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Posts posted by ColoradoHigh

  1. Hi! I just became a part of this forum here and I would love to be a part of it. I love contributing to the community.

    I can probably add some humour to start with. Here are some funny stories that I read somewhere.


    A patient comes to a Dentist with a tooth pain.

    Dentist : Two of you teeth are infected and we need to extract them.

    Patient: How much will it cost?

    Dentist: Seven hundred and fifty dollars for both.

    Patient: What? Seven hundred and fifty dollars for 10 minutes of work?

    Dentist: Well, if you like, I can pull them out slowly! payday-loans.gif


    Here is another one:


    Husband and wife have just left their home for camping.

    Wife: We should turn the car back! I forgot to turn off the gas stove and it might burn our appartment!

    Husband: It's okay, the apartment will not burn, I forgot to turn off the shower.


    The last one:


    A trial is in progress in the court room.

    Lawyer: Your Honour, if a person has 18 criminal records he is not a criminal.

    Judge: Then who is he?

    Lawyer: He is a Collector.


    Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.



    Nice post.


    Let me guess, you are the same person...amiright?

  2. Nice try. :rolleyes:

    Until you're consistently clearing the medium-large jumps I am, you have ZERO room to call me "mediocre" or say I get "smaller air". FYI:The people that ride with you at Blue say you suck. Kinda sad when you've been skiing almost every day for years and you do nothing but run your mouth online. :lol:


    Doug DOES NOT suck at skiing. He might not be a racer or park rat, but he goes through the park, hits the jumps, does the rails, and races too. He might not be the best racer, but he is a GREAT skier on the entire mountain. He can ski on any trail, here or out west, he can ski powder, and he can ski on complete ice. He can ski moguls.


    Don't take what other people say as fact about things you don't know yourself.

  3. Most ski patrollers are great people and are in it for the commaraderie and the Thursday night circlejerks..but some have a power trip and get off whistling at people and writing them citations for going 26 in a 25...lol..oh well..kill them with kindness..give them a friendly hello..yell kind things at them from the lifts..and give them a big hug..come on people now smile on your brother and everybody come together come and love one another right now..


















  4. Just was wondering if the ONLY time you come to play is if snow is falling from the sky.


    We get a few inches once in a while around here that makes sticky NO GO SNOW and its the only time

    I come in off the snow when we get that kind of snow.


    If they groomed the trails before 3 and snow falls all day then you won't get to slide.

    You just stick in that kind of snow.

    If you want to play in the park in soft stuff you will be very limited.

    Very few days of hero snow in the Poconoes.



    As I do go every weekday, for 3 years now, I can tell you from my experience that

    we have had less than 5 days of sticky gluey snow this year and the rest of the time

    nice fast rideable snow.

    Thats the snow, I can't tell you about the hits in the park. I don't jump shit. I'm too old for

    that game.


    You know, this one time at band camp... :rolleyes:

  5. It was great to come out today....since it was a PASR Day a lot of people came out, except for ThinkSnow Greg. Slacker... :P So, my dad and I pulled in at around 8:15AM. It was 25 degrees at the top, and 19 degrees at the bottom. Mad temp inversion. The first run my dad and I took was on Challenge. Great, chalky snow. Very cold powder at the top and more scraped off in the middle. They had Razors closed all day because of a PARA race. I took 2 runs before meeting up with Doug, Jeff, Root, MtnBike, and a few others. It wasn't quite 9 yet so we took another run down Paradise...a speed run. Then we met up at the top again to see a few others, and Sexkitten and bob...But not ThinkSnow...Jeff called him up and he said he felt shittay. So we rolled with out him. I forgot to mention NastarGlenn and Toast. We skied with like 15 people which was cool. Most of the morning the snow was great. The lines weren't to bad in the early going, then the people came out in full force once it got warmer. The lines were EPICALLY LONG. The line for the six pack when back all the way to the ticket check, well almost. But i was able to get into the VIP line when I told the guy that was checking for passes that I was with Jeff and Doug and them...the people with passes. he was alright with it.


    I have to get a season pass to either Blue, or Bear...

  6. Great morning today. Snow wise, it was great, soft packed powder...Challenge was nice in the early hours. Main Street was probably the most consistent today, with excellent snow. It was nice skiing with everyone, and it was nice to meet SK and Bob. I really wanted to meet the father of PASR...oh well, maybe next time.

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