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Everything posted by dwnhlldav

  1. It's more of a what do the expect? You never to loose anything? I would't expect you to seriously tell them that.
  2. I lost a phone in Las Vegas once, a bum picked it up and called a whole bunch of the numbers on the little porn cards the guys on the corner hold out. It's a long story but I got it back. I don't know why parents get so upset about losing your phones (not just you but a lot of kids I know) They're small and easy to lose, if yor parents don't want to run the risk of having to spend more money, tell them not to get you a phone. If you're like me and destroy them every 4-5 months (Run them through the wash, drop them off high ladders while working, drop them while trying to skateboard and talk on the phone) then I could understand them getting pissed after the first couple times, I couldn't bring myself to tell my wife the second time it went through the wash. As far as she knows, it just stopped working It would be wise to get the insurance on it. Well worth the 5 bucks a month if you trash phones.
  3. Here's the deal with locks, they will stop someone who would walk by and pick up your gear, but someone who is out to steal can cut any of the cable locks pictured in seconds. Not wire cutters mind you, but cable cutters. I have a pair of twenty dollar bicycle cable cutters that will snip one of the kryptonite locks in two snips, at a couple seconds a snip its very quick. Before anyone asks why I know this, I have worked in bike shops for many years and we regularly have people who have lost their key/combo and need locks cut off. If your wondering, Ulocks can be broken very quickly, and Kryptonite had an issue with older locks being able to be picked with a bic ben body.
  4. Something else they're doing, they have a pretty good camera setup, if stuff gets stolen and they can find the responsible parties on video they play it over and over on one of the TVs in the lodge asking for info. Hopefully it will cut down on the number of thefts at BC. I have heard of stuff being stolen from out of the Ski School room.
  5. Has management considered that they may not see enough dollars this season to offset costs, but perhaps more season passes next season by staying open into april?
  6. The ski school has been working on training some of the instructors on how to teach terrain park skills. I would suggest signing him up for a private lesson once the beginner park is up and running. Make sure to specifically say that he wants to work on terrain park skiing when you sign him up. But also know that in order for him to learn in the park he needs to have a good stance and good balance so the first lesson may focus mainly on balance and stance, with some park. While subsequent lessons could focus more on park skiing. All this depends on where he is now in his skiing.
  7. Hey Mark, The area in Between Extreme and grizzly saw a lot of snow from the guns last season and would make a short but somewhat steeper gladed run then skiers left of Grizzly. I think Both would be ideal. This season is a poor indicator. Last season I was skiing the area inbetween Extreme and Grizzly from mid February through mid March. Without touching any rocks. Samplings were a whole other story.
  8. They may be gettin the same amount of snow but because Blue is on the other side of that Giant ridge (which happens to make a great natural barrier to air flow) they tend to have colder temperaturs by a couple degrees. This can make a huge difference in how much snow they have/keep.
  9. It was windy, but not to bad. The conditions were less then ideal. All the snow we recieved (I live in Morrisville) did not make it to BC though. They received no measurable snowfall. They blew a ton of snow but it will all be gone again by this weekend. This weather sucks!
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