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Everything posted by n0xidee

  1. were you at blue knob? no. is this the blue knob forum? yes. so why would I ask you if u were at the demo?
  2. Today was supposed to be a demo day, did you get around to trying out any new skis?
  3. I dunno I have never been there. But don't knock it cause you have never been to Blue Knob. If you don't want to make the drive out here, fine, go to vermont or new york. Why don't I just go in your camelback forum and be like, so why would I make the 5.5 hour drive when I could just go to New York's Holiday Valley? Its the same thing.
  4. The park may be the worst park in the United States. The verticle is 800-1000. The snowfall is fantastic. They get atleast two of these 1 foot overnight dumps a year and get some natural snow every week. I have skied pretty much every PA ski area and besides White Lightning, I would consider Extrovert the only other real double black. It is one of the steepest if not the steepest run in PA. Deer Run's pitch is on the same level as Challange or Razor's Edge. Plus there are no other glades trails like these in all of PA.
  5. Hey hey hey just got back a little bit ago from a nice little 5 hour session. Wanted to get there for opening but went out to my car this morning and had like a half inch of ice on it. So I didnt get onto the mountain until about 9:30. Took 2 runs before seeing Volkl. Did a few runs with him then he went in for a break and I continued. Did some runs mostly down Jack Rabbit because it was groomed. Met up again with Volkl. We did two runs and they opened up the lower chair lift so we moved down there hitting Stembogan. It was getting really windy and Volkl and I went our seperate ways. I did a run down Stembogan, a run down Edge Set, a run down High Hopes, and one more down Deer Run. Edge Set was alright. It was ungroomed to it was still pretty crusty, and with my thin skis, things didnt go that well. After that I went into the lodge. I had done a total of 15 runs. Grabbed some nachos, sat and talked with Volkl who was packing up for a little. Then went back out and did 5 more runs ending the day with a total of 20 runs with a vert of just over 16k. Left at around 2:30. It was great meeting a fellow PASR and thanks for the pics! More of you should come and enjoy the Knob! P.S. Anyone wanna give me a pair of skis? mine have no edges left, not even worth waxing, and too skinny to enjoy any days we get powder
  6. Hey good news just found out classes tomorrow are cancelled. First time they have cancelled schoool since the early 90's. That means I will try to be there at opening. Looks like conditions should be amazing with all this snow we are getting. I'm gonna try and get there right at opening, and if you see me yell and I will give you a $5 off coupon. Look forward to seeing you sometime.
  7. I am not sure about where to stay but I would guess ur best bet would be altoona because thats the closest big town.
  8. Oh also to answer your question, it is about a 4 hour drive from the philadelphia area. Depending on traffic and how fast your drive, it is possible to make it in under 4.
  9. Hey there! It is def worth a trip out here, especially if you make it here when they get some natural snow which we are supposed to be getting around a foot tonight. The terrain I would say is the best in PA. I am from the Philly area and have skied all the eastern PA mountains and this mountain tops it. It would easily be the best mountain in PA if it had just one high speed lift. Thats the only problem I have with it. Other than that you cant beat it. It doesn't matter what time you get there, it hardly ever gets crowded. Most of the people there are locals and they are very friendly. I personally don't see any problem with the lodge besides the size of it, but I also don't spend time there.
  10. Hey hey hey sorry my computer has crashed and I haven't been to the library lately. I can get there by like noon time on Weds. Thats the only day I would be able to make it so I will look for you. I will be wearing white pants, black jacket, black/white beany, either Black Oakley goggles or White Spy goggles depending on the sun. I also wear a black/red Spyder backpack which is the easiest way to find me. Yell out Brian or n0x if you see me. Looks like your just in time, we are supposed to be getting 8-12" of fresh powder just through tonight. Hope to see ya there.
  11. Roundtop is doing something like that. You get a team together and get sponsors. All the proceeds go to a cause. Then you ski for 24 hours and they give out prizes for things such as team with most vert, individual with most vert, ect.
  12. n0xidee


    Just getting on for the first time so I will post now while watchin the bowl. Set me alarm for 7:30 so I could try to get there for some first tracks. Didn't work out to well. Went to a big party last night with my baseball team so I didnt get up till 9. Left the dorm around 9:45 and got to the knob at like 10:45. Booted up, got my lift ticket, and was on the hill by 11. It was COLDDDDD. Had to be below 0 with the wind chill. Started with a run down Jack Rabbit, then to Expressway, to Mambo Alley, to Deer Run. Haven't had any new snow and the conditions sucked. Didn't look like they blew any snow last night. All was completely hard packed or ice. I have real shitty skis with no edges at all. Completely worn down so I basically can't ski on anything then fresh snow. After doing those runs I went to the lower part of the mountain to get some pics of Stembogan and Upper Extrovert. Did both of those and then Stembogan again. Stem had some good snow on the sides so had some fun there. Extrovert is rediculous. They havent put bumps on them yet but there are some natural ones. It is STEEEEP. Almost took a nasty spill and it will be the last time I do that. Took some pics which didn't turn out as well as I wanted them to. Wasn't my camera and it isn't the best camera. Also the sun was shining straight into the lens on some. I will try to get them up soon. Skied a few more runs down Deer Run, 1 down the "park" and a few down Expressway. Did 11 runs in total and was out of there in an hour and a half. It was just too cold and I still had a headache from last night.
  13. I'll be at blue tomorrow. Prolly around 9ish. Oh wait this isn't the Blue Knob board...
  14. Will do. What else does a college kid have to do? Homework? Pshhhhh. Yeah both are nice places. I prefer the Knob because it doesn't matter when u go, there is no more than a two minute lift and that was only on a sunday afternoon. If anyones ever out here, holla at me, ill be happy to shoot over to either place.
  15. I think the glades are a little over rated. They are really short trails. Although the two double blacks aren't open yet. I have never been to any other bowl but it is a decent size. It has many different difficulties to drop into. From making it a trail into actually dropping straight down a few feet. If I get there this weekend, I'll borrow someones camera and try to take some good pics for yall. It really is worth a trip out here for a weekend. From philly its around a 4 hour drive. If you speed u can make it in like 3.5 hours.
  16. So, Blue Knob, good time, yall should check it out
  17. Yeah I know it's a day late but I got in late last night and had a paper to do and was at class/practice all day so here it is. Not like many people care about the Knob anyway . Pulled into the lot around 1:45. Temp was in the mid teens but with no winds and the sun was shining bright which made the weather perfect. I was probably 1 of 20 cars that were there. Found out the lady who works at the ticket booth is a mom of a kid I know here at school so she gave me the student discount even though its only on Tues/Thurs/Sundays. Booted up and hit the slopes by 2:00. Only the Route 66 lift was open so I got mad vert but the lift is slow. I started with 5 runs going straight across the mountain, Jack Rabbit, Expressway, Mambo Alley, Deer Run, all to Run Out and then Stembogan. The night before we received about 6" of fresh powder and even when I got there and started skiing at 2 I could trace my tracks down each run I went. Felt like I had the mountain to myself. After Skiing those runs I did 1 more Stembogan and 1 more Deer Run to Run Out to be brought up at the top by Route 66 lift. By this time they opened up the Expressway lift. It was around 3:30-4:00 when I guess the local high schools let out cause traffic started to pick up with a bunch of kids. Even with all the high school kids, its about as crowded as Blue Mountain on a Tuesday morning. So basically no one was there. For the rest of the night I basically switched it up from Expressway to Deer Run. Did only 3 more runs throughout the night down to the Route 66 lift. Only stopped for about a half an hour for a slice of shitty pizza and to hit the bathroom. Ended up doing 35 runs and was out of there by 7:30. Be back there again either Sat or Sunday or both. Depends how my nights go Friday and Saturday.
  18. Hey thanks for the suggestions. Yeah I found that out on the bowl that the further u go around the less steep it is. Also they have a TON of snow on deer run. Surprised they havent groomed and opened it yet.
  19. Went to the Knob for the 2nd time tonight. Pulled into the lot at around 6:30 due to all the snow. Took about an extra hour to get there. I didn't have a temperate read out but I would say it was in the low teens + wind chill which made it COLD. Got my ticket at 6:43 and hit the slopes. Started with a run down Jack Rabbit. The snow was excellent. We got between 3 and 5 inches of nice powedery snow today and it snowed throughout my time there. Was a real treat skiing in like 2-3 inches of natural snow other than on hard pack or ice. After JR I bombed down Upper/Lower Expressway. It wasn't crowded at all with about 80% of them being beginning boarders meaning scrapping away alll the new snow so I headed to the lower side of the mountain to try out Stembogan. It is a real bitch to get to cause they made a single trail to get to the bowl, but it is pure flatness. It keeps out a lot of the beginners but it is off of a Green so u can't get any speed to ski down so baically ur pushing the whole time. So i get to the bowl and I am the only one there. Coverage wasn't bad but there were some weeds sticking up so I tried to find a nice spot to drop in. Found a nice spot so I dropped down and continued around the first turn to find huge mounds of snow all over the trail. I dunno if they ever groom it, but it was in aweful shape. It is a tight trail and there was just large mounds all over the place. So that was my only trip down there. Also the chair lift all the way to the top is the slowest lift in the world. The rest of the time I just did runs switching between Expressway and Upper Shortway to Mambo Alley. Only did 9 runs in the hour and a half I was there. It was just to windy and cold and I also forgot heavy socks so my feet were pretty much frozen. Also on my last run I took a pretty bad spill. I was headed down Expressway and got cut off by a border and hit a small patch of ice and my leg just went out from under me. Pulled out of the lot around 8:30. I really need to get there for a day session so I can hit the glades trails that are open. Prolly be back there again next weekend.
  20. I'll be heading up to the Knob for a night session as long as my car makes it on Sunday night. Anyone else gonna be there? Anyone else even go there?
  21. n0xidee

    K2 PE's

    Anyone know any place that I can get a new pair of Public Enemies and bindings for less than $489.00? The bindings that come in the package are Rossignol Axial 120 Pro Wide Brake DIN 4-12.
  22. Lucky. I wanted to go with the ski club but they only go to Seven Springs. What fraternity were you in?
  23. I wish it was $10 for night skiing it is $23 and they only have lights on like half the mountain. It is $40 which is pretty expensive for a 4 hour ticket. Me as a college kid can't afford that for that long. I really wanna hit it when it is fully open
  24. Indiana University Of Pennsylvania or IUP for I Usually Party
  25. Yeah my school is only like 50 mins so i play on hitting it a number of times. We have been getting a lot of snow over this weekend and all today. It is supposed to snow all week so hopefully it will be all open this weekend. Only problem is, is that it is all back roads to get there and if they aren't clear my car will never make it. Thanks for the verticle! If you ever come out let me know and maybe we can meet up and take some runs together.
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