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About Humbleslc

  • Birthday 09/28/1983

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Bataleon Riot
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Bear Creek

Contact Methods

  • AIM
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    East Texas
  • Interests
    Snowboarding and Volkswagens

Humbleslc's Achievements

Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. He is still on a public forum, he should be representing himself more professionally.
  2. Telling people they suck and their parents hate them, that is pretty degrading, I would not want him influencing anyone.
  3. I hope you're not a real teacher.
  4. just saw the skidloader moving and settin up rails, looks like they are setting up the hike park, get your suntan lotion ready.
  5. You take everything I say serious, not all is true.
  6. Nope not at all, try again.
  7. They only closed because of daylight savings time.
  8. Bear Faces the sun all day long, blue and spring do not, sun plays a bid factor in snow melt, think about it.
  9. I attented this last year, it was a blast.
  10. Both Parks were Top Notch This morning.
  11. Probably should have ollied on.
  12. I'll see you next week, we will play snowboards
  13. Humbleslc

    Bern Helmets

    I buy whatever I can get cheap.
  14. Humbleslc

    Bern Helmets

    I emailed there warranty department, hopefully I hear back soon.
  15. Are you edge high, if not it will not matter, but if you are edge high you could possibly damage a stone.
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