to iron out some details on the whole Line Ski Board Disaster of '07. But yeah he's a hell of a nice guy. He was with Salomon for years until they made the mistake of dropping him, but I think he's better off!

  8. You didn't clean them with paint thiner or acetone did you?You've got nothing to worry about!Who knows maybe Line will recall all of the Invaders in February like they've been known to do in the past with their skis...My advice... Ski them hard they deserve it! Afterall they're just skis.I will call Rene our Line Rep tomorrow and get his input and let you know the outcome tomorrow nightP.S. Maybe the ski is just rejecting the binding... Skis don't like those Head/Tyrolia bindings

    What would happen if you did this? :rofl1970537923_6193a57cca_o.jpg
    That's fixable! It just needs some love!
  9. I've got a Giro 9.9 MX with Tune-ups that I'm willing to let go for like 30 bucks.


    I thought I'd check with you guys first, if not it's destined for E-bay


    Any takers?


    It's black and its a medium


    I also have...


    Anyone interested?


    Salomon CR LAB's in a 180 with Salomon S14's only ridden 4 times for pipe comps -


    $275 plus shipping




    Salomon Foil's in a 174 with S 912TI - skied for a season but in decent shape


    $250 plus shipping


    Or if you just want either skis for an even better deal I could sure use the bindings!


    Let me know!

  10. Haha, Well Wouldent it be apoxi? And NOH! It really shouldent happen THAT EARLY! FIRST DAY SKIING!


    Depends where you're skiing! I have a few pretty good shots out of my Walls from venturing a little to far into the trees at Okemo, but working in a shop gives me one of the perks of free tuning.


    Yeah don't ever epoxy the base of the ski that's just bad news. You might need a base weld, but its nothing a seasoned shop guy can't fix!


    Be happy you have those extra thick edges from Line it could have been worse!

  11. Me too actually...


    Anyone interested?


    Salomon CR LAB's in a 180 with Salomon S14's only ridden 4 times for pipe comps -


    $275 plus shipping




    Salomon Foil's in a 174 with S 912TI - skied for a season but in decent shape


    $250 plus shipping


    Or if you just want either skis for an even better deal I could sure use the bindings!


    Let me know!

  12. Volkl Wall


    I skied it this weekend and it was everything I had hoped for and more!


    It handled the ice, bumps, crud, speed, and everything I threw at it! Freeskier said it was the best twin ever made, and I must agree. For a twin it skied exceptionally well and is the twin I would reccomend for you!


    If anyone has any quams about my post its because you haven't skied it yet! :wub:

  13. I have nothing against the Line skis, I just didn't think they skied well. I have skied all of them and in a plethora of sizes. I spent two days in Stratton skiing on nothing but Line's. The skis one likes is a personal preference. Lots of people love the way Line skis ski. I particularly don't. I spend 40-60 hours per week talking and learning about skis, skiing on skis, and selling skis. I'm sorry if I sound like an uneducated idiot, but I am sure there are very few people on PASR that have skied on as many skis as I have. It's my job to know how a ski performs and to have skied it and to be able to give someone a good review of it.


    The Prophet 100 is probably the best out of them all, but it is probably too wide for PA. Again my opinion and I'm sorry if it offends anyone.


    As far as Salomon bindings being for little girls. I weight 210 and charge all day long and have never had a Salomon binding break. I have been a competition level mogul skier and always had Salomon bindings and have never had one break, nor have I ever seen one come back to the store for warranty.


    Ahh forget it, I'm going to Vermont! See you on Monday!

  14. My Thoughts...


    All The Lines Skied Like Crap... I don't reccomend them to anyone.


    The Silencer is not last years PE. It's the mold of the original Enemy. The PE is unchanged for this season. The Silencer is a great bang for the buck and looks super sweet with a pair of white Salomon z-10's or z-12's on it. The PE is a better all mountain ski and only a touch more on the price. Still not a ski I would whole heartdly reccomend, but it is an option.


    Keep us in the know! I know I'd love to hear about what you get!


    P.S. Don't buy online! Support your local shop! They need it!

  15. Phillycore has great advice! Without seeing your foot it's tough to suggest a boot. We are in totally different markets you guys all ride stuff that no one around here even asks about. Out of the box I think Tecnica has the best fit (but I also get paid to say that) but I full heartedly agree with it. Head is also making great boots these days and their prices aren't bad either. Definetly get yourself into a shop. Go in the morning when the stores are slow and the best bootfiters (the full time shop guys) are working and can devote some time for you. It's a process of elimination and a process of finding what boot you personally like best.As far as skis go... What exacttly is your budget?Foils are great they ski all mountain and park wonderfully! I've owned a pair for the last three seasons and though I'm not going to ski them much this year, I still swear by them. The Rossi Scratch's aren't bad but you need to go with last year or older. The knew Ghetto is a true park ski. Volkl Wall is an awesome ski, but might be more than you are looking to spend.See what your local shop has left over from last season, you can probably get a pretty good deal ans a better ski for the buck. I'll be looking forward to more info about yourself tomorrow night and then I should have more advice for you!Think Snow!One more thing.... You need help on Skis not Skies! :lol::wiggle

  16. Thanks Everyone!


    I dont think I've ever started a thread with such a good response!


    I don't ski PA that much but I know you guys are in the know and I can always trust your opinions!


    Our House is actually in Bridgewater which is half an hour away from Okemo which is where we ski normally. I hate Killington personally, but we can see the summit from the house which is nice when it's really dumping and the roads aren't plowed. Running a ski shop cuts into my skiing a lot so we don't make it to VT as much as we'd like, but its nice to have a place to go when things slow down.


    We've decided to ski Okemo on Saturday since they just announced that they will be open with 15-20 trails and then I think we're going to leave early on Sunday morning and make the hour and a half drive to Mount Snow and ski there Sunday and head home after skiing on Monday.


    I'm pumped! I'll be sure to give a full report next week!


    Next question... What two pairs of skis?


    I'm thinking AC40s and Mantras. Any thoughts? Did Mount Snow get bumped up quickly? I know Killington will... You can always bank on your first and last days of skiing in the east being bump days at Killington!


    Thanks Guys!

  17. They should come mounted measured center. That's the reccomended mounting point on that ski, and where the little hash mark is.


    You'll love being in the middle of your ski, it just makes you feel steezey!

  18. Hey everyone,


    So it's planned I'm skiing this weekend - just not sure where.


    We have a house just outside of Rutland so Killington is only a 15 minute drive once we get to the house. The drive to mount snow would be a tad bit longer, but I'm thinking it might be worth it.


    Let me know your thoughts! Especially you guys who skied Mount Snow last weekend!


    Thanks and Think Snow!

  19. The Silencer is a great ski for the price! All wood core, rivited tip and tail! It's a solid ski that is great for the park and it will even hold its own all mountain.


    It's the same shape and construction as an early Public Enemy and we all know how well recieved those skis were!


    Have fun I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

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